Is Video Fakery the New Transsexuality? Or the New Alien Abduction?
Submitted by casseia on Fri, 2007-06-29 00:15.This is part one (duh) of a five part series, and "socialservice" definitely leads with his/her strongest arguments. Having watched this part several times, I would now definitely entertain the idea that some faked video was broadcast on 9/11.

The People's Republic of China Learns About Bohemian Grove!
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2007-06-28 21:27.According to my (American) sources, who thought this was fascinating (they had read about BG in Craig Unger's House of Bush House of Saud) this article has a fairly neutral to positive tone, one of simple curiosity and interest. There is no mention of satanic rituals, just that it is a club that includes many important people who are interested in reviving ancient rituals. The story says that very few people know much about what goes on there but that interest has been growing recently. In other words, nothing weird about it. my source says that it almost sounds like they're saying that this is the kind of stuff that interests the American elites so maybe we should be interested in it too as our country becomes the next superpower. See the original page, which also includes a feature on wtcdemo's own Paris Hilton!
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What is the worst showing yet by the Loose Change boys?
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2007-06-28 14:32.
911Blogger Front Pages Video Featuring Mega-Disinfo Shill David Shayler
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2007-06-28 14:01.And Jon Gold posts LIHOP piece (I know, big shock!)
The Shayler video is apparently a slick production and for anyone who fails to read the dissenting comments on 911B will probably seem like a great resource. Problem of course is when they email it to all their friends, someone will discover that David Shayler thinks missiles disguised as planes with holograms hit the towers and that life on earth was brought here by aliens. The poor fool who sends the video then gets mocked by his buddies and never touches anything remotely resembling a 9/11 truth video, site, book, etc.

Dylan, Jason, and Korey - Straw Men for Hire
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2007-06-28 03:20.Straw men are known not just for being easy targets to get beat up on, but also for not having any brains.
How else to describe those irrepressible Loose Change boys? Not only do they hock snake oil remedies and apocalypse-prep kits on the Genesis Communications Network with their silly radio show, but apparently they took it upon themselves to "debate" Rolling Stone's resident mockingbird Matt Taibbi. See the last question in this Q&A with Taibbi.
Honestly, if anyone still thinks the Loose Change boys are legit, I invite you to enlighten me as to how on earth you manage to do so!

Submitted by Paris Hilton on Wed, 2007-06-27 19:36.I can't believe this chick is defending the fat movie guy. Didn't he like, just say that Iran didn't do 9/11 or something weird like that? And yeah, my labia are nice and tan, so what? You go, Larry!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Dear Larry,
There are not many people who are blessed to have a position such as the one in which you find yourself today. I knew your name from years ago. I knew that if someone was on Larry's show, it was a big deal. That guest would be smart, contributive, and poignant. I would walk away from your interviews, Larry, feeling as if I'd just been let in on a secret dinner conversation. I used to find your questions imaginative, original, and somewhat interesting and clever. Your suspenders, with matching ties... really, that is such a cute idea. It spells class all the way.

A Chapter From Jewish History Jewish Religion by Israel Shahak
Submitted by gretavo on Tue, 2007-06-26 18:20.In the interest of equal time and being fair and balanced, here is a discussion of Classical Judaism (what religious Jews today practice) written by a secular Jewish concentration camp survivor... Be sure to share this information with those who think Islam is not a religion of peace but that Judaism is!
The Laws Against Non-Jews
"Chapter 5"
Jewish History, Jewish Religion:
The Weight of Three Thousand Years
by Professor Israel Shahak
About the Author:

Missing Lockerbie Story From TimesonlineUK
Submitted by gretavo on Tue, 2007-06-26 15:53.Mysteriously unavailable at the original site, this story from the feeds on the right hand column is quite interesting--let's follow developments, as this is a relevant precedent for a reinvestigation of 9/11...
Calls for A Full Public Inquiry Into Lockerbie Bombing:Will Traficant Be Proven Right Again?
Posted by: Doubting Thomas (IP Logged)
Date: June 25, 2007 03:57PM
James Traficant has always maintained that Libyan national,al Megrahi, was framed by the FBI/CIA in the downing of Pam Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. Al Megrahi's alleged co-defendent was acquitted.

Should This Blog Become a Gossip Rag?
Submitted by Real Truther on Tue, 2007-06-26 14:23.The question is tongue in cheek of course since we at wtcdemo strive to adhere to the most stringent journalistic standards always. As the registered users may have noticed recently the number of reads on each post is now available for you to see. See a trend? The ones that have to do with the movement and its motley cast of characters routinely get double digit reads while the posts about, well, 9/11 itself seem to struggle to get out of single digits. Since wtcdemo does not accept advertising (or donations, fear not!) it's not so much a reason to dedicate ourselves to gossiping about people in the movement, but it does seem interesting (i.e. it seems to mean something) that those posts are read by so many more people than the others. Could it be that there are in fact dozens of people trolling the internet not in search of candid discussion of the real issues surrounding 9/11 but who are instead more interested in the politics of the movement?

The Political Spectrum and 9/11 Truth
Submitted by gretavo on Tue, 2007-06-26 01:11.I thought this was a great write up by Shumonik over at Truthaction.org (YT aka Cosmos' site)--reproduced without permission because... yeah. Good stuff, wonder what people think!
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:14 am
Post subject: Political Bias and its relationship to 9-11 Truth
I was thinking that although the left-right divide has been used to divide and conquer us as a nation and a world, there are real differences to the way that people perceive politics and the way it plays out in understanding 9-11.
all of these following statements are generalizations
the radical left understands the word imperialism in the form of neo-cons and israel and resource domination. They understand from their economic/social analysis these guys are not incompetent so you just have to hone in on facts and the power of 9-11 Truth to undo Empire

What Will Larry Own at the New WTC Complex?
Submitted by gretavo on Mon, 2007-06-25 19:16.My understanding is that he had to fork over a portion (about 800 million) to the Port Authority towards building the Freedom Tower, and that he is also obliged to use at least some of the rest of the insurance windfall to rebuild on the site. But will he own those buildings that he rebuilds? He certainly owns WTC7 because it was his outright before 9/11. But when he collected 4 billion in insurance, that money is his, no? And if he is rebuilding on the site (buildings other than the freedom tower) with the money, those buildings will be his, right? So he really WILL have made a huge profit, despite all these issues about being "forced" to rebuild and to contribute to the cost of the Freedom Tower. Can we try to find out exactly what the terms are as far as rebuilding and ownership on the WTC site?

Christie Todd Whitman Testifies Today on Air Quality
Submitted by gretavo on Mon, 2007-06-25 18:18.This from the EPA Inspector General's report:
EPA issued five press releases within 10 days after September 11, 2001, four
more through the end of December, and another four through the end of May
2002. EPA’s WTC press releases from September through December 2001
reassured the public about air quality. Although EPA’s press releases generally
recommended that rescue and cleanup workers take precautions to reduce their
exposure to pollutants, EPA’s basic overriding message was that the public did
not need to be concerned about airborne contaminants caused by the WTC
collapse. This reassurance appeared to apply to both indoor and outdoor air.
For example, EPA Region 2 officials told us that the September 18 statement
made by the EPA Administrator (see Appendix C) that the air was “safe†to
breathe only applied to:
• long-term health effects – not short-term or acute health effects;
• the general public – not Ground Zero workers;

Subtle Disinfo Watch - Dem Bruce Lee Styles Casts 911Blogger as the Victim of No-Planer Smear Campaign
Submitted by gretavo on Mon, 2007-06-25 16:55.Dem Bruce Lee Styles has posted a video at YT's Truthaction forum of Andrew Lowe Watson (a notorious no-plane advocate, part of the blatantly obvious disinfo crowd) where ALW attacks him, Jon Gold, YT, and others. Because I think YT is actually sincere, I think this is a method that the subtle disinfo crowd is going to be using to try to preserve credibility in light of their being exposed as censors of anti-LIHOP and anti-Zionist posters.

CIA to Declassify the Goods - Should we be Skeptical?
Submitted by gretavo on Mon, 2007-06-25 16:11.Someone yesterday mentioned to me this whole thing about the CIA releasing all kinds of documents detailing their nefarious deeds. The guy who mentioned it was a skeptic of 9/11 truth who really was not making very good arguments generally. Seeing as how the story is being blogged on 911b by none other than Jon Gold I figured it was probably a good thing to comment on.

The Unwritten Rules of 911Blogger.com
Submitted by Real Truther on Mon, 2007-06-25 13:44.911blogger accepts that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by agents of the Bush administration, soon to be history, anyway. It is forbidden to write diaries that:
refer to claims that Israeli or any government except Pakistan's assisted in the attacks
refer to claims that any accepted icons of the 9/11 Truth Movement might have ulterior motives. That includes members #1-15.
suggest there might be other gross falsehoods systematically pervading history, unless explicitly approved of by the accepted icons of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

A Day in the Life of Real Truther
Submitted by gretavo on Mon, 2007-06-25 02:03.Lovely day in Cambridge, lots of people to talk to, very few assholes to deal with. Met a few fellow truthers by pure coincidence. Found out that just down the street another 9/11 film festival was taking place at the Democracy Center. We're everywhere, folks...

Nice Demolition Convo on 911B
Submitted by gretavo on Sun, 2007-06-24 00:20.The original post is here, but it is CONSCIOUSNESS (one of the good cookies still left at 911B) who nails it in comments. Nothing terribly new here (as the poster of the blog seems to think his/her "theory" is) but I love the comment by C because it includes many important details. I'm not really sure about the bill folding points--it IS suspicious how closely the folded images match but even if this was deliberate I bet it was only meant to lend an "occultish" and freemasony aura to the whole thing. Anyway, here is C's comment in all its MIHOP w/faked hijackings glory:
Good to see critical thinking...
But I think you've got it wrong. You need to keep doing more research, you don't have all the details yet.
Don't try to figure out how THEY pulled this off. Try to figure out what YOU would have to do if you wanted to pull this off.

Ron Paul's Right Wing detractors
Submitted by gretavo on Fri, 2007-06-22 19:31.Yikes! How surreal is this? Ron Paul is a pseudo-truth candidate, meaning his cult on 911blogger try to convince us he's our savior. Why? Maybe so that their co-conspirators can spread stuff like this?
More Ron Paul Supporters He Won’t Want You to See
Posted in Un-American activities, Homeland Security, Islamic Expansionism by Rob Taylor on the June 21st, 2007
Here’s a blog that recently railed against the Republican effort to “marginalize†the Messiah of half-baked libertarianism. But look around and you’ll see that these Ron Paul supporters aren’t disgruntled Republicans at all, but instead are a collection of Jihadis, anti-Semites and pro-terror propagandists.

Who is responsible for the most censorship of 9/11 truth?
Submitted by Harley Guy on Fri, 2007-06-22 16:00.
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