Sorry for the technical glitches
Submitted by Harley Guy on Fri, 2007-06-22 15:57.I just witnessed a few comments disappear, mostly to to server failure because the opinions expressed were just too intense.
Rest assured we are working to fix the problem. Thank you for visiting the wtcdemolition.com blog - the last oasis of no-nonsense censorship free discussion on the subject of 9/11!

Meanwhile, back at the shill ranch...
Submitted by gretavo on Fri, 2007-06-22 13:53.Jon Gold and a crack team of his aliases are busy pressing Push for Truth I mean pushing Press for Truth by blogging this brave blog post over at Demonrats.com:
I'm not supposed to say anything but this is part of the strategy of having Kucinich open a LIHOP investigation so that Demonrats will be seen as interested in "the REAL truth" while right-wing tax evading christian zealots are seen as pushing the insane MIHOP ravings of Alex Jones and the Loose Change boyz.
Just thought you might like to know!
In other news, John Albanese is putting the finishing touches on his exposé of disinformation in the movement. His people have confirmed that the film will take the form of an autobiography.

Bush was not in on 9/11
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2007-06-21 20:25.re: http://www.911blogger.com/node/9465
The post is actually of an article by a denier who says that since Bush was not in on it, it must have been al Qaeda.
Problem 1: the most obvious, which is that the writer is a shill and wants people to think al Qaeda did 9/11.
Problem 2: the notion that either it was al Qaeda OR it was Bush is flawed, because there is no reason to believe, and many reasons not to believe, that Bush was aware of the specific plot before 9/11.

Info About no911conspiracy.com
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2007-06-21 17:32.The site is registered to a Catherine Valentino.
There is a city council member of Ithaca New York, a career Democrat, by that name.
Ithaca is 80 miles from Oneonta, where Loose Change is based.
Ithaca is apparently also the home of a strident pro-Zionist campaign... http://the-falcon1.tripod.com/id10.html
I found this on their site:
Free Trade Networking:

Submitted by bruce1337 on Thu, 2007-06-21 13:24.I'm always looking for good music, and most assuredly am not alone in this endeavour. Share some of your favorites so we all might discover something new to nurture our spirits!
Some off the top of my head:
Kenji Kawai - Making of Cyborg
Goldfrapp - Hairy Trees
Claude Debussy - Arabesque
Yann Tiersen - Les Deux Pianos
Bob Dylan - Don't Think Twice
Bach - Jesu bleibet meine Freude BWV147
Orbital - P.E.T.R.O.L.
Juno Reactor - Conga Fury
Blu Mar Ten - Simon & Lisa
Air - Le Soleil Est Pres de Moi
Mos Def/Massive Attack - I against I
Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child
Doors - Riders on the Storm
Thomas Newman - Desert Storm
Hardfloor - Pepper Penalty
(RATM & Prodigy go without mention, and this list is by no means exhaustive.)
I absolutely love each and every one of the tunes above, so you might want to give them a try!

Anger Management Problems and 9/11
Submitted by casseia on Thu, 2007-06-21 01:39.I snagged this from the TruthMove guys who blogged it at 911blogger.
My favorite line: "I bet you'd all love a chance to suck Osama bin Laden's dick." ewwww

Dov Zakheim and the Remotely Controlled Planes on 9/11
Submitted by gretavo on Wed, 2007-06-20 17:33.Interesting thread!
Dov Zakheim's Homeland Security biz and the remote control of aircraft [ Post 1092638 ]
Category: Miscellaneous Issues and Topics Topic: Member Opinions & Questions
Synopsis: System Planning Corporation's Command Transmitter Systems (CTS) provide remote control...
Source: various
Published: December 7, 2003 Author: self
For Education and Discussion Only. Not for Commercial Use.
Dov Zakheim. Not many Americans know who he is, but they ignore him at their own peril. If for no other reason, a dual Israeli-American citizen as Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer of the United States Dept. of Defense should raise some eyebrows. He was also President Bush's senior foreign policy advisor during the 2000 campaign.

The Vast and Messy Neocon Experiment in Iraq and the Middle East
Submitted by gretavo on Wed, 2007-06-20 17:11.Rodrigue Tremblay
"We shall have no peace as long as the whole territory of the Land of Israel will not return under Jewish control.... A stable peace will come only then, when Israel will return to itself all its historical lands, and will thus control both the Suez and the Ormudz channel.... We must remember that Iraqi oil fields too are located on the Jewish land." - Avrom Shmulevic, rabbi and historian
"[American] strategy should aim, above all, at the removal of Saddam Hussein’s regime from power."..[His removal is absolutely vital to] "the security of the world in the first part of the 21st century" and for "the safety of American troops in the region, of our friends and allies like Israel and the moderate Arab states, and a significant portion of the world's supply of oil." - Neocons' January 26, 1998 letter to President Bill Clinton

Why DOESN'T DZ Ban Nico Haupt, aka Ewing2001 from 911Blogger?
Submitted by gretavo on Wed, 2007-06-20 17:03.This question has come up before and I don't think has ever been satisfactorily answered. Nico Haupt is quite possibly the most blatant of the overtly disinformational fake truthers. Could that be why? They need a foil like him to make the other (subtlely) fake truthers look more genuine? Could be! Here is a post including his latest comment, typical Nico... http://www.911blogger.com/node/9428

Ron Paul Revealed
Submitted by gretavo on Wed, 2007-06-20 11:31.http://911blogger.com/node/9447
Check out the video posted to 911b above. Ron Paul is asked about 9/11 and his answer CLEARLY indicates his LIHOP position--he emphasizes "prior warnings"and alludes to the fcat that the official investigation was meant to cover up incompetence over the ignoring of these warnings.
No doubt this will only encourage the cult of Ron Paul on 911B, which is immune to reality, or, more likely, quite happy to take the LIHOP pill and move on...

Which of these dietary supplements is NOT made from snake oil?
Submitted by Barry Jennings on Wed, 2007-06-20 01:39.
Remember this comment? Is it me, or are people who seem surprised about Barry Jennings just not paying attention?
Submitted by Real Truther on Tue, 2007-06-19 23:27.http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2007/300407wtc7explosions.htm
OK, proof AJ reads 911Blogger
Didn't we cover this yesterday in comments to this thread??
Yes we did, and the comments were for a story about limited fires, not eyewitnesses to explosions, which I added. But now it's AJ's story! And no mention of Blogger! Guess it's time to Digg? Whatever, imitation is the sincerest form of something...
Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero
WTCdemolition.com - Harvard Task Force
Submitted by Real Truther on Mon, 04/30/2007 - 10:57am.

Spiegel Online gate crashed!
Submitted by bruce1337 on Tue, 2007-06-19 12:53.Yesterday, SPON published an article concerning the recent WTC-impact simulations out of Purdue University, opening a corresponding thread in their public, moderated forum. While SPON's tenor was "a blow against 'dem pesky conspiracy loons!" as usual, this time, their formerly strict moderation, which used to stop skeptical voices dead in their tracks (posts are only published after review), let through a stunning amount of truth -- including Lucky Larry and Urban Moving Systems.
Frankly, I'm flabbergasted, and not yet sure what to make of this...

Who will be Dylan's mystery guest tomorrow?
Submitted by gretavo on Tue, 2007-06-19 01:01.
911 Blogger's DZ to Refund "Server Fundraiser" Money
Submitted by Real Truther on Mon, 2007-06-18 21:02.I have received an email from a concerned user which contributed to our server upgrade fundraiser several months ago. I apologize for not providing further details regarding the delay in these upgrades sooner.
My initial quote for upgrading our servers to a dedicated server was approximately $150/month, however after trying to switch over to a dedicated server three weeks ago I was quoted instead approximately $225-250/month due to licensing fees which had not been factored in. As such I have decided to hold off on our server upgrades until we figure out a new course of action.
Anyone who contributed to this fundraiser and would like their money refunded please email me back with your email address and the amount of your contribution and I will be happy to refund your donation. Otherwise the funds will be put towards our existing server costs or further server upgrades if and when they occur.
I apologize again for the lack of communication.
Best wishes,

Loose Change Boys to Interview Barry Jennings?
Submitted by Real Truther on Mon, 2007-06-18 21:00.The description can only be of Jennings, the black middle-aged dude whose interview with a reporter has been widely seen in 9/11 documentaries mentioning the explosions in WTC7 (on the 7th floor, that blew him and Michael Hess, the corporation counsel, back into the 8th floor)
A coup for the boys, no doubt--who/what is SCI that hooked them up? Anyway, I know better than to get too excited about any breathless announcement from any 9/11 truth "celebs" but let's hope this is something worth hearing--maybe Jennings has lost his amnesia surrounding the events of that day...
Tomorrow on LTW Radio we're gonna broadcast clips from an interview we conducted last Tuesday before we headed to Bonnaroo.
Btw, many many thanks to Travis of SCI for hooking us up.
You've seen him before, in a news interview widely disseminated on the web, but you've never heard from him since. Until now.

More Shenanigans at 911Blogger
Submitted by gretavo on Mon, 2007-06-18 00:49.http://911blogger.com/node/9083
There's a blog post by none other than Carol Brouillet, famous in the movement for creating the "Bush did it" deception dollars.
She links to a movie, Severe Visibility, about the Pentagon attack. The movie itself is apparently a no plane at the Pentagon movie. The main character is a military dude who was somewhere where he would have seen the plane but he did not in fact see the plane, and can't bring himself to tell the foreign journalist (no doubt alluding to Thierry Meyssan) what he saw or didn't see.
In comments, "Chris" takes the opportunity to rub the whole Pentagon thing in Arabesque's face, which I would normally find entertaining. I clicked on the trailer for SV and watched it. Over and over it flashed in big letters "9/11/01 9:41 AM" in typical Hollywood style.

Historical Parallels Between American and Israeli Settlement/Immigration
Submitted by gretavo on Sun, 2007-06-17 23:55.It struck me recently just how similar Zionist and 20th century American tactics have been in the way that they seem to screw things up in other countries in order to promote immigration to their own countries.
As we know, Zionists actually went so far as to stage attacks on Jews living peacefully in Arab countries so as to convince them of the need to seek shelter in a "Jewish" homeland.

911 Blogger Happy to Promote Right Wing LIHOP Shills
Submitted by gretavo on Sun, 2007-06-17 23:39.Gosh, this whole divorce is going to be easier than I thought. In addition to promoting tax evading gun nuts holing themselves up in their homes, 911B has seen a bunch of recent posts featuring this "downsizeDC" crowd tha--surprise!--is also linked to the gun lobby.
Now I know some people will like good troglodytes accuse me in knuckle dragging knee jerk fashion of just not "getting" how important gun ownership is to America.

Bush blew up my towers...
Submitted by Lucky Larry on Fri, 2007-06-15 13:56.It's true--he was in there over the weekend with his cousin Wirt. I saw him.

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