What Will Larry Own at the New WTC Complex?

My understanding is that he had to fork over a portion (about 800 million) to the Port Authority towards building the Freedom Tower, and that he is also obliged to use at least some of the rest of the insurance windfall to rebuild on the site. But will he own those buildings that he rebuilds? He certainly owns WTC7 because it was his outright before 9/11. But when he collected 4 billion in insurance, that money is his, no? And if he is rebuilding on the site (buildings other than the freedom tower) with the money, those buildings will be his, right? So he really WILL have made a huge profit, despite all these issues about being "forced" to rebuild and to contribute to the cost of the Freedom Tower. Can we try to find out exactly what the terms are as far as rebuilding and ownership on the WTC site?
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