Welcome to the discussion board of the WTC Demolition site. This is a moderated forum for inquiry into the events of September 11, 2001. If this is your first visit, please read our Introduction and Statement of Principles. Content here is updated occasionally--in the event that content seems unchanged for an excessive period, try hitting "reload" or "refresh" on your browser. At any given time a series of posts that we consider particularly relevant will be fixed to the top of the list of posts. To see the most recent posts, scroll past those that are shaded light blue, or refer to the list of recent blog posts in the left hand column.

For all its problems with the insincere among its ranks, the real truth movement is the one peopled by the vast, honest majority who believe the events of 9/11 must be subjected to the closest scrutiny possible if we are to learn from this dark chapter in world history. This site is for every real "truther" out there.


"If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth."

E. Martin Schotz

"I've had enough of someone else's propaganda... I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole."

Malcolm X

"I am a passionate seeker after Truth and a not less passionate enemy of the malignant fictions used by the "Party of Order", the official representatives of all turpitudes, religious, metaphysical, political, judicial, economic, and social, present and past, to brutalise and enslave the world; I am a fanatical lover of Liberty; considering it as the only medium in which can develop intelligence, dignity, and the happiness of man..."

Mikhail Bakunin

"Tell all the Truth but tell it slant-/Success in Circuit lies/Too bright for our infirm Delight/The Truth's superb surprise/As Lightning to the Children eased/With explanation kind/The Truth must dazzle gradually/Or every man be blind-"

Emily Dickinson

Real Truther's picture

What Direction is 911Blogger Taking?

Well let's see,


The post above has a picture of Annie Machon, partner (some say former) of disinfo shill David Shayler. Plugged in this post are the films 9/11 Press for Truth, the Patsystan did it limited hangout movie, and Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime, along the same lines but even worse, failing to mention buidling 7 even once.


In this next post Jon Stewart is promoted as someone who "if woken up to the truth about 9/11" would be a great asset. The link provided is to a story on Alex Jones' site, no less. In comments, a few people including site owner dz talk up Jon Stewart as if he was a wonderful guy who just needs to wrap his head around 9/11. The video clip that is supposed to make us realize how brilliant Stewart is is basically a series of jokes making light of the tragedy in Iraq. I don't have time now to elaborate but suffice it to say that 911B may well be showing its true colors.

Real Truther's picture

LIHOP WATCH - The Containment Strategy

Searching through the Nation's articles on 9/11 I found this one from late last year that should give us an inkling into what the coming limited hangout is going to look like...



Gaping Holes Remain in the 9/11 Story

[posted online on September 11, 2006]

Real Truther's picture

Dennis Kucinich and Press for Truth - LIHOP Limited Hangout Dream Team?


The above post at 911B (I guess this is what I'm going to have to do if I'm banned) is about pushing Press for Truth along with Kucinich's "limited" investigation into 9/11.

Having been a Kucinich supporter in 04 and learned the hard way ($500 worth) that he cannot be counted on, I feel that what it looks like is that the limited hangout LIHOP film press for truth can probably shed some light on what Kucinich's investigation will entail. Remember, Kucinich is the Democrats' official lefty, meaning his job seems to be to draw in all the folks who feel let down by the democrats by giving them false hope that he can move the party back into some semblance of an opposition.

Real Truther's picture

I have apparently been blocked by 911 Blogger

Unless there is some glitch, my account on 911Blogger has been blocked.

"The username Real Truther has not been activated or is blocked."

That's what I get when I try to log in... no message from any admin to explain why this may have happened, either.

Keenan's picture

What's up with Prof. Jones joining forces with disinfo king extraordinaire Jim Hoffman?

This has been bugging me for a while. After the split up of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth organization, which seems to have been precipitated by the falling out between Prof Steven Jones and Prof Jim Fezter, Prof Jones joined Jim Hoffman in founding a new organization called Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, with a new web site http://stj911.org that features Jim Hoffman's disinformation about the Pentagon attack, containing only cherry-picked evidence and other dishonest arguments by Hoffman, but none of the contrary evidence (Jones used to unequivocally dispute the official story of AA77 hitting the Pentagon). What's up with that?

There was almost no one else in the 9/11 Truth Movement I respected more than Prof. Jones. On the other hand, there is almost no one in the 9/11 Truth movement I despize more than Jim Hoffman.

E Vero's picture



I think that Bush is part of a crime family, but like all mafia, there are sometimes turf-wars. This time, the Bush Crime Family got outfoxed by another crime family. It seems reasonable to gather all the information we have about ALL the likely perpetrators of 9/11. Who could the criminals be? Let's see . . .

-who had spies in our country living next to the supposed hijackers?

-who was captured celebrating in view of the attacks, who had vans with explosives, cash, box-cutters, other people's passports?

-who failed lie-detector tests but were quietly allowed to leave the country on "visa violations?"

-who would like to pin the blame on Saudi Arabia?

-who called for a "new pearl harbor?"

-who wrote about the need to "secure the realm?" (bonus point: where is that realm?)

-who took ownership (with insurance terrorist rider) of the Twin Towers shortly before 9/11?

-who took out put options on the United and American Airlines?

gretavo's picture

Norman Finkelstein Denied Tenure at DePaul


As reported by Bill Christison, former CIA analyst who (at least claims) to be a truther. Yet he also allows Counterpunch to publish his columns. And Finkelstein? Great guy, but not a truther. Still, denying him tenure speaks volumes about the influence of the Israel Lobby.

gretavo's picture

New Paul Craig Roberts Column is a Must Read!

The neoconservatives have rewritten US war doctrine to permit preemptive US nuclear attack on non-nuclear countries . They have demonized Iran as the greatest threat since Hitler. Neoconservatives have invented "Islamofascism," something that exists only in the neoconservative propaganda used to instill in Americans hatred of Muslims. The neoconservatives have dehumanized Muslims as monsters who must be destroyed at all costs. Recent statements by neoconservative leaders such as Norman Podhoretz read like the ravings of ignorant lunatics. Podhoretz has written Muslims out of the human race. He demands that their culture be deracinated.

read the whole thing at: http://www.vdare.com/roberts/070611_threat.htm

One question-- Why does Paul Craig Roberts allow his columns to be published by Counterpunch, given that CP's editors are anti-Truth and censor his 9/11 related columns?

gretavo's picture

The Googlian Knot

This is something I wrote before Google went public... a comment on the recent open thread at 911B about Google censorship and their "do no evil" motto prompted me to repost...

Thursday, August 12, 2004

The Googlian Knot

gretavo's picture

WTCDEMO Exclusive Scoop! The Nation to run hit piece linking 9/11 Truth Movement to Right Wing

OK so I decided to sit in Harvard Square for a while after work today with my truth now sign and some pamphlets. A kid, maybe 17 or 18, wearing a red Che shirt stops to chat.

He tells me he has a friend who is an intern for the Nation and that he is working on a piece that will "expose" the ties between the 9/11 Truth movement to the right wing. He mentioned specifically "that movie you have coming out", and playing dumb I said "what movie? we have lots..." Loose Change, he said.


Well, I told him, I don't really think Loose Change is necessarily legit so it wouldn't surprise me, and proceeded to explain to him that there was a real truth movement and a fake one. And you're part of the real one he said. Yup.

Real Truther's picture

Why is there no room to question Israel – even when it kills Americans – in the halls of Congress?

Time for the truth about the Liberty

By Ward Boston Jr.
June 8, 2007

Forty years ago this week, I was asked to investigate the heaviest attack on an American ship since World War II. As senior legal counsel to the Navy Court of Inquiry, it was my job to help uncover the truth regarding Israel's June 8, 1967, bombing of the Navy intelligence ship Liberty.

On that sunny, clear day 40 years ago, Israel's combined air and naval forces attacked the Liberty for two hours, inflicting 70 percent casualties. Thirty-four American sailors died, and 172 were injured. The Liberty remained afloat only by the crew's heroic efforts.

Israel claimed it was an accident. Yet I know from personal conversations with the late Adm. Isaac C. Kidd – president of the Court of Inquiry – that President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered him to conclude that the attack was a case of “mistaken identity.”

gretavo's picture

Are most 9/11 truthers aware enough of the various disinfo ploys?

Yes, truthers have become good at sussing out the dishonest among them.
11% (2 votes)
Sort of, the more obvious disinfo is easy to spot now but some people in the movement have more credibility than they deserve.
53% (10 votes)
No, most truthers seem to be missing the disinfo forest for the trees.
37% (7 votes)
Total votes: 19
gretavo's picture

10%ers, Exponential Growth, and the "coming out" process OR Is 9/11 Truth the New Gay?

I know the title sounds queer--not that there's anything wrong with sounding queer, mind you--but think about it. We're often told we are guilty as truthers of inflating our numbers. Well suppose the relatively conservative Scripps Howard/Ohio Univeristy poll that found (whether it is dsinfo or not) 36% or so Americans doubting the official story is a gross overestimate and the real figure was closer to ten percent.

That would make truthing on par with homosexuality -- 10% of the population in other words who are "out" to some people and not to others, and others who are out to everyone. The difference is that the 90% believers in the OCT will actually appear to each other to be spreading a communicable disease and witch hunts could ensue.

Anyway in the case of gay activism, the meaning of pride is to be proud and open about what you are--i.e. don't be ashamed or frightened--tell the world!

gretavo's picture

the timing of movie releases--what might content analysis reveal about the general state of consciousness during 2001?

1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Warner Bros. $317,575,550
2 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring New Line $313,364,114
3 Shrek DreamWorks $267,665,011
4 Monsters, Inc. Buena Vista $255,873,250
5 Rush Hour 2 New Line $226,164,286
6 The Mummy Returns Universal $202,019,785
7 Pearl Harbor Buena Vista $198,542,554
8 Ocean's Eleven Warner Bros. $183,417,150
9 Jurassic Park III Universal $181,171,875
10 Planet of the Apes Fox $180,011,740
11 A Beautiful Mind Universal $170,742,341
12 Hannibal MGM $165,092,268
13 American Pie 2 Universal $145,103,595
14 The Fast and the Furious Universal $144,533,925
15 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Paramount $131,168,070
16 Dr. Dolittle 2 Fox $112,952,899
17 Spy Kids Miramax $112,719,001
18 Black Hawk Down Sony $108,638,745
19 The Princess Diaries Buena Vista $108,248,956
20 Vanilla Sky Paramount $100,618,344
21 The Others Miramax $96,522,687
22 Legally Blonde MGM $96,520,674

Real Truther's picture

Comic Relief

gretavo's picture

Christopher Bollyn arrest drama - genuine or staged to make the truth movement look bad?

Genuine. He is a genuine truther who was singled out by police for harassment.
68% (19 votes)
Staged. He pretends to be a truther in order to make the movement look bad.
32% (9 votes)
Total votes: 28
gretavo's picture

Testing, testing – the trial of Reporter Christopher Bollyn - Comment by Lazlo Toth on 911Blogger

Oral testimonies gathered together in “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45” by Milton Mayer (University of Chicago Press) -- a book of first-hand accounts by people who lived through the Hitler era – point out that the same EXACT PATTERN of events and processes (physical as well as psychological) that occurred in Germany during that dark era are now visibly occurring in the United States and Canada. It is a process described by Germans who lived through that time as “the gradual habituation of the people.” They turn the heat up on the pot in small gradual increments, testing you and getting you accustomed to things that several years ago would have made you recoil in shock or disgust – FEMA prison camps, torture, pre-emptive war, false-flag terror, rigged elections, the dismantling of the Constitution, etc. Having mentioned this, I must point out that the current trial of independent journalist Christopher Bollyn is being used as a test case.

gretavo's picture

Global Warmingâ„¢ - Hoax or Hot Potato?

13% (2 votes)
Hot Potato
13% (2 votes)
the jury is out
27% (4 votes)
the jury is out having beers and watching American Idolâ„¢ and will be back soon
0% (0 votes)
whichever Alex Jones says it is
7% (1 vote)
it's a red herring
40% (6 votes)
Total votes: 15
gretavo's picture


The quest for the truth about 9/11 is for most of us the most challenging thing we have ever undertaken.  Thankfully, history is full of remarkable individuals whose wisdom serves us well.  Feeling down?  Here's some chicken soup for the truther soul...  Those with "book" listed in their create content section (left column at the bottom) should feel free to add stuff here!  feel free, you can't break it!!

Annoymouse's picture

Should Annoymice be tolerated?

Yes, mice are nice.
0% (0 votes)
No, they are annoying.
11% (1 vote)
Yes, even tough they are annoying they sometimes can be learned from.
44% (4 votes)
No, because they are likely provocateurs.
0% (0 votes)
Yes because if we can't ID a provocateur and neutralize them we ain't worth our weight in truth.
44% (4 votes)
Total votes: 9
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