casseia's blog

Submitted by casseia on Thu, 2013-11-14 18:53.Everyone (even climate change skeptics) is rooting for the Philippines in the aftermath of Yolanda/Haiyan. How are you doing?

Alice Walker (The Color Purple) comes out for David Icke...
Submitted by casseia on Wed, 2013-05-22 19:24.This is the kind of thing that makes my non-skeptical friends on Facebook just lose their shit...
Prize-winning author Alice Walker gives support to David Icke on Desert Island Discs
When asked which book she would take were she to be an isolated castaway, the author of The Color Purple chose Icke’s Human Race Get Off Your Knees
Liam O'Brien
The Independent (UK)
Sunday 19 May 2013

"The racism inherent at the heart of the 9-11 conspiracy movement..."
Submitted by casseia on Mon, 2013-04-08 22:10.[I was almost surprised to see this ancient canard pop up again on an otherwise not-particularly-interesting Portland Indymedia thread about 9/11. What was most pleasing was the way it was quickly and efficiently dispatched by other users. Portland Indymedia has become a toxic place for discussions of 9/11 --- this thread, ironically, was a breath of fresh air.]
08.Apr.2013 07:21

Parsing the Phillip Marshall "Murder-Suicide"
Submitted by casseia on Mon, 2013-02-11 21:46.The death of Phillip Marshall, author of a book laying much of the blame for 9/11 on “Saudi Intelligence” is being considered as a possible “conspiracy” by a local newspaper, not to mention 9/11 websites and bloggers on both sides of the gun rights debate.

New "Nymwars" Skirmish: New York State Tries to Outlaw Anonymous Comments
Submitted by casseia on Thu, 2012-05-24 21:46.Nymwars: google it. Although there's some irony involved in doing so, since the term gained prominence last year when the Google+ social network was rolled out and its administrators went to absurd lengths to make sure everyone was using a "real name" all the time.
by Violet Blue (Yes, that's her real -- i.e. legal -- name)

A new "theory" about Tower explosions...
Submitted by casseia on Wed, 2011-09-21 22:08.The interesting thing about this article is its admission that the destruction was in fact explosive in nature. Other than that, it's the bullshitiest thing since "the Towers had demolition devices built into them."
PARIS — A mix of sprinkling system water and melted aluminium from aircraft hulls likely triggered the explosions that felled New York's Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, a materials expert has told a technology conference.

A Tale of Fake Truthers
Submitted by casseia on Thu, 2011-08-04 19:04.Once upon a time, a new poster appeared at a few 9/11 Truth discussion sites. He endeared himself to the regulars at one such board, despite the fact that he admitted to having just dropped out of high school, by toeing the fake truther party line about Muslims and LIHOP and Pentagon jets (oh my). Now he's not a truther at all, anymore -- being allegedly one of that vanishingly rare species, the ex-truther. He comments at the leading 9/11 debunker site.

Back to your regular programming: Dude accused of planned attack at Ft. Hood is a Muslim
Submitted by casseia on Fri, 2011-07-29 02:13."According to a law enforcement official, among the items found in Private Abdo’s room at the time of his arrest were a military uniform with Fort Hood patches, a pistol, shotgun shells and an article on 'how to make a bomb in your kitchen' from the English-language Qaeda magazine Inspire. He also had more than one wall clock, a cellphone, duct tape and a shopping list for what appeared to be explosive components, the official said."

Norway Attacks
Submitted by casseia on Fri, 2011-07-22 20:18.Early reports are that attackers at the "youth camp" were Nordic... doesn't keep professional Islamophobe Evan Kohlmann from filling his twitter stream with messages from jihadi folk -- not retweeted, mind you, but quoted from... what? A "top-tier AQ forum."
Evan Kohlmann
IntelTweet Evan Kohlmann
Abu Suleiman: "We say to them, comply with the demands of the mujahideen, for what you see is only the beginning and more is coming."
2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Evan Kohlmann
IntelTweet Evan Kohlmann

Richard Gage: Shark Jump Complete?
Submitted by casseia on Thu, 2011-06-02 18:51."So Richard Gage is headlining 3 dates in Ireland and 1 in Scotland in June. The organisers, 'Sovereign Independent', describe the tour as 'THE MASTERPLAN - THE HIDDEN AGENDA FOR A GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIP.'"
The Sovereign Independent site:
Page on this event:
Luke Rudkowski is also appearing.

Revolution Across the Arab World: What It Seems or More Illusion?
Submitted by casseia on Thu, 2011-02-24 02:39.c455:
The journalism and tweets (and twitter journalism) flowing in from Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, and now Libya give the impression of real,legitimate popular uprisings, led by cross-sections of their societies but especially young people. However, because I was not convinced by the last uprising in Iran (that it was truly a movement of the people and unmanipulated by outside forces) I also can't take this epidemic of revolutions at face value, without looking for underlying influences...

Moment of Lucidity at Blogger
Submitted by casseia on Wed, 2011-02-23 00:53.[I would have included this as a comment in the LIHOP Endgame blog, but it's getting so awfully long. -- c455]
not to get all stanley fish at this forum, but can we at least agree "facts" never "speak for themselves...."
facts are always heard, read, repeated, remembered in historical, cultural, political, and social contexts......
"facts" are embedded in "narratives" which are embedded in deep assumptions/presuppositions about how the world is ordered and functions and certain events have come to pass.

Excerpt of New Steve Alten Novel Released; Mistaken as Non-fiction by Sibel Edmonds Fans
Submitted by casseia on Thu, 2011-02-03 23:35.Set your cheesy prose deflectors to 11 -- it's going to be a bumpy ride. I've bolded some of the cheesiest and otherwise noteworthy bits.
Sibel Edmonds
Tuesday, 1. February 2011
In a public statement issued on Monday, January 31, members of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee demanded a prompt response from the former Chairman and the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission regarding Former FBI Language Specialist Behrooz Sarshar’s censored testimony to the Commission. The former commissioners failed to respond to this request.

The "Circle of Life" at 911blogger
Submitted by casseia on Mon, 2011-01-24 04:15.I thought about embedding the Disney/Elton John extravaganza here, but meh. So, Victoria Ashley has been anointed the newest moderator at 911blogger, joining a team that includes "Justin, Ted, John, and Erik." (Who is Ted?) Victoria, also known as Victronix, was one of the founders of the recently launched 911truthnews site, but her duties there must leave her ample time to work on 911blogger as well, where her self-described chief responsibility will be "cracking the whip." (I always thought "Victronix" would be an awesome name for a pro-Domme.)

DRG: Complications from recent illness include aphasia
Submitted by casseia on Thu, 2010-10-07 17:21.[Aphasia is a reduction in the capacity of the language processing and generating areas of the brain. It sounds like Dr. Griffin has a relatively mild form -- he describes it as an inability to find the right word. I have a very mild form myself which is recognized as a common side effect of a medication I take. For people accustomed to a high degree of verbal fluency, it can be VERY frustrating. Here's hoping DRG makes a speedy recovery! -- c455]
Wednesday, October 6 2010 - Open Letters
An Account of My Recent Illness(es)
Published October 6, 2010
by David Ray Griffin

Thread hijacking by the fake truth crowd backfires
Submitted by casseia on Fri, 2010-09-17 00:36.
This is a blog by Carol Brouillet about the 9/11/2010 events in the Bay Area, for which the first comment is John Bursill, asking her to refudiate Kevin Barrett. Predictable shitstorm ensues in which YT/cosmos is again asked to provide his real name and to clarify whether Mark Rothenberg is his UNCLE uncle or his "uncle" uncle, which he predictably refuses to do.

DRG requests reviews of "Cognitive Infilitration" for sites like Amazon
Submitted by casseia on Wed, 2010-09-15 23:14.From
Letter to the 9/11 Truth Community: David Ray Griffin Needs Our Support Right Now
Letter from Tod Fletcher
posted September 15, 2010
Dear 9/11 Truth Community,

James Randi on scientists and their susceptibility to flimflammery
Submitted by casseia on Wed, 2010-09-15 01:40.Hyperlipid, a radical nutrition blog* which I've been reading lately, features an interesting quotation today from the JREFtard-in-chief, from an article published in the journal Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences way back in the 80s:

wtcdemolition: now on Twitter!
Submitted by casseia on Mon, 2010-08-09 01:41.
"You CAN handle the real truth about September 11, 2001."
We need a snazzy little avatar (I'm thinking the i-T-i from the site logo) and I am graphics-software challenged.

The New Leader of al Quesadilla: He Knows Our Ways
Submitted by casseia on Fri, 2010-08-06 18:33.[This FBI announcement uncritically repeated at 911blogger: MIAMI — A suspected al-Qaida operative who lived for more than 15 years in the U.S. has become chief of the terror network's global operations, the FBI says, marking the first time a leader so intimately familiar with American society has been placed in charge of planning attacks.]

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