Welcome to the discussion board of the WTC Demolition site. This is a moderated forum for inquiry into the events of September 11, 2001. If this is your first visit, please read our Introduction and Statement of Principles. Content here is updated occasionally--in the event that content seems unchanged for an excessive period, try hitting "reload" or "refresh" on your browser. At any given time a series of posts that we consider particularly relevant will be fixed to the top of the list of posts. To see the most recent posts, scroll past those that are shaded light blue, or refer to the list of recent blog posts in the left hand column.

For all its problems with the insincere among its ranks, the real truth movement is the one peopled by the vast, honest majority who believe the events of 9/11 must be subjected to the closest scrutiny possible if we are to learn from this dark chapter in world history. This site is for every real "truther" out there.


"If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth."

E. Martin Schotz

"I've had enough of someone else's propaganda... I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole."

Malcolm X

"I am a passionate seeker after Truth and a not less passionate enemy of the malignant fictions used by the "Party of Order", the official representatives of all turpitudes, religious, metaphysical, political, judicial, economic, and social, present and past, to brutalise and enslave the world; I am a fanatical lover of Liberty; considering it as the only medium in which can develop intelligence, dignity, and the happiness of man..."

Mikhail Bakunin

"Tell all the Truth but tell it slant-/Success in Circuit lies/Too bright for our infirm Delight/The Truth's superb surprise/As Lightning to the Children eased/With explanation kind/The Truth must dazzle gradually/Or every man be blind-"

Emily Dickinson

juandelacruz's picture

just for laughs



PRIME Minister Gordon Brown has dismissed the latest London bomb scare as "feeble" and "unlikely to frighten the public".

Brown compared MI5 to the cast of 'Police Academy'
Mr Brown is understood to be disappointed with MI5's effort, describing it as "half-arsed and transparent".

A source close to Brown said: "The PM wanted to start things off by scaring the absolute, holy shit out of people.

"A badly driven Merc with a couple of gas bottles in the back does not cut the mustard.

"We asked for Arabic literature on the passenger seat, a map of Whitehall with big red crosses on it and a huge controlled explosion on live television. Someone will be getting their backside felt for this."

The source added: "We're trying to introduce ID cards, imprisonment without trial and swingeing restrictions on freedom of speech.

juandelacruz's picture

Sheehan vs Pelosi

Cindy Sheehan, the soldier's mother who galvanized the anti-war movement, said Sunday that she plans to seek House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's congressional seat unless she introduces articles of impeachment against President Bush in the next two weeks.


I hope she takes out Pelosi and get 911 investigated.

bruce1337's picture

Show your resistance!

Alright, so a few days ago, my bro suggested having a symbol of 9/11 Truth awareness to wear visibly. Instantly, it reminded me of stories I heard of the norwegian resistance in WW2, who wore paperclips to overcome isolation and facilitate cooperation (the wearing of paperclips was eventually banned, btw.). The question remained: What kind of symbol would be appropriate? It had to be common, handy and cheap, that much was clear...

Now, someone on heise.de, a german computer magazine -- where displeasure with the rapid dismantlement of our constitution has been boiling for a while -- has had a truly excellent idea: Wear a resistor!

I <3 this! What say you?

dicktater's picture

The Only All-Inclusive 911 Resolution - TCN911WIJ

I just saw this and don't have time to read it through just now. But, hopefully by posting it here, when I return there will be some interesting comments to read as well.

The Only All-Inclusive 911 Resolution - TCN911WIJ
By Ed Ward, MD
Thermate, C4-like explosives, Micro Nukes and 911 Was an Inside Job (TCN911WIJ).


The Only Proven Theory that Complies with All of the Scientific Method in One Theory. According to the Scientific Method, TCN911WIJ is the Primary Working Theory for the 911 Demoliton until Refuted by a Preponderance of Evidence.

kate of the kiosk's picture

Mike Gravel's on the page!

from his blog/forum:

Gravel Supports Independent 9/11 Inquiry
Submitted by alex on Sat, 2007-07-07 11:55.

Thanks to everybody committed to the 9/11 truth movement who have forwarded us films and literature concerning 9/11. We have taken considerable amount of time to look into this issue, there is a lot of evidence to sift through. After careful consideration and much study, Senator Gravel agrees that an independent inquiry is indeed needed to get to the bottom of what happened on September 11, 2001.

Gravel 08

casseia's picture

Qu'est-ce qu'elle a dit ?!

Here a French "peloton de vérité" (truth squad) gets Christine Boutin, minister in the new Sarkozy government, to admit that there might be something to the assertion that Bush was behind 9/11. Basically, she says that the websites that discuss the theories get so many hits that she has to ask herself if it is possible. ReOpen911.info have gotten some flak for cutting the video off where they did, evidently right before she says that she personally does not "believe" it.

casseia's picture

Declaration of Intent from the Philadelphia Emergency Anti-War Convention

From actindependent.org

(A Draft)

Our nation is in crisis. Our Constitution has been shredded. The peace movement has run aground, and impeachment is “off the table.” The war machine continues to trample the will of the people and crush any opposition in its murderous drive toward global domination.

The Democratic Party has betrayed its mandate to end the Iraq War and bring the troops home, exposing the two-party system for the elite corporate tool it is.

We no longer have a free press. Our major media are owned and controlled by the same few corporations that manufacture arms and feed off billion-dollar contracts handed to them by Bush appointees.

Where are the checks and balances?

Where is Government by the People?

Where is the public outrage?

OWN-the-NWO's picture

daily reach of 911B takes a nose dive after Jul 3

I don't think I need to write much the alexa ranking speaks for itself

kate of the kiosk's picture

Kevin Ryan's letter to President Cordova of Purdue U


bruce1337's picture

Video: Gordon Ross discusses the Twin Towers' demolition

Google Video Link

A great, concise presentation of a very probable demolition scenario undisputed as of yet -- I tip my hat to Mr. Ross!

As they would probably say in Scotland: Perpetraitors, we'll set about ye!

Jpass's picture

7/7/07 wtc7

It's 2am and I'm sitting here thinking about my next blog (the one you are reading). It's be about why I think arguing about who the perps of 9/11 are is not very effective at this stage in the game. We just don't have enough information to make a sound judgment. Why? Because there has never been an investigation into this massive crime.

Just now I looked at todays date, 7/7/07. I should get to bed soon. I have to leave early for my great grandparents 70th wedding anniversary today.

The obvious demolition of World Trade Center 7 is the golden egg for the 9/11 Truth movement. We can argue about perps, ISI, CIA, triple agents, Mossad, Zionism, and a whole slew of other divisive and un-attainable angles. I'm sure there will always be an abundance of personalities willing to argue these angles.

gretavo's picture

some graphics...

Print a big poster, or an even bigger one. Or go massive!

Jpass's picture

Contacting Controlled Demolition Experts


We research and come up with a list of demolition experts. We ask for telephone, e-mail, or personal interviews in order to specifically address the demolition of WTC 7. Be careful of obvious fakes, phonies, and plants.

The Jewenko video was very effective...imagine something similar....but in English.

Maybe someone here is interested in helping me with this.

Has it been done and I've just missed these very important interviews?

Danse's picture

A few thoughts…

While watching this drama unfold I couldn't help but think of my studies in anarchism. Perhaps this blog will help somewhat.

First of all, division isn’t always a bad thing:

"The anarchist alternative is that of fragmentation, fission rather than fusion, diversity rather than unity, a mass of societies rather than a mass society" (Ward)

This is another way of saying that individual freedom should be respected above all else, and that people should not be coerced into “fusing” with the mass like one-celled amoeba.

But division can also produce the aforementioned “people’s front of Judea” phenomenon: squabbling camps easily manipulated by a united enemy.

Paris Hilton's picture

Which will come out first?

Loose Change Final Cut
69% (35 votes)
The Official Report on Building 7
31% (16 votes)
Total votes: 51
gretavo's picture

Anonymous posts to be moderated

for the time being... fear not, registered users who are not in reality Killtown will never have their comments moderated. instead of arguing about a blatant disinfo disruptor, maybe people have thoughts about where the movement goes from here?

Jpass's picture

Dancing Israelis, Arabic Flight Manuals, PNAC, Pull It

Why have the most popular hypothesized perps of 911 all acted so uncharacteristically considering they are allegedly conducting one of the most massive criminal acts in US history?

If I was an Islamic Extremeist Hijacker I would not leave an Arabic flight manual in my rent-a-car along with other extremely incriminating evidence.

If I as an Israeli super-spook I would not get on top of my van in the city and dance as two huge towers fell to the ground.

If I was Dick Cheney & PNAC I would not write a guide book on how to secure power...after a massive event that just might happen to be the 2nd Pearl Harbor.

If I was Larry Silverstein I would not go on PBS and tell the Camera that we decided to pull a building that looks exactly like it was 'pulled' in the controlled demolition sense.

I imagine all these perps were involved and each has been semi-exposed as to protect each other amd force the other perps to keep quiet.

gretavo's picture

Loose Change Boyz My Space Pages


My Space is owned by Rupert Murdoch--do they know this? Anyway, their pics look really cool and they have a ton of "friends".

They are rad.

Annoymouse's picture

What should 911blogger.com do about their comments section

Moderate insulting and what the admin deem as "wedge issue" comments BEFORE they are posted.
2% (2 votes)
Moderate only insulting comments BEFORE they are posted.
0% (0 votes)
Moderate insulting and what the admin deem as "wedge issue" comments AFTER they are posted.
4% (3 votes)
Moderate only insulting comments AFTER they are posted.
19% (16 votes)
Go back to not moderating comments and allowing mob rules with their points system.
38% (32 votes)
Don't moderate anything even if it gets chaotic.
21% (18 votes)
Just shut the comments sections down for Christ's sakes.
15% (13 votes)
Total votes: 84
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