Where's Wally?

casseia's picture


There's a bizarre argument about the alleged hijackers (comprising for the most part variations on "I know you are but what am I") going on late in the thread called "Space Beams in London" at True Faction and centered on the identity -- and the vitality or lack thereof -- of alleged hijacker Waleed al-Shehri and his cohorts. That is, are some of the "hijackers" still alive? This issue is inevitably mis-framed by the fake truth crowd, which clings to the hope that what is being said (by real truthers) is "Holy crap, some of the hijackers were evacuated from the planes (after mercilessly stabbing a bunch of infidels) the way Harrison Ford got off the plane in the movie Airforce One." Of course, the real allegation is that the FBI (or some other entity) carelessly threw together a list of real Arabic identities with photographs and released them without regard for the possibility that at least one of said Arabic identities was attached to a real person who was not dead.


Gold and Albanese's M.O. in that thread (with Pavlovian Dogcatcher playing the foil in a classic straw-man gangbang scene) is to seize upon the misunderstandings surrounding the "Waleed was found alive" story put out (by the suspect BBC) as a way of establishing their superiority over PD, after which they essentially endorse wholesale the official hijacker narrative. Here's Gold in indignant mode after Albanese and PD have set the stage:

Jon Gold
Joined: 29 Apr 2007
Posts: 1048

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:16 pm Post subject:

You never hear about things like this, this, this, this, or this in the 9/11 Truth Movement. Indications that there may very well have been hijackers. This kind of information should dictate that individuals shouldn't state as fact that there were no hijackers.

The first "this" is a link to this from the "Terror Timeline" at historycommons:

August 25-September 5, 2001: Hijackers Spend Over $30,000 on 9/11 Tickets

All the hijackers book their flights for 9/11, using their apparent real names. The total cost of the tickets is in excess of $30,000:
bullet August 25: Khalid Almihdhar, who was watchlisted two days previously (see August 23, 2001), and Majed Moqed book tickets for American Airlines flight 77 using the AA.com website. They are collected from the American Airlines ticket counter at Baltimore Washington International Airport on September 5. The tickets were not mailed, because the shipping address did not match the credit card address. [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006, pp. 72, 74 ]
bullet August 26: Wail Alshehri buys a ticket for American Airlines flight 11 over the phone with his debit card. His brother Waleed buys a ticket for the same flight at the AA.com website using his debit card. [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006 ; US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006, pp. 72 ]
bullet August 27: Nawaf Alhazmi, who was watchlisted four days before (see August 23, 2001), buys tickets for himself and his brother Salem for American Airlines flight 77 through Travelocity from a Kinkos computer in Laurel, Maryland, using his debit card (see August 25-27, 2001). [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006 ; US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006, pp. 72 ]
bullet August 27: Saeed Alghamdi uses his debit card to purchase tickets for United Airlines flight 93 for himself and Ahmed Alnami from the UA.com website. The tickets are not paid for until September 5, 2001, due to a problem with the debit card. [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006, pp. 72 ]
bullet August 27: Fayez Ahmed Banihammad uses his visa card to purchase tickets for himself and Mohamed Alshehri for United Airlines flight 175 over the telephone. [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006, pp. 72-73 ; US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006 ]
bullet August 28: Mohamed Atta uses his debit card to buy tickets for American Airlines flight 11 for himself and Abdulaziz Alomari from the AA.com website. [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006 ]
bullet August 28: Waleed Alshehri purchases a ticket for Satam Al Suqami for American Airlines flight 11 in person from the company’s counter at Fort Lauderdale Airport. [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006, pp. 73 ]
bullet August 28: Marwan Alshehhi purchases a ticket for United Airlines flight 175 from the company’s counter at Miami International Airport. [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006 ; US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006, pp. 73 ]
bullet August 29: Hamza Alghamdi books tickets for himself and Ahmed Alghamdi for United Airlines flight 175 from the UA.com website. [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006 ]
bullet August 29: Ahmed Alhaznawi creates a new e-mail account and Travelocity.com account and uses them to book a ticket for himself on United Airlines flight 93. [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006 ; US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006, pp. 74 ]
bullet August 30: Ziad Jarrah purchases a ticket for himself for United Airlines flight 93 from the UA website. [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006 ]
bullet August 31: Hani Hanjour purchases a ticket for American Airlines flight 77 from ATS Advanced Travel Services in Totowa, New Jersey, paying in cash. [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 7/31/2006 ]
At least five tickets are one way only. [Los Angeles Times, 9/18/2001] There are numerous connections between the hijackers booked on the four flights by this point:
bullet Hijackers on different 9/11 flights arrived in the US on the same plane. For example, Salem Alhazmi (Flight 77) arrived with Abdulaziz Alomari (Flight 11), and Fayez Ahmed Banihammad (Flight 175) arrived with Saeed Alghamdi (Flight 93) (see April 23-June 29, 2001);
bullet Two of the pilots, Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi, train and live together, and have a joint bank account (see (Mid-July 2000 - Early January 2001), July 6-December 19, 2000, and June 28-July 7, 2000);
bullet Hijackers from different planes open bank accounts together (see May 1-July 18, 2001 and June 27-August 23, 2001); and
bullet The hijackers obtain identity documents together (see April 12-September 7, 2001 and August 1-2, 2001).
Six hijackers also provide the same phone number and three use the same address. [Miami Herald, 9/22/2001]

The primary source above is this prosecution exhibit from the laughable Moussaoui trial:


The document amounts to a series of claims backed up by scanty if any evidence, having, moreover, nothing at all to do with the person on trial (Moussaoui). It is a document that purports to establish the hijacker narrative pre-9/11 and may represent a complete fabrication or perhaps a moderately accurate description of the actions of patsies or impostors (think "Dubai hit", maybe?). What it is not, and what Jon Gold and John Albanese try to pawn it off as, is proof that there were real Arab Muslim hijackers who took control of the alleged flights cited in the OCT.

The problem for the Jo(h)ns' approach of course is that there are many more reasons than the Waleed al-Shehri confusion to consider the official hijacker narrative a half-baked farce. We can begin to understand this by studying the exhaustive work already done on the subject by David Ray Griffin. Here are two excerpts from his books that anyone discussing the merits of the hijacker narrative should read and internalize:

9/11 Contradictions Chapter 16

New Pearl Harbor Revisited Excerpt from Ch. 6

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gretavo's picture

the Bukhari brothers...

In the first few days after 9/11, news stories reported that the treasure trove of information, rather than being found in Atta's luggage inside the airport, was found in a white Mitsubishi, which Atta had left in the parking lot at Boston's Logan Airport. It was two other alleged hijackers, Adnan Bukhari and Ameer Bukhari,who were said to have driven the rented Nissan to Portland and then flown back to Boston on the commuter flight the next morning.

The distinction between Atta and the men who flew from Portland to Boston was clearly made in a CNN report on September 12, which said:


Law enforcement sources say that two of the suspected hijackers... are brothers that lived [in Vero Beach, Florida].... One of them is Adnan Bukhari. We have a photograph of him.... Also living in Vero Beach, Bukhari's brother, Ameer....Law enforcement sources... tell CNN that the Bukhari brothers were believed to have been on one of the two flights out of Boston.... Also we can report to you that a car impounded in Portland, Maine, according to law enforcement authorities, was rented at Boston Logan Airport and driven to Portland, Maine. Now the Maine state police confirm that two of the suspected hijackers were on a US Air flight out of [Portland Jetport]75 . The FBI is also looking at two more suspected hijackers, Mohammad Ana and Marwan Yusef AIshehhi.76

Another CNN report that same day stated that the incriminating materials were found in a car at the Boston airport and, while discussing the Nissan found at the Portland airport, made no suggestion that it had been rented by Atta:


Law enforcement officials confirmed that a car was seized at Boston's Logan International Airport and that suspicious materials were found. The Boston Herald said there were Arabic language flight training manuals in the car. ... Meanwhile, in Portland, Maine, police said that two individuals who traveled by plane from that city to Boston were under investigation. "I can tell you those two individuals did get on a plane and fly to Boston early yesterday morning," said Portland Police Chief Mike Chitwood. "I cannot tell you who they are, I cannot tell you where they came from. I can tell you that they are the focus of a federal investigation." He said that the two were recorded on videotape as they went through the Portland Jetport's security cameras.... Maine authorities said a car-a rented silver Nissan Altima with Massachusetts plates-was seized from the Portland airport Tuesday evening. Authorities believe the two men-possible hijackers-used that car to travel to the airport, where they boarded an early morning commercial flight to Boston.77


That same day, September 13, CNN gave an even fuller account, saying:


Federal law enforcement in the United States was led to the Hamburg connection by way of information linked to a car seized at Logan Airport. It was a Mitsubishi. It was rented by Mohammed [sic] Atta, who lived in an apartment in Hamburg.. . . Inside was a flight manual in Arabic language material that law enforcement investigators say was very helpful. ... [W]e are being told by [a] law enforcement source right now that. .. the FBI was on the lead to the Bukhari brothers from that Portland car that they impounded.... Also, we know that those two men who took that car to Portland were on a US Air flight from Portland to Logan right before the American and United
planes took off. 79

On the afternoon of September 13, however, CNN suddenly announced that neither of the Bukharis had died on 9/11: Ameer had died the year before and Adnan was still alive. CNN apologized for the "misinformation," which had been "[b]ased on information from multiple law enforcement sources."80

Although the story, consequently, began to change, it did not assume its final form immediately. That same article, for example, still said that a Mitsubishi sedan at Boston's Logan Airport, which "sources said was rented by Atta," contained "materials written in Arabic, including flight manuals, that law enforcement sources called 'helpful' to the investigation" and that "led investigators to... Mohammed [sic] Atta and Marwan Yousef Alshehhi." Even the next day, September 14, CNN said: "According to law enforcement sources, Atta was on American Airlines Flight 11 .... A Mitsubishi sedan he rented was found at Boston's Logan Airport. Arabic language materials were found in the car. "81

That same day, however, the story began to change more drastically. An Associated Press report, citing Portland Police Chief Michael Chitwood, said with respect to "two suspects in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center":


One of the two suspects who boarded a flight in Portland was Mohamed Atta, 33.... The 2001 Nissan Altima used by the men came from the same Boston rental location as another car used by additional suspects that contained incriminating materials when it was seized at Boston's Logan Airport. Once in Maine, the suspects spent the night at the Comfort Inn in South Portland before boarding the plane the next morning, said Stephen McCausland, spokesman for the Maine Public Safety Department.82

Suddenly, the Nissan Altima had been driven to Portland by Atta and his companion, who then stayed at the Comfort Inn. But the incriminating materials were still found in a rental car left at Logan (although this car had been rented by unnamed "additional suspects," not Atta).

Finally, on September 16, the Washington Post published a story in which the transition to the final form of the story had been completed: Not only had Atta (with al-Omari) driven the rental car to Portland, stayed in the Comfort Inn, then taken the commuter flight back to Boston the next morning. But also, the incriminating evidence was "left in his luggage at Boston's Logan Airport."83

gretavo's picture

and their replacements...

Replacements: When it was discovered, after the FBI had prepared its initial list of hijackers, that the Bukharis had not been on Flight 11,95 replacements were needed. Adnan and Ameer Bukhari, who were thought to be brothers (although Adnan denied it), were replaced by two (other) brothers: Wail and Waleed al-Shehri.96 The fact that these latter two men were last-minute substitutes may help to explain why they were both reportedly still alive after 9/11.

Moreover, two other men originally on the list of Flight 11 hijackers-Amer Kamfar and Abdulrahman al-Omari-were also replaced.97 Amer Kamfar was replaced by Satam al-Suqami, and Abdulrahman al-Omari was replaced by a man with a similar name, Abdul Aziz al-Omari. This latter al-Omari was the man who, shortly after he was added to the list, was said to have accompanied Atta to Portland on September 10. This means that, besides the fact that Atta was originally said to have left his rental car in Boston, not Portland, the man who was said to have accompanied him to Portland was not even on the FBI's original list of hijackers.

Another name not originally on the FBI's list of hijackers was that of Hani Hanjour. On September 14 at about 10:00AM, CNN correspondent Kelli Arena, reporting that CNN had "managed to grab a list of the names of the 18 suspected hijackers that is supposed to be officially released by [the Department of] Justice sometime later today," read the list aloud. Instead of Hani Hanjour, the list included a name that, based on her pronunciation, was transcribed as "Mosear Caned."98 On a list released by CNN at 2:00PM the same day, however, that name had been replaced with Hanjour's.99 On September 16, a Washington Post story, seeking to explain why Hanjour's "name was not on the American Airlines manifest for the flight," said that "he may not have had a ticket."100 That explanation, however, would raise the question as how he had gotten on board. In any case, the fact that Hanjour was a last minute substitute may help explain why the official story about Flight 77 ended up with a pilot who could not fly.

Keenan's picture

Do you have a link for this article?

I'd like to follow up on some of the references. txs

gretavo's picture

it's from New Pearl Harbor revisited




DRG2 (9/11 Contradictions)


DRG1Notes1 is slightly cut off on the right but you should be able to decipher what's missing...

gretavo's picture

ok I linked to the referenced articles


gretavo's picture

how on earth...

...do they make this kind of mistake? at this point they would have presumably already seen the flight manifests--what made them suspect the Bukharis, who apparently do not appear on the manifests, and one of whom was alive and the other who had died a year before?

First, we're going to report to you that the FBI indeed has leads on suspected hijackers that were involved in this terrorist attack. They are still hijackers that attended flight schools here in Florida. And at this hour, the FBI continues to look at other flight schools here in Florida.

Law enforcement sources say that two of the suspected hijackers, at least two of them, lived here in Vero Beach. Two of them are brothers that lived here. One of them lived on this very street. Both are described as Saudi citizens.

One of them is Adnan Bukhari. We have a photograph of him. He is said to be in his '40s. He is described as a commercial pilot for Saudi Arabian Airlines. Also living in Vero Beach, Bukhari's brother, Ameer. Both lived here with their wives and children.

Now this afternoon, we also had a chance to go inside one of rented homes. This is the one rented by Adnan Bukhari. It was searched this day by the FBI. And according to documents left behind by agents, they seized a number of items, including a computer, computer software, U.S. immigration papers, bank receipts, phone cards, a flight safety bag.

We also saw a pilot certificate, as well as a certificate that they had received specialized instruction on multiengine planes.

These pilots, we are told by law enforcement sources, attended flight safety international, a flight school here in Vero Beach. Law enforcement sources also tell CNN that the Bukhari brothers were believed to have been on of the two flights out of Boston, one of those two flights that wound up slamming into the World Trade Center.

gretavo's picture

and where is the flight manifest...

...for the flight out of Portland that allegedly took Atta and (the second) al Omari to Logan on the morning of 9/11?

gretavo's picture

where is any of this?


The above is a lettr from the "Plaintiff's Liaison Counsel" Marc Moller asking Thomas Kean for the info referenced in the commission report...

gretavo's picture

what can we learn from litigation against the airlines?


About the Litigation

This litigation arises out of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. On July 24, 2002, Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein, United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York, issued an Order that all actions for wrongful death, personal injury, property damage or business loss currently pending or to be filed pursuant to the Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act, Pub.L. No. 107-42 Section 408(b)(3), 49 U.S.C. Section 40101 (2002) against any airline and/or airline security company, be consolidated for purposes of pretrial proceedings. These consolidated proceedings do not include any actions against any alleged hijackers or terrorists.

In its Order of November 1, 2002, the Court established a master docket for these proceedings: "In Re September 11 Litigation," 21 MC 97 (AKH). In addition, the Clerk of the Southern District of New York has created a link to the September 11 litigation on the Court’s website at nysd.uscourts.gov/Sept11Litigation.htm, that includes the Court’s Rules of Practice and orders relating to the September 11, 2001 Tort Litigation.

On October 9, 2002, the Court issued an Order regarding the organizational structure for the management of this litigation and appointed Liaison Counsel and a Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee, the members of which are:

Liaison Counsel:

Marc S. Moller, Esq., Kreindler & Kreindler LLP

Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee
Kreindler & Kreindler LLP
100 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Hanly Conroy Bierstein & Sheridan LLP
112 Madison Avenue, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10016

Baum Hedlund
12100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 950
Los Angeles, CA 90025

Speiser, Krause, Nolan & Granito, P.C.,
Two Grand Central Tower, 34th Floor
140 East 45th Street
New York, NY 10017

Baumeister & Samuels, P.C.
One Exchange Plaza
New York, NY 10006