
casseia's picture

Everyone (even climate change skeptics) is rooting for the Philippines in the aftermath of Yolanda/Haiyan. How are you doing?

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gretavo's picture

hope you're ok!


juandelacruz's picture

am fine

Hi Cass and Gret,

I am ok. I live in the capital region away from the storm hit areas. We are volunteering to help our fellow Filipinos who survived. The scale of the storm surge hit us by surprise and we have been ill equipped to handle the situation on the ground. The warnings and evacuations were not properly coordinated and rescue/relief operations were delayed.

Though I hate the US war machinery, in this case, I have to thank the US for sending the military to help. They restored airport operations in Tacloban and are sending Ospreys to survey remote areas.

Thanks for your concern, and do donate to the Red Cross or other agencies if you can.

gretavo's picture

glad to hear you're ok.

Do you think the Red Cross is the best option for donating?

juandelacruz's picture

I don't really know which is

I don't really know which is the best agency to donate to. I am just most familiar with the Red Cross which has a long time presence in the Philippines. But any good agency that you know of should be ok.

Thanks to all individuals, companies, agencies and governments that have donated or participated directly in relief effort. Even our territorial rival China pitched in. Thanks a bundle.