"The racism inherent at the heart of the 9-11 conspiracy movement..."

[I was almost surprised to see this ancient canard pop up again on an otherwise not-particularly-interesting Portland Indymedia thread about 9/11. What was most pleasing was the way it was quickly and efficiently dispatched by other users. Portland Indymedia has become a toxic place for discussions of 9/11 --- this thread, ironically, was a breath of fresh air.]
08.Apr.2013 07:21
Because, remember, people with non-white skin are too stupid to do these things. The racism inherent at the heart of the 9-11 conspiracy movement.
Garth says that Arabs did 9/11 because they were "racially" capable of doing it.
08.Apr.2013 08:04
Kid Creole
Garth says: "Because, remember, people with non-white skin are too stupid to do these things. The racism inherent at the heart of the 9-11 conspiracy movement."
Garth once again proves him(?)self to be a professional Internet troll, or a shill, working to protect the Official Narrative of the US Government, with the extremely lame argument that "Arabs didn't do 9/11 is racist."
In case you hadn't noticed, Garth, the members and leaders of the US Government and the Corporate Mafia include blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, South Asians and East Asians, Polynesians, Jews, Arabs, and practically every minority on earth.
You look really stupid when you use the "discrimination card" to assert that Arabs did 9/11 because they were "racially" capable of doing it.
I Was a Paid Internet Shill
08.Apr.2013 08:10
"I Was a Paid Internet Shill"
by Ex-Shill
http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=64853 [cass: I checked this out briefly -- on the sketchy side.]
"racism inherent at the heart of the 9-11 conspiracy movement "
08.Apr.2013 09:34
Look In The Mirror, Garth
Sounds like classic projection, Garth.
Pakistan's ISI (just for example) was integral to the 9/11 operation... last I checked those folks weren't primarily "white skinned":
Furthermore, there are many people -- non-white of course -- from countries around our globe who do not accept the official USA story of the day's occurrences... and have not, from the time it occurred.
Not to mention, no one on Earth knows what the "9-11 conspiracy movement" (??) is... if anything, such a term might be applied to the official U.S. government explanation of that day's events.
but boo hoo, poor old clowns like you will keep __making up__ your own psychiatric reasons to deny reality.
Garth = racist (subconsciously)
I'm having trouble seeing Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell as white.
08.Apr.2013 09:58
Leroi d'Albina
Garth, I can definitely see your point about the many pro-War Jews who served in the Bush Administration being white.
But I'm having trouble seeing Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell as white.
Remember This Too
08.Apr.2013 11:26
It was presumed that so-called "white skinned people" are far too civilized and ethical to have perpetrated 9/11. This is the racism at the dark heart of the 9/11 coincidence theory movement.
love the layers of BS
"Pakistan's ISI (just for example) was integral to the 9/11 operation..."
i.e. someone may or may not have wired Mohammed Atta some money for pork chops, coke, and lap dances, possibly at the order of someone in the ISI, so yeah, brown people ARE just as good as white people at conspiring to mass murder...