Your Thanksgiving Day Conversation Starter

For use with friends and family. I lost the link to this video a while ago -- thanks to tognola who posted it at truthaction. In any comments you may wish to make PLEASE AVOID SPOILERS!
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Your Thanksgiving Day Conversation Starter![]() For use with friends and family. I lost the link to this video a while ago -- thanks to tognola who posted it at truthaction. In any comments you may wish to make PLEASE AVOID SPOILERS! |
PollWho destroyed the WTC on 9/11? Al Qaeda 0% The Guy who made billions from its destruction 100% Total votes: 1 Disqus Comments |
kareem abdul jabbar
to think some younger people today probably think that's the name of some al Qaeda figure...  i love this video btw, cass, thanks for reposting it!
Literally, I laughed out loud and could not stop!
I could not believe it!
Let me say this again: I could not believe it! What
a blow to my ego. I think of myself as an observant person who
sometimes (rarely) gets fooled, but usually is aware of some
"shenanigan" going on ...this time I was entirely and totally blinded.
This is so embarrassing.
I have to admit to you that I went back to the beginning and compared the two legs of video to see if they
were the same - how could I have been so blinded by my own psychological
The only excuse I have is that my perception collapsed mostly due to
structural damage because the fires were just too intense in my brain.
Thank you, I can't get over it.
structural failure, not damage
Hi Mr. Petros, just wanted to point out that in the case of the towers AND your brain (I happen to be an uncredentialed expert on both) it is ordinarily sturctural FAILURE that is caused by intense fire, not structural damage. a common mistake to be sure, so don't feel bad.
so... do you ride?
Unfortunately, the link seems broken
Does this video incorporate basketball and [censored by spoiler police], by any chance?
oddly broken link
the video seems to have vanished from google.... by the way bruce, do you know what a spoiler is? :)
my bike has one... hey bruce, long time no see. hey, i tried sending you an email to the hardy address but it bounced back... in any case, did you ever get Cass a version of the wtcd logo image suitable for tshirts? it would be rad to be able to get them up on zazzle or cafepress in time for the solstice celebrations! i hear gretavo might even be offering to give one free to all the hall monitors and above...
i too want tshirt
Mr. Bruce, my friend, I can also provide you some images of the burning towers if it would help...
Scary that is against company policy
You cannot offer anyone the photos we took--they are official documentation of the horrific terror attacks by the Pales--er, the al Qaeda on our beloved American brothers.
lighten up sporty!
want to borrow my bic lighter again?
Scary, please be sure in whichever pics you send to Mr. Bruce that my hair is looking soft and lustrous. Mr. Gretavo, please I would too like tshirt. I would prefer the small size so it may can I use as muscle shirt at gym.
oy vey...
you and your hair! take it from me, schlemiel, your hairline's receding faster than the Palestinian border! put me down for a few dozen shirts--I've got lots of chanukah love to spread this year and I've run out of the old Runway 69 thongs...
oh pooh
I've run out of the old Runway 69 thongs...
i saved some
we're the same size right? want me to wash a pair and send it your way, Pair?
yes please
send to company HQ in Herzliya, no "postage due" again please...
Thank you perpets and pastries, you made my day :D
About emails and t-shirts: I'll try my best to accomodate any requests for data you might have -- if I do receive word. Dunno why the email bounced, actually, and do find it strange. Anyway, I sent cass a file according to the next best specifications I could find online -- I think they were from Considering I haven't heard back from her, I supposed that turned out ok. Well...if not, just point me to some specs to match and I'll do.
hasta la victoria siempre, mes amigos!
PS: whoops, sorry about that spoiler!
Files sent to gretavo
I sent the two versions to gret -- I played around with them at cafepress but lacked the follow-through to get 'er done :(
Also I cc'd that email to you, bruce, to check your email address, and it hasn't bounced back, but did you get it?
Thanks also to the Usual Suspects who made an appearance today in this blog-- I laughed out loud over this thread twice -- once on the quiet floor of the library.
Edit:Â I just cracked up over it again -- just noticed Posh's tortured grammar...Â
missing video
hey, does anyone know where this video can be found , elsewhere?
i really really liked it. bummer...
missing video again
ok, found it myself..:
(its a java applet tho, takes ages to load, and only worked here on 2nd try)