The Truth Movement - A Critical Analysis

"Truth will have no gods before it.- The belief in truth begins with the doubt of all truths in which one has previously believed."
"A light has dawned for me: I need companions, living ones, not dead companions and corpses which I carry with me wherever I wish. But I need living companions who follow me because they want to follow themselves and who want to go where I want to go."
Friedrich Nietszche
"Every great cause is first championed by an aggressive minority."
"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions."
"In long intervals I have expressed an opinion on public issues whenever they appeared so bad and unfortunate that silence would have made me feel guilty of complicity."
"He who joyfully marches to rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism on command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so a base of action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."
Albert Einstein
I look forward to reading more, gretavo. I'm not only an expert in structural engineering but also in disinfo and cointelpro!
it's well presented, and provides a plethora of pertinent information -- but damn, it makes it appear as if zionism just did not exist, nor wield any influence. It talks about controlled mass media -- and shows only Murdoch. It talks about international bankers interests in, for example, WW1 -- and omits the Balfour Declaration. It talks about 9/11 -- and doesn't even mention Silverstein or the Dancing Israelis. Plus, it takes the official Holocaust narrative as gospel.
Maybe it just is a tactical move to avoid accusations of antisemitism (and whoever delves into consolidated mass media and international banking will stumble upon scores of zionists rather sooner than later), but still -- a movie that preaches unbarred honesty should practise...unbarred honesty!
happiness is either here or nowhere
one of the problems with being banned
is that people can comment on my comments and I can't rebut... so here goes!
From Nunyabiz: "ALL religions are represented here, in fact Christianity was LAST.
They are all basically the same and date back to ancient Sumeria, Babylon and Kemet, they are all tied together and Christianity is just re badged paganism of the many other Sun god religions that existed 1000s of years before Christianity was a twinkle in some Bronze age Bedoiuns eye. Christianity does not teach universal brotherhood & love."
One of Jesus' messages was in fact that "salvation" or the "grace of god" was something that was not limited to the "chosen people" in other words god doesn't play favorites in other words all people are god's children.
Whatever the origins of "all religions" at least those in the middle east they obviously developed into different belief systems, and continue to develop to this day. When I talk about christianity I do not mean corrupt modern day christianity. When I talk about Judaism I don't mean today's watered down reform Judaism. By christianity I mean that which was preached by a Jew during the reign of Herod and Caesar. By Judaism I mean classical talmudic Judaism that developed after the time of Jesus. It is simplistic to say that because all of these corrupted faiths had a unique ancestor that therefore there is nothing redeeming about spiritual traditions. Clearly faith and spirituality can be and are abused by the powerful, but so is the simple writing of history and its falsification thereby.
Real Truther
"Truth will have no gods before it.- The belief in truth begins with the doubt of all truths in which one has previously believed."
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900)
Zeitgeist is crap and I just wasted 2 hours of my life on it.
Part One is downright embarrassing to watch. "Hours" comes from "Horus"? "Sunset" comes from "Sun" and "Set"? Gaaahhh... I don't know where to start. (Note -- there *may* be some etymological relationship between Horus and "hour" but it's a lot more likely that they come from some root in the distant past than that letters were moved around. As if.)
thanks for the heads up!
God backwards is Dog!! I always thought there was something profound about those "Dog is my copilot" bumper stickers! so does this mean god IS a dog, or the "backwards" of dog, i.e. cat? I think god as a cat makes more sense...
funny zeitgeist story
i was walking through harvard yard and this guy saw my truth now sign and as he walked passed, said "yep... Zeitgeist!" while nodding knowingly in my direction. Of course I think Zeitgeist is not 100% credible, but how could I not nod back knowingly...? :)
And for it to make a point of categorizing Jesus and X-ianity as pure bunkum without similarly exposing the bulk of Judaism as nonsense is plain biased. If you're going to say that Jesus is made up and irrelevant (with which I disagree, though I do not think he was any more divine than any of us potentially are) you could just as well talk about some of the insane teachings in the Talmud including all kinds of bizarre rules and bigotry that can be found there, not to mention in the Torah. Since X-ianity and Islam are both schisms off of Judaism I don't see how that is not relevant. The fruit after all doesn't fall far from the tree, and if X-ianity and Islam are really such a problem (and they are in many ways) then what sense does it make to exclude Judaism and its secular perversion Zionism from the equation? It makes sense only if you want to distract from and pre-empt criticism of Judaism and Zionism.
Real Truther
"Truth will have no gods before it.- The belief in truth begins with the doubt of all truths in which one has previously believed."
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900)
you have a lot of gusto
especially when it comes to 9/11 truth. we know and love you ;) if i make it to boston, we'll have to go for stellas and a chalk session (sidewalk that is, not a chalky bong session like the LTW crew so admires). how the fuck do those guys stay 'in business?' trust funds or the shillary buds?
RE: NIST Report Release Date for WTC 7: Second anniversary!
Re the dialog going on presently at
about Haupt/LIHOP/MIHOP; the earliest article I'd seen to mention "LIHOP" was this one by Haupt from 13 August 2002 called "UQ Wire: 911 - They Let It Happen On Purpose!"
flashback--wonder what he was thinking...
ABC News on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Wednesday, April 17th, 2002
from the beware-the-alien-dubya-menace dept.
ABC News is running a pretty interesting article that looks at the wave of conspiracy theories that have sprung up around the 9/11 attacks, including that of a French author who claims the Pentagon was not actually hit by a plane, but was instead bombed, and even nuttier stuff about aliens, dubya conspiring with bin Laden, and so on and so forth. The article quotes experts who say conspiracy theories are an essential part of the American character, and points out how the Internet makes it so any wacko with some HTML skillz (/me waves cheerfully to the folks at home) can come off as being just as credible as, say, the New York Times, causing people to become even more unstuck than they otherwise would be.
Posted in net.kooks by jbc | Permalink | No Comments »
here's a more recent one... hmmm..., eh?
Rushkoff on 9/11 conspiracy theorists
This will definitely be of interest to at least a couple of you: Conspiracy of dunces.
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