the electric dervish

bruce1337's picture

ok, so this is kinda raw, and certainly not for the faint-hearted. If you like it rough and dirty and have a thing for furious tabla drumming, check it out, though!

Alright, I followed up on Tahooey's suggestion and added a voiceover, courtesy of the windows screenreader and, of course, lots of distortion -- in fact so much that I'm not sure if you can still understand.

So, just in case, here are the lyrics:

Do you believe ideology commands the laws of nature?

Guess you have to if you still buy their crap.

Do you believe supervillains can't afford camcorders?

Guess you have to if you're terrified by a dead man's rap.

 Do you believe rehearsal follows imagination?

Guess you don't if you mistake apathy for serenity.

Do you believe in conspiracy theories?

Oh don't be silly, the mafia's just a whackjob's fantasy.

Tremble before the almighty toilet!

global channels full of shit, inhabited by rats.

 Al-Qaida, Al-Qahira -- makes no difference

 bomb 'em all to shits.

On this side of the fence, ignorance can still be bliss.

 ...but I guess karma's still a bitch.


PS: Tweaked some -- listen and tell me if the voice is sufficiently intelligible, please!

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gretavo's picture

i often wondered what Ringo got up to in the TM days...

now I know! thanks bruce3326357!!

bruce1337's picture

Sorry, does not compute...

can you elaborate, please?

gretavo's picture

Ringo the Beatles drummer,

Ringo the Beatles drummer, TM= transcendental meditation when they went to india and grooved out...

bruce1337's picture


The meaning of "TM" was the missing link to understanding. Btw, I'm just listening to Lennon demanding "some truth" <3

Oh, and also, I recently met the most amazing lass ever. Words fail me. Amor must've dug out the heavy artillery. Wish me luck, crew!

gretavo's picture

hot dang!

is she a truther? does she have a sister who's a truther? lemme know! :)

that John Lennon truth song sure seems to be popular, didn't kevin barrett start his last show with some'cover of it?

bruce1337's picture

hot dang, indeed!

But no truther, yet. In fact, I introduced her. Almost everyone I converse with is being treated to the 3 minute breakdown rather sooner than later, and that goes especially for potential girlfriends -- if they can't handle that, then they can't handle me. Brusque, maybe, but certainly saving everyone time. Call it german social engineering, if you like.

Anyway, whoa. It truly does happen when you least expect it. Now, while I've experienced my fair share of crushes over the years, this is almost surreal. And by almost, I mean completely. Whoa. I realize this is WTCD, and don't wanna litter this place with personal sentimental mumbo-jumbo, but I feel this is a story worth telling.

Imagine: Aiming to socialize in my new hometown on a saturday night, I hit the pub that seems most appealing. For good cosmoscriptual measure, I've once been roommates with one of its employees, so the place almost feels familiar. I go to lay claim on a brew. The barmaid enters vision from the left, and while she's closing in I catch a first glimpse. Hot here in january. She comes to a rest, our eyes lock, and BAM, she lets loose a smile that could turn the salty sea into syrup. Spacetime bends. I silently pray someone nearby knows how to perform cardiac massage. Ok, breathe.

A little later, I go outside for some perky haze. She's there, too, and her friend's telling gruesome stories of skinned corpses on the rocks. Medicine -- it's not for everyone! We look at each other, and both grimace. Man, someone stole Audrey Hepburn's eyes. She asks if anyone ever noticed how rearview mirrors require major vertical adjustments depending on the time of day. And that to be happy, a frozen pizza is all it takes. I politely wave goodbye to free will.

Back inside, I ask her what she spends her days on. Design. And what else could it have been? Guess my karmaccount can cover this, too. In the ebb before closing, she proceeds to tell two of my favorite jokes -- and mind you, they're really dirty jokes.

And so it goes -- serendipity, if I've ever experienced it. But alas, the more you are smitten, the less you remain sovereign. But as far as I can tell, we're both trying :-)

PS: 2 sisters.

PPS: I'm no regular radio listener to either barrett or anyone else. Dunno.

gretavo's picture

the meaning of "TM"

is indeed important! to me (t.m.) "TM" means truth movement, or trade mark. In fact, â„¢ itself I consider one of our trade marks as a truth site. TMâ„¢TMâ„¢

gretavo's picture

# re: That mysterious

# re: That mysterious J
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 11:46 AM by Centaur
Since I do not allow web sites to override my browsing font, I can see the Unicode smiley but not the Windings one.
# re: That mysterious J
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 11:49 AM by James Schend
True experts will do:

# re: That mysterious J
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 11:56 AM by BryanK
James -- I've even seen something like:


(And once in a while, even bigger numbers, though in that case they rarely do the "progression".) Generally that's at userfriendly, although I would bet that it happens elsewhere too.
# re: That mysterious J
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 12:15 PM by Nekto2
o o
# re: That mysterious J
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 1:38 PM by Caliban Darklock
That is SO thirteenthreeseven.

Which is oddly enough the only reasonably cool way to say that.

You can't say thirteenthirtyseven because that might be a thirty followed by a seven. You can't say thirteenthirty-seven because it might word wrap. And onethousandthreehundredthirtyseven is just too damn long.

Besides, thirteen is a cool number, and thirteen plus three plus seven is 23 which is a tremendously cool number. Thirteen plus thirty-seven is fifty, which is not cool at all unless you pronounce it "fitty", and even then it's nowhere near as cool as 23.

I frequently use the number 1638 as a "magic" constant, but nobody ever knows why until they happen to see it pop up in a debugger's watch window.

Tahooey's picture

nice bruce, its rockin

i like it, but i always have had a thing for furious tabla drumming!

people in my immediate vicinity are rocking out, they wanted to hear it again :)

maybe a synthetic voice over (like that scientology anonymous thing) with a few key truth facts could be a nice touch. i don't know much bout how to do that voiceover stuff though.

OH YEAH, I ALMOST FORGOT - as an anonymous user i couldn't listen to the file, it was some weird format or something, i had to log in and download it.  may want to check that out. 

bruce1337's picture

Glad to hear :)

slaves to the rhythm, unite!

Could you provide me with some more clues as to what kind of voice over you're envisioning? I know next to nothing about scientology. Guess a combination of voice synthesis and maybe vocoding might sound cool, though -- it's still a work in progress...

Annoymouse's picture

this video made the rounds recently

i read somewhere that it's a hoax.
regardless, it's kind of interesting, the anonymous voice

Tahooey's picture

Cool Bruce!

I wish i could understand the voice though - that's some serious shit! :)

Oh and I still can't get it to play by clicking on "Click to play"  (tries to download 775 ?)

i had to log in and download, not sure what's up with that... 

bruce1337's picture

It will require some serious mixing tweaks

to give the voice some room in the soundspace. Right now, it's all cluttered up by the rather ample basslines, which were initially alone down there. I'll see what I can do...

I have absolutely no idea why annoymice can't play-per-click. Poor little disenfranchised rodents...

gretavo's picture

ich kanne nicht

die worten sehr gut verstehen...

Lazlo Toth's picture

Excellento mein Freund, It’s like Yello,

If you are German, you must know the group Yello (Boris Blank and Dieter Meier). It is required of you (at least back in the 80s to mid 90s it was). I have a lot of their old vinyl stuff as well as re-released CDs. Supah. Always very tight poly-rhythms overlayed with industrial surrealism. Those lyrics you wrote are wirklich gut, Bruce. And the rhythmic setup is tight and tabla-esque. Many years ago I got to meet one of the world’s greatest tabla players – Ustad Allah Rakha. He has passed on now, but when alive, he was Ravi Shankar’s tabla guy. Tablas - coolest sounding drums in the world. Have you heard of that German group “Dissidenten” (Marlon Klein, Friedo Josch, and Uve Mullrich)? They do really smokin’ Arab-Indian-North African techno fusion kinda stuff with composition titles like “Radio Arabia” and “Grand Babylon Hotel” (from a 1989 CD called “Out of this World”). Really good. Loop Guru is another interesting trance-masala, fusion band like that (and I am not referring to the Zydeco band, Loup Garau, totally different).

Anyways, great job on the tracks [as a fun experiment, try adding an oud track :)]. I downloaded the file, added an ‘mpg’ suffix to the file title, and it opened right up in my audio player. I didn’t need to log in either.

danke sehr, B1337

bruce1337's picture

Yes, I know Yello

and in fact have a couple of their tracks here :-)

Ravi Shankar's tabla guy -- obviously, he was kicking! And yes, hooray for tablas! Also, thanks for the music recommendations, will check them out for sure.

Oh, I wanted to implement some of those squealing, snake charmer kinda flutes (would be grateful for the appropriate term if anyone knows), but failed to find any material. For other instruments, such as the oud, one's also dependent on good sampled material -- which, unfortunately, is hard to come by the more you digress from mainstream. But before any of this, I need to blaze a trail somewhere through the sub-1k range to make a little room for the vocals. Also, refine the vocals some more, too -- guess the toilet-line could for example be extended to make for some kind of chorus.

Und danke für die Blumen :-)

casseia's picture

"Click to play"

no workee for me -- and how would I add the suffix to the file name after downloading?

Scrubby's picture


if it has no file extension yet (as is the case here) you can just rename it and add .mp3 to it. (to rename, click on its icon (once) and hit F2 (if youre using windoze, that is))

Annoymouse's picture

Bruce 1337, Real Ruther, and Lazlo Toth

Bruce 1337, Real Ruther, and Lazlo Toth

bruce1337's picture

Oy, tiny annoymouse

What's that supposed to be? Your little rodent fantasy? Anyway, interesting statement...

Annoymouse's picture

No pun intended

I might be a rodent, but a rodent has a right to laugh every once in a while.

My wife sent it to me but I though you guys would like it better.

My brother leaves to Iraq Monday. As usual I am at a lost for words. I come from a family that your not suppose to show emotion, if your a man, or question the war. My Step Dad will lose his shit if I start speaking my mind, and it will put my Mom in a position of choosing sides, and she is already going through enough shit with her son leaving.

This war for fucked up Israel is hitting home. Good luck bro

casseia's picture

Bummer, dude :(

Sorry to hear about your brother. Of course, real men both show emotion AND condemn the war, but I bet you already know that. It doesn't make it any easier.

kate of the kiosk's picture

sorry, too

how is your brother doing? keep us posted.

my nephew came back twice, from Afghan and Iraq, wife and babes at home. he's home. he's ok. hope all works out for your fam. you have a right to your own thoughts and cool, man.

gretavo's picture

this time the sacrifice

this time the sacrifice might actually end up meaning something. the barbarity of the vietnam war did not, as it should have, lead to major changes in our country's attitudes. this latest travesty may well do the trick. we need to lose the fear to speak out, to name names, so to speak, and to conduct a debate where intimidation has no role to play. we will get there if we don't quit.

Lazlo Toth's picture

Sorry, I am in much better shape

These guys need to do some sit-ups and get ready for the revolution.

Tahooey's picture

sounds cool

but it sure is easier to understand the voice if i'm reading the lyrics along with him :)