Richard Gage,, Demands Retraction From Simon Wiesenthal Center - Asks "What Are You Afraid Of?"

I know Richard won't say this, and it's probably good for him not to, but I think we know why the Simon Wiesenthal Center of all places has gone to such lengths (i.e. defamation, libel, and slander) to discourage a review of the 9/11 crimes. And I don't think it's to protect Saudi Arabia and Patsystan...
The opinion of Walter Lüftl would be of interest
The opinion of Walter Lüftl would be of interest regarding the integrity and forthrightness of the SWC.
Meet the Real Al Qaeda
The counterterrorists are the terrorists. The real al Qaeda consists of those we find testifying before Congress.
Yeah, on a brief search of Luftl, i found this interesting piece
i know very little about holocaust revisionism or the latest
research. perhaps one more informed than I could elucidate....
Lüftl _was_ President of Austrian Chamber of Engineers
If I am not mistaken, Werner Rademacher is a pseudonym of the political prisoner Germar Rudolf.
RT, in case you have missed
RT, in case you have missed col jenny's retarded video, here is a link..
they had to take the thread down over at truthaction.. HAHAH!!!
WTF did i just watch?
I watched the video posted by Col Jenny; saw an appearance of this here site, and I guess the implication was that this site exists primarily as a capitalist enterprise hocking WTCdemo goods?
Also saw an appearance of Winterpatriot's blog - excellent!
But what was the text that appeared briefly a couple times? I don't have the patience to pause this crap, is she trying to send out subliminal messages? If she's trying to say something more than her "goodbye big tent" she really oughta annotate that. Anyway, that blue guitar looked cool.
The premise of the video
is to catalogue all the "people who hurt 9/11 Truth" and say goodbye to them and make them go away. Except some people have misinterpreted her inclusion of the Jersey Girls -- she's not saying goodbye to them according to a clarification on her blog. Winterpatriot is supposed to go bye-bye. Did you realize that not only is there a screenshot that totally busts us for pernicious capitalism, but there's a clip of RT from his own video "A Day in the Life of Real Truther"? He should go away, according to Jenny.
As inside mentions, this was over at Truthaction for a while. I also commented on it here:
Col. Jenny, the Army of One
Someday someone might be able to explain to me what makes this person tick, but my reaction may well be Col. who? I think she's the only person that she actually matters to...
and Leland is on this, too!!!
shameful stupid divisive video.
> If I am not mistaken,
> If I am not mistaken, Werner Rademacher is a pseudonym of the political prisoner Germar Rudolf.
That much is a mistake. The present English edition of DISSECTING THE HOLOCAUST, which Germar Rudolf edited and put together, contains contributions from both Rademacher and Rudolf each under their own separate names.
Rudolf had for a time used the pen name of "Ernst Gauss." This was obviously a composite derivative from the names of Ernst Zundel and Karl Friedrich Gauss.