Some Welcome Truth At 911 Blogger - Zionists Jump the Shark Big Time

gretavo's picture

Simon Wiesenthal Center presents 9/11 sites alongside radical Jihadist sites to House Hearing on "Terrorism and the Internet"


Aside from exposing a disturbing and oh so revealing fact, that the SWC is launching a "9/11 Truth is Terrorism" campaign, the post above has some great comments, including by our own favorite BigD and even by our less than favorite Johndoraemi, who should be given credit where and when it is due, like now, for telling it like it is.

It will be interesting (and important) to track this story, to see if it gets any significant play, and to counter any such attention with the truth.  This move by SWC borders on criminal incitement and without question would seem to qualify as libel/slander.

I for one welcome the escalation as it will force many people to take a hard look at the facts in order to decide which side here is in fact working against the interests of the American government and people.

This is serious, folks, let's treat it appropriately.  For all our differences within the movement, we can and must stand together against this scurrilous and desperate attempt to turn our fellow citizens against us.

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kate of the kiosk's picture

The truth as terrorism

"The truth is terrorism only to terrorists who are trying to hide the truth." from ONEISMANY on 911 blogger!

very "toothy" thread... 


gretavo's picture

glad to see there is still intelligent life on 911 Blogger!

All is not lost... :)

gretavo's picture

the Georgetown guy, Bruce Hoffman, is actually the worst...

As far as I could tell, the Simon Wiesenthal guy only flipped through a few slides of 9/11 truth sites but did not explicitly mention them.  Hoffman in contrast actually says somethign to the effect that "these conspiracy theories are creating a dangerous parallel truth".  Interesting choice of words--indeed we are advocating a return to reality with our "parallel truth".  It's so funny when you think about it that everything these people say applies precisely to their own efforts to, in the words of the person quoted by Ron Suskind "create [their] own reality".  What is most disturbing is that this is a sign that SOME people are determined to go down with the ship of this "reality turned on its head".

The upside to all of this is that, if you noticed, Congresshack Harman has to apologize at the beginning for the poor attendance, saying that "she KNOWS many of her colleagues WANTED to attend" (but wisely made up an excuse not to!  Maybe some of our congresspeople actually have a conscience, or at least half a brain and don't want to be involved in what we know to be slander/libel bordering dangerously on treason by the individuals testifying before Harman's committee.

Annoymouse's picture

conscience and brain

yeah, really, one would hope.
now i wonder if there's been any more aftershocks from the "islamofascism week" crusade.
those folks at Emory were awesome!!!! Harvard did not invite, correct?

gretavo's picture


Harvard for the most part condemned IF week (though no one really talked baout it except in blogs and in the student paper,) though the rag tag group of loony right wing students DID invite Santorum to speak on the subject.  speaking of brain and conscience, Steven Pinker, Harvard's resident cognitive science pop-star pilfered from MIT by disgraced former Prez Larry "Israel first" Summers just walked by me again during my daily lunchtime truth demo.  AND I picked up a Harvard "You Can't Handle the Truth" shirt that some students were selling in advance of the annual Harvard-Yale football game.  The slogan is a play on Harvard's ill-deserved (until further notice) motto Veritas, unfortunately, and not likely a secret 9/11 truth message, but it will certainly be fun to wear while truthing, and I of course explained to the students why I was buying it... :)

Annoymouse's picture

Harvard's ill-deserved (until further notice) motto Veritas

"Harvard's ill-deserved (until further notice) motto Veritas"

RT: Do you recall a couple years ago, when Ruppert/FTW made hay of "Crossing The Rubicon" being added to the HaaaaahVuhd biz school library? There used to be an original article by Ruppert at FTW commenting on it, but I searched the site and don't see the article any more, only reference to it in Ruppert's bio. But I recall MCR remarking that that Harvard's job is to educate the future elite to carry on the system without changing the system... or words to that effect, and crowing that they saw fit to add Rubicon to their biz library.

What did you think of MCR/FTW/Rubicon? Personally, Annoymouse's support has been unwavering. While it used to cause me some cognitive dissonance that AJ, Tarpley and others would dis MCR (falsely characterizing him as being a LIHOP proponent, and also "debunking" Peak Oil); as time's gone on, & Tarpley has conspicuously "flipped" as an agent while AJ's schtick remains dubious, and crude oil flirts with $100/barrel, MCR looks better and better.

You may take issue with MCR's approach to the CDs of the WTCs. Shortly after 9/11 MCR said he doesn't believe they were CDs. Then he backed away from that position a few months after (I'd have to go back and find exact dates on these events). Then in Rubicon, he said CD was not worth tremendous time/energy from Truthers because, despite its apparent obviousness, it'd get obfuscated/bogged-down in court (much less public debate) because it's technical and dependent upon "experts", & thanks to the bottomless army of shill/experts-for-sale, CD is a de facto road to nowhere. Have we not seen this play out within the movement? So Rubicon made its case without touching CD, except to say why he wasn't touching CD.

gretavo's picture

RT not a fan of Ruppert

Of course I was happy when CTR came out because it was like the first major 9/11 truth book "event".  There was of course some interesting material but overall it was not a great 9/11 truth book for a few reasons.  First was the poor editing.  Second was the ridiculous fixation on Delmart Vreeland, hyped as having "predicted 9/11" but when you look at the "prediction" it's basically a bunch of gibberish that seemingly means nothing, and Ruppert's reading of it as a prediction of 9/11 is absurd.  Then Ruppert jumped the shark when he ran off to Venezuela and declared the truth movement dead.  When no one seemed to care he came back.  I think his whole shtick is scripted by someone, and since it was one of the earliest efforts at a disinfo narrative it was pretty lame (as the weavers of disinfo narratives get more familiar with the way the truth movement is developing they get a little better at making their stories seem like natural evolution (as opposed to intelligent design...)

As far as peak oil, well duh--it's not such a brilliant observation that oil supplies are finite.  The question is, is it that big a deal?  Basic econ tells you that when a good becomes scarce the price goes up so that demand and supply curves can find a feasible meeting place.  Does that mean oil is now scarce?  No--oil can be pumped at will for the next few years, but creating a sense of panic makes people accept higher prices.  If there really was scarcity we wouldn't be seeing record profits for the oil companies.  When oil really starts running out you will see how quickly we start seeing alternatives developed.  They are not being developed now because there is still a ton of money to be made selling the black stuff.  I even had a friend try to convince me that the reason solar panels weren't cheaper wasn't political--he then sent me an article from claiming that the reason was a shortage of sand.  the article didn't explain this absurd claim, they just said--shortage of sand, solar is expensive.  I had to laugh, and do to this day at how gullible some people can be.

Latching onto any one character or group ion the movement is a losing proposition--chances are you will end up regretting supporting whoever--just look at Fetzer to see why--everyone thought it was great to have a real professor on our side, and everyone made excuses for him when he seemed not so great on TV or on panels.  Now we know better.  Same with Tarpley after HE jumped the shark with the Kennebunkport Warning debacle.  But people still get upset when anyone disses whoever their favorite is--whether it be AJ, the L0o5e CHan6e Boyz, Ron Paul, etc.

The truth is we don't need any of these personalities.  We need the facts.  When people get all huffy in defense of any of these characters it just makes it obvious that someone is more concerned about the person's image and credibility than about the actual facts.  If someone were to say that David Griffin or Richard Gage were shills, I would simply say--shill or not they are helping the movement.  Unless I see active attempts on their part to mislead, deceive, or be incompetent (on purpose or not) they can be shills for all I care...

Annoymouse's picture

"...declared the truth

"...declared the truth movement dead."

This is one of those falsehoods which just won't die. Advance to the last 1 minute of this WMV video entitled "MIKE RUPPERT: 9-11, PEAK OIL AND THE WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY".
(15 mins, 4 MBs)

It's from 3/04. Ruppert states (in that final minute) that either 9/11 Truth gets traction by the 11/04 election, or it becomes a "historical debate rather than a current political topic."

Then in 1/05, a couple months after the sham skull-vs-bones election (a disappointment successfully diffused by sKerry's expressed desire to hug us all), MCR gives his "Elephants" speech in Portland (can't find the friggin link @ FTW-- are their archives only partial?!), where he follows through on what he said ~10 months earlier, essentially that the best use of "activist" time/energy looking forward was prepping for the herd of elephants (P.O.) charging at us. Maybe someone can find the 1/05 "elephants" article cached somewhere, or perhaps the audio/video-- but he didn't say 9/11 was dead (to my recollection), just that hope for "9/11 justice being done" was likely in vain... exactly as he suggested ~10 months earlier! But MCR's critics jumped all over this spinning it as "MCR abandoned 9/11 Truth!" Ridiculous.

Granted on the Vreeland emphasis in Rubicon. It was worth a few pages of outline, but not 2 chapters.

Annoymouse has drawn his conclusions re Peak Oil, namely that it's real. Yes games are being played wrt suppressed alt-energies, and... in short the EnergyCorp PTB are milking the situation to their benefit, but PO remains real. Annoymouse has been investing accordingly and doing well. But Annoymouse no longer gets into it with AJ&Co "PO is a scam!" disciples at messageboards-- any more than Annoymouse gets into religious debates with the born-againers.

Overall, MCR's skepticism over CD gaining actionable traction have proven prophetic. Peak Oil is driving domestic and international events. MCR's feeling that "911 Justice" won't ever be done is displeasing, but it's reality-based. Does anyone here hold their breath that TPTB will rigorously investigate TPTB for 9/11, convict, sentence, and effectively overthrow TPTB?! Absurd (& George Carlin agrees..). The reason I for one remain active in 9/11 Truth is so that society's awareness of the hoaxes TPTB play on us is raised, & TPTB's agenda and MO is better understood by J6P. There will be a societal "chaos factor" looking forward as the global economy continues unraveling, which TPTB can't control despite their psychotic desire to control everything. Another fake attack of some flavor is imminent, as a "fear booster shot" and as a smokescreen/"cause" for the (unavoidable/engineered) economic collapse under way... and that fake attack will have a specific set of societal-reshaping outcomes desired by the event's perps-- using their usual MO of Big Lies. Which direction the transitional chaos factor pushes outcomes will have alot to do with the extent to which the average person is awake, or asleep, as to what's really going on. Annoymouse believes (as would MCR?) that's the most realistic expectation for a positive result to be achieved by Truthing.

Incidentally, FTW maintains a blog updated ~once/week, overseen mainly by Jenna Orkin, at
Last word I saw on MCR was, after a traumatic year (sick/attempted suicide in Venezuela, Toronto, NYC, Bellvue Hospital inpatient, shacked up with JennaO), his plan was to return to Southern Oregon to live out his years.

Jpass's picture

Bill Orielly Is Escalating Also

Bill Orielly announced multiple times last night that he and Fox news will have something special dedicated to addressing 911 Truth nuts. Can't wait. Escalate it Bill..please pick up the pace.

gretavo's picture

bring it on, Faloofah, bring it ON!!

Now is the time to bone up on O'Reilly's character issues so as to point out as poignantly as possible who the most vocal crusaders against 9/11 Truth are...  read on if you can stomach it!  and be sure to forward the link around to all your friends!  everyone loves a good sexy romp that also skewers a bad guy!  see also Joe Scarborough AND Lori Klausutis (his mysteriously bludgeoned to death congressional aide)  Remember, the reason these are the guys who come after us is... they have no choice!  If they don't do their masters' bidding it's goodbye TV stardom and hello permanent infamy!

Big_D's picture

Did you notice this one?

Big_D's picture

Mmm, mmm, mmm...

Looks like I'm now in "moderation que" over at 911b. I guess the blow-hard & half-wit thought police need all the help they can get, and it looks better than deleting an entire blog entry...

casseia's picture

Oh fer gawdssake

Why?  What post triggered it -- oh, wait, were you the person who posted the link to the "Judea Declares War on Germany" headline?  I'm just wondering what it takes to cross the "denier" threshold in their minds.

gretavo's picture

"denier" seems to equal "inquirer"

anyone seeking to flesh out their understanding of history by veering off the sanitized mainstream narrative is automatically designated as a troublemaker who must of course be looking to deny some or another aspect of history.  you can bet that there are people just drooling over the possibility of having the label "9/11 denier" stick (in the way they mean it)...  control language and you control thought, as Orwell would have said...

Annoymouse's picture

"Jumping the Shark"

I had to look up that expression:

So, it seems The Fonz jumped over a shark while water skiing? LMAO.

gretavo's picture

jumping the shark

has come to mean a ridiculous stunt pulled when a tv show (or group of conspirators) is getting desperate because of slumping ratings (or a tightening circle of suspicion... :)

Annoymouse's picture

SBG is a fucking nazi

SBG is a fucking nazi bastard who protects the self appointed DISINFO Police Force like Arab, Vitronix Hoffman etc. while shitting on long time members of the site who take issue with them. fuck you SBG, you fucking biased asshole. the LIHOP disinfo police force is killing the movement and SBG is helping them.

casseia's picture

Published reluctantly...

More detail would be helpful.  SBG has been a good guy in the past -- did he in particular do something unfair? 

gretavo's picture

agree with cass, please elaborate, explain...

calling someone a fucking nazi is pretty foul stuff.  Jon Gold has called me a fucking nazi piece of shit on several occasions for no good reason and that is one reason why the mission statement here discourages "baseless charges of bigotry". While I don't think it's exactly bigotry you're accusing him of, I agree with Cass that SBG (somebigguy to those who don't know) has not to my knowledge been among the real "bad guys" at 911B.  If in fact you have an issue with something he did, you should explain what it is instead of posting an anonymous smear with nothing to back it up.

My own suspicious nature leads me to wonder if this is not part of someone's idea of making the participants on wtcdemo look like jerks, perhaps precisely to make SBG think we are.

Again, anonymous poster, please explain in a rational way what your gripe is with SBG instead of merely using our site to trash him.

Tahooey's picture

yeah i didn't publish that one

i deleted a bunch of spam out yesterday morning but left that one to be approved by someone other than me, since I don't know much of anything when it comes to inter-movement politics and whether that post violates blog rules.

kudos on the new logo, and the 50K!

Annoymouse's picture

Maybe he's not exactly a

Maybe he's not exactly a shill, but did Richard Gage really write a letter to the Simon Wiesenthal Center

asserting that "Simon Wiesenthal was a paragon for seeking the truth"? Even such mainstream authors as Eli Rosenbaum, BETRAYAL: THE UNTOLD STORY OF THE KURT WALDHEIM INVESTIGATION AND COVER-UP, or Gerald Posner, MENGELE: THE COMPLETE STORY, make it clear that Wiesenthal was a money-collecting hoaxer from day one. How can Gage honestly believe that Wiesenthal was ever anything but a fraudster? Did he really write this in a letter to the SWC? Was it written that way just for diplomacy? Or does Gage really believe that "Simon Wiesenthal was a paragon for seeking the truth"?