More Hate Towards Truthers From Shill O'Reilly

I love it--Kirsten Powers (the blonde on the left)is a Democratic strategist and she not only is now referring to us as truthers, but she also is aware that the DailyKos crowd "aren't truthers". Bill O on the other hand lumps truthers in with Kos and some lady who approached Condi with blood on her hands at a hearing somewhere, and suggests that it's all Rosie O'Donnell's fault. I'm sure no one needs reminding that once Bill O'Reilly becomes your worst critic your victory is assured, so no need to worry too much about this nonsense. Just remember when truthing in public to be polite and clean and to smile a lot. :)
Don't loofah me, bro
I oscillate between hatred and the desire to laugh when I watch this guy. He was a local anchor in Portland back in the day, and I just cannot take him seriously.
lol i will and what's more i'll falafel you too
Yep, I see what's happening. Desperation is setting in and so ShillO is getting the green light to start speaking in more overtly threatening ways. "Someone is going to get hurt" is one of the least comforting expressions of caution, since it can easily be read as a threat that "someone" means "you, truthers" or worse yet "you, citizen, by a rabid truther." ShillO can always tell the grand jury that his words were not intended to provoke such reactions, but we know he would be lying.
Hi, If they stage a
Hi, If they stage a scenario with a supposed "truther" going berserk, I think they may just as well shoot themselves in the foot.  Shayler going loco wasn't even a speed bumb for the truth.
so true...
Like with their overuse of these campy and inherently comical "al Qaeda videos" they would simply be flashing a red light saying "this is how desperate we are--just look at these methods!"