wondering just which "organization" will be, might be, has been, named in the Final Cut

kate of the kiosk's picture

".....It is about whether we should accept unconditionally a story which defeats the laws of physics, denies the abundance of witness testimony, and rejects video evidence put forward by an organisation, which, in hindsight, we know had the means, motive and opportunity, and also has a record of being economical with the truth...."

Tim Sparke, Ex. Prod. Loose Change, Final Cut.



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gretavo's picture

my guess would be

they will try to pin it on the Bush administration, which is of course only half the story...

kate of the kiosk's picture

bush or

the CIA

Alek Hidell's picture

One can dream...

Could it be the Project for a New American Century = Netanyahu's think tank plus US fascists and the bankers who back them both.

I know, snowball's chance in hell the loose change boyz have that organization in mind.
kate of the kiosk's picture

maybe we should have a poll

come on, gretavo, you're so good at those things!