Afghanistan: The Return of the Lone Gunman Theory
Submitted by gretavo on Sat, 2012-03-17 13:26.
Mar-17-2012 05:07
Murder in Afghanistan
Debbie Menon for Salem-News.com
Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales named as suspect in Afghanistan massacre.

The "Terror Support" Double Standard
Submitted by gretavo on Mon, 2012-03-12 15:43.http://www.salon.com/2012/03/12/washingtons_high_powered_terrorist_suppo...
Monday, Mar 12, 2012 8:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Washington’s high-powered Terrorist supporters
By Glenn Greenwald

"Bibi Duck Spoof" Hasbara 2012
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2012-03-08 01:09.Oh he's so hip, and such a sport! Hasbara, meet viral marketing. Viral marketing, stop, where are you going? Oh Well, it was worth a shot! This is perfect material to splice with all the evidence of Zionist links to 9/11.

Questions to Ponder...
Submitted by gretavo on Sun, 2012-03-04 14:40.KSM to stand Trial?
While Saudis Threatened?
With the help of Jeffrey Hill and 911Blogger?

Exploring Parallels Between 9/11 and the Katrina Levee "Conspiracy Theory"
Submitted by gretavo on Sun, 2012-03-04 01:39.The piece below has the folks making the allegations, made to look foolish, a sheepish admission in passing that the levees *were* deliberately destroyed in the past to make black neighborhoods bear the brunt of a particular flood, and a black Harvard professor to assure us that "normal black people" don't take these kooks seriously.
I hear Glenn Beck also had a conspiracy theory about Katrina that they Let The Levees Fail On Purpose (LTLFOP, pronounced Little Fop)
Unpredictable tragedy leads to insurance fueled real-estate revival.

Why Are the 911Bloggerites Eating Their Own?
Submitted by gretavo on Fri, 2012-03-02 22:05.Can somebody say Cass Sunstein? And isn't it nice to see some folks finally calling Jeff Hill weird (at least?)

Alleged Victim Family Members Take on the Kingdom
Submitted by 9-11 Family Guy on Fri, 2012-03-02 12:28.Ahhh, my LIHOP plans are coming to fruition. By placing the families on a pedestal I have (pretty much single-handedly)ensured that the truth movement will see this as a victory over the REAL perpetrators of 9/11. The Saudis!
A Statement by the 9/11 Families United to Bankrupt Terrorism
By 9/11 Families United to Bankrupt Terrorism
Posted: 10:50am on Mar 1, 2012; Modified: 10:55am on Mar 1, 2012

More on Disposal of Alleged Remains
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2012-03-01 12:01.2002 Pentagon memo guided 9/11 remains disposal
Associated Press
WASHINGTON — The disposal of human remains from the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, including the incineration and dumping of some portions in a landfill, was based on high-level Pentagon instructions, the Air Force's top general said Wednesday.

Gravel, Mike
Submitted by gretavo on Tue, 2012-02-28 20:50.http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/did-mike-gravel-scam-the-trut...
Sen. Mike Gravel
Posted: September 10, 2007 10:14 AM
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The Real Lessons of 9/11

Some Alleged Remains From Pentagon and Shanksville Not ID'ed
Submitted by gretavo on Tue, 2012-02-28 20:29.From the Wall Street Journal:
FEBRUARY 28, 2012, 2:42 P.M. ET
Dover Military Mortuary Sent Some 9/11 Remains to Landfill
WASHINGTON—Problems with handling human remains at the Dover Air Force Base stretch back at least to Sept. 11, 2001, when portions of seven corpses brought there after the terrorist attacks were cremated and deposited in a landfill, according to a Defense Department report issued Tuesday.

Recapping Associated Press Reports on NYPD Surveillance of Muslims
Submitted by gretavo on Tue, 2012-02-21 21:45.
After 9/11, Israel Can (and Does) Claim That 'If America can do it, so can we!'
Submitted by gretavo on Tue, 2012-02-21 21:31.Just another way that 9/11 was tailor-made to help Israel...
Excerpted from: http://www.salon.com/2012/02/20/khader_adnan_and_normalized_western_just...

If Americans get suckered into participating in or paying for a war with Iran it will have been because...
Submitted by gretavo on Sun, 2012-02-12 21:40.
Submitted by gretavo on Sun, 2012-02-12 21:16.There are several possible interpretations of what this is all about, but at issue I think foremost is the nature of the alleged group "Anonymous". I say alleged because it is impossible for the public that "Anonymous" addresses to know whether Anonymous represents a genuine bona fide (in good faith) group or merely a brand created to market controlled dissent to the public, i.e. fake truth.

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