Sikh Shooter, According to SITE "Intelligence Group"
Submitted by gretavo on Tue, 2012-08-07 11:06.Page, who was shot to death by police, described himself as a member of the "Hammerskins Nation," a skinhead group rooted in Texas that has branches in Australia and Canada, according to the SITE Monitoring Service, a Maryland-based private intelligence firm that searches the Internet for extremist activity.
From "Gunman exhorted other white supremacists to act" cbsnews.com
Of course, we at WTCD know SITE as *the* go-to source for the latest Jihadi threat videos...

Submitted by gretavo on Mon, 2012-08-06 17:00.
CIA Trusts Arab Countries More Than Israel
Submitted by gretavo on Sat, 2012-08-04 10:09.Thursday, 02 August 2012 12:26
Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast's biggest spy threat Featured
Written by CNI
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Alex Levac
Haaretz, AP - U.S. intelligence agents stationed in Israel report multiple cases of equipment tampering, suspected break ins in recent years; CIA officials tell the Associated Press that Israel may have leaked info that led to the capture of an agent inside Syria's chemical weapons program.

Is AIPAC On a Road to Decline?
Submitted by gretavo on Fri, 2012-08-03 20:44.http://www.counterpunch.org/2012/08/03/twilight-of-the-lobbies/
Weekend Edition August 3-5, 2012
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From AIPAC to the NRA
Twilight of the Lobbies

Who Really Attacks Jews Around the World?
Submitted by gretavo on Mon, 2012-07-23 18:02.This article, from the relatively docile Nation, doesn't exactly finger Mossad but it may as well...
Bush's Iran/Argentina Terror Frame-Up
Gareth Porter
January 18, 2008 | This article appeared in the February 4, 2008 edition of The Nation.
Research for this article was supported by the Investigative Fund of The Nation Institute.
About the Author
Gareth Porter
Gareth Porter is an investigative historian and journalist who writes regulary for Inter Press Service on national...

Self-Styled "9/11 Truther" Jon Gold Excoriated on His Own Site
Submitted by gretavo on Tue, 2012-07-17 14:26.Jon Gold has always been coy about his relationship to 911blogger.com. At times he has claimed credit for co-founding it, at others (many others) he has lambasted and boycotted it for making "the movement he built" look bad. He never leaves for good, though, and sometimes it seems that a modicum of real opinion manages to flow from what is otherwise an apparently controlled opposition. Whether real or a way for the controlled elements of the movement to distance themselves from an obvious LIHOP saboteur, Gold being put in his place always makes for good reading:

[SATIRE] More Truth About Pakistan and Saudi Arabia From Our Indian Friends
Submitted by 9-11 Family Guy on Tue, 2012-07-10 18:22.
America Adopts the Israel Paradigm by Philip Giraldi
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2012-07-05 19:17.I guess Giraldi never heard of our SHARED VALUES!
Thursday, 05 July 2012 11:05
America Adopts the Israel Paradigm
Written by Philip Giraldi

Good Breakdown of the Breaking "LIBOR Scandal"
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2012-07-05 17:16.Yet more evidence that banking is no ordinary business but a sophisticated criminal enterprise...
July 03, 2012
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The LIBOR Rate-Fixing Scandal
Gaming the System
“If there is any message of the last few years, it’s that banks and bankers simply cannot be trusted.”
– Tim Price, Asset Manager at PFP Group LLP

Jon Gold, Cindy Sheehan, and Six Other People Talk LIHOP in Fresno
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2012-07-05 13:37.Synopsis: "Bush and al Qaeda. The ISI. Bandar Bush and the hijackers. Saudi hijackers. Bush/Cheney. Pakistan. Hijackers. Terrorists. The ISI. Bush. Cheney. Saudi Arabian hijackers. The ISI."
Not mentioned: Indisputable scientific evidence of explosive destruction of WTC. Larry Silverstein. Israelis and Neocons. Anything true about 9/11.

Mysterious Hacker Group Anonymossad and WikiLeaks Strike Again!
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2012-07-05 13:14.Normally Haaretz now makes you register to read their articles, but apparently not when they are part of the campaign against Israel's enemies--those are free... Gotta love the "unbiasing" touch claiming that the hacked files also make Syria's opponents look bad. I tell you that Julian Assange is such the crusader for truth!
WikiLeaks begins releasing millions of documents, emails linked to Syria regime
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says in statement that the released data 'is embarrassing to Syria, but it is also embarrassing to Syria’s opponents.'

Poisonous Radioactive Element Polonium Found on Arafat Clothing
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2012-07-05 13:07.Time to face the likely possibility that Zionist Israel assassinated him.
Nature News Blog
Was Yasser Arafat killed by polonium?
04 Jul 2012 | 17:24 BST | Posted by Mark Peplow | Category: Health and medicine, Physics & Mathematics
The body of Yasser Arafat will be exhumed so that tests can determine whether he died after being poisoned with the radioactive metal polonium-210 (see The Guardian).

97% of DHS "Security Grant" Funds for Non-Profits Go to Jewish Groups
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2012-07-05 11:08.
Governor Cuomo Tries to Assist in Silverstein Shakedown of Insurance Companies
Submitted by gretavo on Mon, 2012-07-02 19:14.Cuomo Helps Silverstein's 9/11 Lawsuit
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration is leaning on airlines and their insurers to settle a long-running lawsuit over the 9/11 attacks with World Trade Center developer Larry Silverstein, in a bid to help Ground Zero construction.
Mr. Cuomo's top insurance regulator, Benjamin Lawsky, recently warned airline insurers that the absence of a settlement has "undermined public confidence in the insurance industry and slowed redevelopment of the attack site."

New MSNBC News Program to Feature "9/11 Conspiracy Theorist" Anchor
Submitted by gretavo on Mon, 2012-06-25 16:41.Seems like more controlled opposition... Expect 911blogger to call it a good sign...

Israeli Interests in the Second Gulf War
Submitted by gretavo on Mon, 2012-06-25 01:01.Came across this article as a reference in the (so-far) excellent book The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel. I had heretofore been unaware that one of the results of the *first* Gulf War was the expulsion of nearly all Palestinians from Kuwait...
Israel: the ultimate winner

Kevin Ryan's view - take with grain of salt
Submitted by gretavo on Fri, 2012-06-22 17:25.http://911blogger.com/news/2012-06-14/renovation-revolution-was-pentagon...
From renovation to revolution: Was the Pentagon attacked from within?
Submitted by Orangutan. on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 11:37pm
Kevin Ryan
Posted on June 15, 2012
“I have no desire to attack the Pentagon; I want to liberate it. We need to save it from itself.” Donald Rumsfeld, September 10, 2001

911blogger.com Thinks You're Very Stupid
Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2012-06-21 00:44.Simple one first:
The answer to the title of this post that reprints a post at Op Ed News is no. The "articles" referenced by the writer of the original, Josh Mitteldorf, are actually press releases obscurely posted in a back corner of a website published by Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal. As Mitteldorf tells us:

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