"Bibi Duck Spoof" Hasbara 2012

Oh he's so hip, and such a sport! Hasbara, meet viral marketing. Viral marketing, stop, where are you going? Oh Well, it was worth a shot! This is perfect material to splice with all the evidence of Zionist links to 9/11.
Netanyahu adds YouTube spoof of AIPAC speech to official Facebook page
New video mixes Prime Minister’s reference to
Iran as a 'nuclear duck' in his address before the pro-Israel lobby in
the U.S.; U.S. comic Jon Stewart says PM's 'duck' loses to Iran's
'cancer' metaphor.
Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel facebook
Iran nuclear
A YouTube spoof of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s AIPAC speech on
Iran’s nuclear program went viral on Wednesday, to the extent that the
premier posted the humorous video on his official Facebook page.
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The video, which has gone on to receive hundreds of "likes" on the PM's
page, targeted the portion of Netanyahu’s speech in which he addressed
Israel’s certainty over Iran’s nuclear intentions, urging the international community to act now in order to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capabilities.
"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck,
then what is it? That's right, it's a duck. But this duck is a nuclear
duck and it's time the world started calling a duck a duck," the premier
In response to Netanyahu’s evocation of the “duck” metaphor, a video
surfaced on YouTube mocking the PM’s rhetoric, mixing sound-bites from
his speech with Daffy Duck clips with dance music in the background.
On Tuesday, the speech was referenced on Jon Stewart’s popular The
Daily Show, where the American comedian said Iran’s use of the metaphor
comparing Israel to a “cancerous growth” was a better than Netanyahu’s
This isn’t the first time Netanyahu has adopted a satirical jab aimed
at him. Following an official photograph depicting the recently released
IDF soldier Gilad Shalit hugging his father, with the PM looking on in
the background, a meme was initiated which depicted Netanyahu “photo
bombing” historical events, movie scenes, and so on.
Eventually, Netanyahu added his own version of the meme,
a photo of himself addressing the 66th UN General Assembly at the UN
headquarters this year, with an image of the smiling prime minister
superimposed in the background.
A speech bubble emerges from Netanyahu's smiling mouth saying, "Doogri,
you made me laugh." The word "Doogri" is Hebrew slang that means
"honestly", or "straightforward.”
even more perfect material...