Mike Gravel shut-out of tonight's Chicago debate

kate of the kiosk's picture

AFL-CIO/MSNBC say his campaign "did not answer questionnaire on time"

he is so cool, calm and collected in this MSNBC video response:


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larry horse's picture

i wouldn't bother watching

except to see them sweat in the 100 degree heat index wearing suits under studio lights. oh crap, i hope hilary's makeup doesn't start to run.
watch ron paul on fox news last night. he talks about spooky al-quaeda, alex 'the showboat' jones, 9/11 was not a 'conspiracy theory' (huh?), we should be allowed to carry weapons across state lines to visit relatives (ok, but why? oh yeah, the super-scary coming to a city near you soon police state), blah, blah, blah...i don't know about this guy

gretavo's picture

I dunno...

I kinda like him in this. He TOTALLY ducked the 9/11 issue BUT he made a good point and opened people's minds to the idea that we can't jump to conclusions about who is responsible for any given "attack". Of course he said bin laden but just making people think about not jumping to the conclusion that because a persian rug is found on the scene Iran must have been behind something is a good thing. suppose, for example, that mossad pretended to be bin laden pretending to be Iran? at least he's making people think critically.

maybe it IS too much to ask of him to come out swinging for 9/11 truth. we can't, in any case, force him or the msm to change, but we can certainly benefit from the change in consciousness he is helping to bring about...

my god, did i just write that? AAACCCKK! I still think AJ is a shill.

dicktater's picture

I'm not sure that I can

I had to truncate Kate's link to get it to load to this:


I'm not sure that I can believe Gravel's explanation about the questionaire. Regardless, obviously the PTB want the pesky second tier candidates out of the way because it distracts from the big players circus acts of flame throwing and sword swallowing.

It's a shame that Gravel won't admit that Social Security is totally voluntary in the first place. He knows that to be the case. They all do. At least he gave an honest warning about the prospects for future Social Security payments to a 49 year-old. That's all they will do is warn. Then when the shit hits the fan, they can say that they warned us.

I caught a little of the debate, what I find amazing is that when the blabbermouths keep talking after the bell, their mikes aren't cut. After about five minutes, I couldn't take any more. There is no doubt in my mind that they are are criminals.

As an aside, I'm glad to be able to load the blog again RT. Earlier today, I was continually getting redirected to a domain reseller.

"But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."
~~ Dr. Shyam Sunder - Acting Director Building and Fire Research Laboratory (NIST)

Annoymouse's picture

Walled out

I finally was able to view this site, but I had to go through anonymouse.org. Any direct attempt at connection goes to the fake site.

Alek Hidell's picture

I had a terrible time

I had a terrible time getting to this site today, I also kept getting the redirect. Going through anonymouse.org finally broke the ice

kate of the kiosk's picture

Gravel's explanation about the questionaire

found this on his site, under "forum" "other issues"
