Sibel to Spill? Uhhh, Maybe--But What Will it Be?

gretavo's picture

Mind you, I have no dog in the fight between the Republican Jean Schmidt and Mr. Krikorian, the Armenian-American candidate who allegedly libelled her when he said she took "blood money" from Turkey.  Whatever racket the Turks have going on I tend to think it pales next to the same kind of racket AIPAC runs.  So our first point--is Sibel and the fake truthers' focus on Turkey a way of drawing attention away from AIPAC?  The fact is that the Zionist and Armenian lobby have a similar m.o., which is to exploit past so-called "genocides" for present political (and financial) gain.  AIPAC and the Armenians also both consider Turkey an enemy.  Armenians for obvious reasons, and AIPAC because Turkey (along with Iran) is a major roadblock to Israeli hegemony in the region.  Here's an aside...

Armenians, Cubans, and AIPAC

22 Oct 2007 09:13 am

A way to think about the Walt-Mearsheimer book and related controversies:

  • To the (large) extent that the Armenian-American lobby ginned up support for a pointless and destructive resolution condemning sins of the Ottoman Empire, it advanced its own causes at the expense of larger American interests. The people who did this are mainly from one ethnic group (Armenian-American) and of one religion (Christian, notably Armenian Apostolic or Armenian Orthodox).
  • To the (huge and obvious) extent that the Cuban-American lobby has muscled the United States into its small-minded and punitive embargo of Castro's Cuba these last 45 years, it has advanced its own causes at the expense of larger American interests. The people who have done this are mainly from one ethnic group (Cuban-American) and of one religion (Christian, notably Roman Catholic).
  • To the (ongoing) extent that AIPAC -- the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which calls itself "America's Pro-Israel Lobby" -- is trying to legitimize a military showdown between the United States and Iran, it is advancing its own causes at the expense of larger American interests. The people who are doing this are not from one ethnic group in the conventional sense but are mainly of one religion (Jewish).


To observe these patterns, and warn against them (including the disastrous consequences of attacking Iran), is not to be anti-Armenian, anti-Orthodox, anti-Cuban, anti-Catholic, or anti-Semitic. Nor is it to deny that members of each lobby claim, and probably believe, that what they're recommending is best for America too. But in these cases they're wrong. And noting these groups' power and potential to distort policy mainly means recognizing that James Madison's warnings about the invidious effects of "faction"* apply beyond the 18th century in which he wrote.

* Federalist 10: "By a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community."


1. The Government of Turkey had illegally infiltrated and influenced various U.S. government institutions and officials, including the Department of State, the Department of Defense and individual members of the United States Congress

2. The Government of Turkey had engaged in practices and policies that were inimical to American interests and had in fact resulted in both the direct and indirect loss of American lives

3. Turkish American cultural and business groups conduct operations with direct and indirect support from the Government of Turkey

Replace Turkey above with Israel and you pretty much have an accurate account that nonetheless those pointing it out get accused of alleging "a vast Jewish conspiracy".  Now when was the last time Obama went to the Turkish lobby making promises and kissy faces?  Again, not saying that the Turkish lobby doesn't engage in shenanigans, or that their government doesn't.  They probably do.  But given the context here, does anyone seriously believe that Sibel's revelations are going to get at the real truth about 9/11?  And if not, why do people like Jon Gold continue to treat her like some kind of gagged Messiah?


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Keenan's picture

What's up with the fake truthers' obsession with Sibel Edmonds?

What Sibel Edmonds has said so far has been totally irrelevant to 9/11. Unless you include her recent BS claim that "the CIA worked with Bin Laden up to 9/11", but that is so blatantly absurd and easily discredited (the fact that her only "source" for this claim was the allegedly tortured alleged terrorist Khalil Sheikh Mohammed - who is either the biggest fake terrorist in the world, or, if he really was tortured, then not a credible source of anything once he was tortured), that you really have to wonder about the agenda of anybody who still pushes this bogus Bin Laden/LIHOP nonsense that the 9/11 truth movment moved on from a long time ago, since at least 2005.

Maybe it's because Sibel is hot "she's hot, she must be telling the truth!". Jon Gold did admit that he's got a thing for her and fantasized on 911Blogger that he might be able to ask her out (ewwwwww!) Or, maybe it's because those "truthers" in the movement who pretend to care about what she says are knowingly pushing the false LIHOP/limited hangout nonsense and know full well that Sibel will never help expose the actual perps of 9/11.

How many years of the broken record coming out of Sibel's mouth will it take for people to finally get tired of her. When I hear Sibel speak, I just get sleepy - "I have information...I have information...I have naseum" YAAAAAWN. I am so tired of her claiming to have the SEKRIT information that will "blow the whole thing wide open" when she so obviously has nothing of value to the 9/11 truth movement.

Seriously, WTF does Turkey have to do with 9/11? Why is this even a news story on 911Blogger? WTF is wrong this those people?

Ahabesque's picture

Arrr, the Siren sings truth...

So says I, so it shall be...

We all see it. That don't make it real.

-The Manxman

9-11 Family Guy's picture

this mermaid has a really big fish tale... tell!! nyuk nyuk!

Do these pants make my ass look big? Would you tell me if they did?

Ahabesque's picture


I.. I... arrr, my apologies. You reminded me of... never you mind...

We all see it. That don't make it real.

-The Manxman

Victorinox's picture

put away the harpoon, ahab

this large mammal is on OUR side...

gretavo's picture

WTF does Sibel's testimony have to do with 9/11?

Apparently it's mostly about Turkish lobbying against passage of a US resolution giving the congressional seal of approval to call the deaths of Armenians in WWI a genocide. Wow. I bet a few truthers are feeling just a tad let down right about now...