The New Oklahoma City Watch - Day 1

gretavo's picture

Here's just a sample of what is on the Alternet front page these days.  Thanks to Alex Jones, a future New Oklahoma City™ could quite possibly be effectively spun as a "9/11 Truth Action".  Never mind Prothink and *that* ilk!  So I'm beginning a New Oklahoma City™ Watch today.  We can't wait for it to happen, we need to do a couple of things--first let people know about the reality of the first Oklahoma City, that there were unexploded devices pulled out of that building that vanished down a memory hole somewhere, and second to make very clear to everyone we can that the Alex Jones wing of the truth movement may in fact be well-meaning but is being manipulated by someone who appears to be a professional provocateur.

There's No Ammo on the Shelves -- Is It the Gun Nuts' Fear of Obama-lypse?

By Yasha Levine, AlterNet

A trip to the L.A. exurb and desert city of Victorville tells you all you need to know about why it's so hard to buy ammunition these days.

Why Are We Surprised When White Preppy Guys Turn Out to Be Murderers?
Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez's Blog

Rights and Liberties: Philip Markoff is just like 85% of U.S. serial killers -- young, white and male. When will we get that these guys are the rule, not the exception?

The Far Right's First 100 Days: Getting More Extreme by the Day
Sara Robinson, Campaign for America's Future

Democracy and Elections: Their talk is turning ugly, and it's not unthinkable that we could be in for a wave of domestic terrorism unseen since the mid-'90s.

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Annoymouse's picture

yet another hit piece where

yet another hit piece where the author plays psychologist: