In NYT Interview Glenn Beck Implies Truthers Could Be Terrorists

Every day it becomes more clear what the strategy behind the Alex Jones/Infowar style of fake truthing is. Recent fake truth darling Luke Rudkowski's melodramatic arrest mini-saga seems designed to trick honest truthers to rally around him as part of this. All of this has to be seen as part of the weaving of a narrative pretext to facilitate the framing of anything that might happen. Much of this has been done already--a case in point being the bizarre Ed Brown tax evasion drama which Luke Rudkowski injected himself into a couple of years back...
Glenn Beck in today's NYT:
Jeffrey Jones, a professor of media and politics at Old Dominion University and author of the book "Entertaining Politics," said that Mr. Beck engages in "inciting rhetoric. People hear their values are under attack and they get worried. It becomes an opportunity for them to stand up and do something."
Sitting in his corner office overlooking Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, Mr. Beck rejected such charges but acknowledged that some people see sinister meanings in his commentaries. He said the people "who are spreading the garbage that I'm stirring up a revolution haven't watched the show."
To answer his critics, Mr. Beck delivered a 17-minute commentary--remarkably long by cable standards--last Monday, answering criticisms, including one from Bill Maher that he was producing “the same kind of talking†that led Timothy McVeigh to blow up the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995.
"Let me be clear," Mr. Beck said. "If someone tries to harm another person in the name of the Constitution or the 'truth' behind 9/11 or anything else, they are just as dangerous and crazy as those we don't seem to recognize anymore, who kill in the name of Allah."
Ed Brown in ABC News in June 2007:
New Hampshire Couple Vows to Fight Feds to the Death
Holed Up and Well-Armed, a New Hampshire Couple Refuses to Surrender to Federal Agents
June 18, 2007
Calling the federal agents surrounding his fortified compound "guns for hire," a New Hampshire man convicted of tax evasion vowed today that he and his wife would fight U.S. marshals to the death if they tried to capture them.
"Do not under any circumstances make any attempt on this land. We will not accept any tomfoolery by any criminal element, be it federal, state or local," said Ed Brown in a press conference from the stoop of his concrete-clad home in Plainfield, N.H. "We either walk out of here free or we die."
Brown and his wife, Elaine, were sentenced in absentia in April to serve 63 months in prison for failing to pay more than $1 million in income tax.
The couple, however, insists that there is no law that requires citizens to pay income tax.
"There is no law. We looked and looked," Brown told the press.
Brown and his supporters, including Randy Weaver, leader of the 1992 standoff with ATF agents at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, told the press that the government has unlawfully tricked people into believing they have to pay income tax, knowing full well that such a law would be unconstitutional.
"We will defend it to the death. This is 1776 all over again. You cannot tax someone's labor because that is slavery," Brown said.
Carrying a pistol in his waistband, Brown also insisted that he could not receive a fair trial in a federal court because "the court system falls under freemasonry."
"There [are] no longer any lawful courts. The Freemasons have taken over our nation. … [Freemasons want] to take over our nation and all nations on the planet," Brown said.
Weaver, whose son was killed by federal agents and who later received a $100,000 settlement from the government, said he was there to support the Browns.
"I'd rather die on my feet right here than die on my knees under this de facto government," he said. "Bring it on."
Now here's a pic of Ed Brown that you can be sure is sitting in the files of every media outlet "just in case" it becomes useful:
Note that however happy Ed Brown may be to see Luke, the object protruding from his pants is indeed a gun. The fact that Luke bears a passing resemblance to Timothy McVeigh may or may not be a coincidence but I thought I would mention it for the benefit of those who might be too young to really remember McVeigh's face. I am NOT suggesting of course that Luke is in any other way like McVeigh, just pointing out something that no doubt would not be lost on the media myth weavers who are busy trying to equate 9/11 truthers with McVeigh types.
Remember folks, the more high profile the truthers the more likely they are playing a role - we know that theatrics are a big part of subversion through narrative creation and we know that 9/11 is so big that there assuredly exists a robust and clandestine campaign against it. Do not let the facts become sidelined by what amounts to sideshow antics that play into the media's hype machine!
Beck and the "FEMA camps"
So in the article and especially in some of the comments the impression is given that Beck spreads rumors of the "FEMA concentration camps". In fact, Beck had Ron Paul on his show to debunk the FEMA camp stuff, basically saying that "look it would be awful if this were true, and we've been investigating and have found no evidence!" So basicaly to one group Beck appears to be "just like Alex Jones" and to the other side Beck is part of the NWO anti-Jones controlled media.
Can you say divide and conquer? Even people who agree disagree!
Legal rights, etc etc
Luke and friends deserve them, of course, but he would have a better chance of coming across as a serious journalist if he did less screaming -- i.e. "NWO scum!" and "Bilderberg scum!" The Bloomberg people obviously know who he is.
oh of course...
I wouldn't for one second condone any violation of their rights. I do however wonder how seriously anyone is going to take Luke's claims to being a member of the press when he is known to have screamed to Zbig Brezinski that he was responsible for 9/11 and yes, an NWO Bilderberg scum. Furthermore, the Hilton is private property and yes, reporters can be asked to leave private property. ANYWAY... Wonder what ever happened to Ed Brown?
Posing as supporters, eh? Hmmmm...
Tim McVeigh in the comments
I just read the string of comments following the article about the nanothermite article at Deseret News and there are at least two references to McVeigh and the likelihood that truthers will become McVeigh-ish terrorists. That seems to come standard on the new basic model shill/debunker post.,5143,705295677,00.html