Sunday Morning Reflection

Just thought I would bring everyone up to speed on the goings on. wtcdemolition now has a wiki and (as well you know, cheeky monkeys!) a blog.
these additions have nothing to do with the recent dust up over at 911blogger, which this time I had nothing to do with... :) Trying to live under one big tent is hard and we should be encouraging, not discouraging, spreading out the movement over as broad a range of media and venues as possible. This is one small step for a blogger, but a giant leap for the truth movement.
I am most excited actually about the wiki
It's my first time doing a wiki and the process of wiki-ing, writing link-rich text, is lots of fun. I also think that it's a good way for people to learn about the issues when they are just getting started on their path of understanding.
The wiki's boom-boom-down :(
A chance wasted to receive boundless wizdom -- bloody amateurs! ;)
it's working for me now....
fikin wiki...
I can access, but not edit
It won't accept my login. For the time being, I'll waste my time playing blasphemic beat-em-ups!
oh it hink
you need to be specially approved for that... you should ask gretavo... :)
Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force
Well then
Initially, I thought you were gretavo -- being user #1 and all. Gretavo, would you graciously consent to me contributing my notorious half-wits to the formidable 9/11 wiki, please?
done, I think... did you get my email?
Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force
tell the TRUTH RT
I am you and you are me.
What an asshole Greg Palast is. I'm listening to his Silence of the Media Lambs rap and he's all self-righteous about how he reports the big stories that the American media won't touch.
anyway yeah, gretavo is the admin here, and RT is a registered user like any other. the role of gretavo could in theory rotate...
Alright, got it.
Intuition can still be trusted!
indeed, sometimes it's the only thing you can trust!
these days anyway. so... how about you provide an 85 by 85 pic for your avatar? Unless of course you want to be mistaken for a fake hijacker!
how minimalist! rothko?
or CNN voting guide key? :)
Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force
Ellsworth Kelly, actually. I <3 minimalism.
is this were all the 911 blogger misfits go
eek! an annoymouse!
one that isn't ME I mean...
yes, kind mouse--this is like the land of misfit toys. In the market for a train with square wheels? A polka dotted elephant?
Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force
Annoymouse Annoynces Itself! Shhh....
welcome little one! i'm working on a selection of mouse avatars for you to select from but for now just remember that annoymouse posts are fine so long as you don't cross certain lines of decency or decorum. annoymice can be exterminated by vote, so beware!
I consider these mandatory
click, click -- and maybe Ché with Mickey Mouse ears.
happiness is either here or nowhere
I vote for the limp-wristed one.
I think it's perfect.
so we DO want to allow annoymice? I think they're cute.
but if they get out of hand we should exterminate... how does that sound?
I vote "yes"
and I'm committed to helping deliver its electoral votes to the decider, i.e. me, asap.
*starts hacking*
happiness is either here or nowhere
trying to figure out how to add boating to comments
no luck yet, but soon!
Yeah ... for the time being, sure, why not ...
Not everyone wants to identify as a resident of the Island of Misfit Bloggers right off the b(o)at.
Boat rhymes with...
moat! Discuss!
happiness is either here or nowhere