Bulgarian Bus Bomb and Hillary Clinton Assasination

Hi Guys,
Wake up!
Yeah yeah veteranstoday can/is flaky, but just to get up to speed on what is possibly happening, let's forget that for a moment. I think the Zionists are on the move.
Now having read their article, the Hillary assassination news is so hard to come by I can't even fact check with other sources. But the bus bombing is in the news, and looking at the comments sections, it seems there is healthy skepticism that the bombing was a false flag which is also my first reaction.
Hezbolah and Iran do not seem to have a pattern of randomly blowing up Israeli civilians. This event seems particularly suspect.
That's from last year!
And includes scaremongering about the London olympics. Hard to escape the conclusion that Veterans Today is just run of the mill controlled opposition, sorry. The strategy seems clear at this point--flood important causes like 9/11 truth and anti-zionism with so many fake champions purporting to be fighting fake enemies that real acttivism stands no chance.
The "new" news
is that Bulgaria finally got around to naming Hezbollah as the responsible party behind the bus bombing.
How many people think there was something just... a... little... weird about Hillary's whole flu/at home alone/falls and bashes head thing.
i for one
did you read the story about her plane crash in Iran? i can find link for you
take with many grains
sorcha faal/eu times
cant copy and paste..wrist injury
and according to presstv, obama is making overtures at normalization with iran. if true, it might make sense for hillary to have been headed to a secret meeting with ahmadinejad at this obscure airport~