When Did Alex Jones Transform Himself Into a Hot Chick?

I have to admit that I am now MUCH more interested in this whole Bilderbreast Group conspiracy! I can't wait to get my hands on the latest and most pert information about the Boob World Order. Thank goodness for the quality journalism that Real Tits provides! But doggone it, which IS the best water filter my hoard of gold bullion can buy??
playback issues
A few people have asked how to get the video to play. It's not easy to find, but apparently there is a white triangle somewhere between the two professional broadcast journalists that one has to lick on...
CLICK, sorry...
I don't know what's wrong with me today...
your problem is our problem...
Da fuk am I looking at here?
For serious? FOR SERIOUS? Sibel Edmonds = "Alpha Dog: Get the bitch you want"? Did you photoshop this, Posh?
must to remember...
to delete the cache of Scary internet browser...