Facebook Rumored to be in Talks to Buy Israeli Face Recognition Software Company

gretavo's picture

I bet the folks in Herzliya "Like" this! Good luck to those still using the FB


Googlebot translation below (Pace I gather is Face.com:)


Layoffs exclusive ": Facebook in negotiations to acquire the Pace. Israeli establishment

If the transaction is carried out, the social network will pay tens of millions of dollars for Israeli society is considered a leader in labeling solutions for automatic face

Meir Orbach and Assaf Gilad
05.28.12, 07:01

Facebook currently manages negotiation to acquire Israeli start - ups Pace. establishment for tens of millions of dollars, Layoffs learned ". This is the fourth time in which Facebook turns to appease. Establishment of the proposed acquisition.

Facebook acquired in March 2011 the Israeli Snafto for $ 70 million in cash and stock, and if negotiations succeed against Pace. establishment would be the second acquisition of the biggest social network in the country. CEO of Pace. Establishment age Layoffs Hirsch said, "that" we have no new inform or share. "

Pace. Establishment is considered the leader in labeling solutions for automatic face social networks, like Facebook and Twitter, and search engines. The company collects its revenue from social networks and search engines via periodic license or depending on how many searches are performed. Start - up founded in 2007, this year launched iPhone application that allows tagging KLIK face while photo and uploading it to social networks. This application so far registered more than one hundred thousand downloads and soon the company will launch a version for Android.

If you close the deal with Facebook, it will be the main beneficiaries of investors' Pace. Establishment, led by the Russian index your search engine, Google is also known as the Russian ", and rhodium investment firm of Daniel Recanati. By site Crunchbase, Pace. Establishment of two companies raised $ 5.3 million in two rounds starting in 2009. Other investors Pace. Establishment they Yaniv Golan, one of the founders 'knowledge' which was sold to AOL, Yariv Golan Eden Shochat, the youngest partner in the venture capital fund Genesis. The company's founders - CEO Gil Hirsch, Yaniv Taigman and Moti Sniberg - may earn several million dollars in cash and shares deal and receive Facebook social network executives.

If completed the deal, the founders expected presumably work through Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, where he already owns Pace. Establishment of offices. Pace. Establishment currently employs approximately 20 employees in offices in Tel Aviv and Palo Alto.

Pace. Establishment

Established: 2007

Scope of funding: $ 5.3 million

Prominent investors: Russian search engine index your, rhodium investment firm, Yaniv Golan

Offices: City and Silicon Valley

Employees: 20

Director: Gil Hirsch

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