WTCD Visitor Demographics Poll - Complete the sentence: I am...

gretavo's picture
A sincere truthseeker and/or activist.
23% (25 votes)
A fake truther employed by or volunteering for an American government agency.
31% (34 votes)
A fake truther employed by or volunteering for a foreign government agency.
14% (15 votes)
Someone interested in the phenomenon of conspiracy theories.
5% (5 votes)
A Spambot.
23% (25 votes)
None of the above, I have added my category in a comment below.
6% (7 votes)
Total votes: 111

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Annoymouse's picture

What's with all the shills?

What's with all the shills?

gretavo's picture

I'm flummoxed...

The only poll we have with this many hits was one that I deliberately added 500 votes to as a joke, and I didn't rig this one, so someone clearly has a sense of humor. My guess is it was one of the fake truther cliques subtly (or not so subtly) insinuating that I'm an agent. For the record, while I do not tamper with poll results without making it obvious or saying I've done so, the polls on this site are mainly for entertainment purposes--anyone who trusts the results of *any* online poll needs to wise up to the ways of the world. As I've said many times before--you can trust me, absolutely. But you'd be a fool to take my word for it. :)