Pakistan's President says US is committing false-flag "Taliban" attacks

Zardari Says 'Karzai Told Him'
by Jason Ditz, October 13, 2010
President Zardari
Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari believes that the United States has been secretly behind a number of Taliban suicide attacks across the nation, according to a detailed account from Bob Woodward’s new book Obama’s Wars.
According to the book, Zardari expressed this concern to then-US envoy Zalmay Khalizad during a dinner, telling him that they were being arranged by either the US or India and that he “didn’t think India could be that clever.”
Met with shock by Khalizad, Zardari explained that it was part of a US plot to “destabilize Pakistan so that the US could invade and seize its nuclear weapons.” Zardari also apparently claimed that Afghan President Hamid Karzai had told him the US was responsible for the attacks.
The claims continued to get more elaborate, as Zardari claimed the CIA was overtly supporting Baitullah Mehsud and that the US had “revealed its support of the TTP.” Mehsud, the former leader of the TTP, was assassinated in August 2009, and has since been replaced by Hakimullah Mehsud.
Zardari says US behind Taliban attacks in Pakistan
The News International
Zardari says US behind Taliban attacks in Pakistan
By Shaheen Sehbai
More ‘madness’ coming out of ‘Obama’s Wars’
WASHINGTON: President Asif Ali Zardari seriously believes that the US was “arranging” the (suicide) attacks by Pakistani Taliban inside Pakistan, a claim he made before Zalmay Khalilzad, the former US envoy to Afghanistan, who thought it was ‘madness’.
The account of this claim by Zardari has been elaborately reproduced by Bob Woodward, on Page 116 of his famous book ‘Obama’s Wars’. The revelation could throw a lot of light on the complex relations between the Zardari-led PPP government which US officials believe is incompetent and the disillusioned US diplomats.
Zardari received this information from President Karzai and passed it on to Khalilzad which also reveals how important the Pakistani president thinks Karzai’s views are, though the Americans consider him a liability.
These views of Karzai and Zardari were considered by the US side as maverick and strengthened their impression that both these leaders and their governments were non-serious players and according to Khalilzad “dysfunctional”.
The Woodward account goes like this: “One evening during the trilateral summit (in Washington, between Obama, Karzai and Zardari) Zardari had dinner with Zalmay Khalilzad, the 58-year-old former US ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq and the UN, during the Bush presidency.
“Zardari dropped his diplomatic guard. He suggested that one of the two countries was arranging the attacks by the Pakistani Taliban inside his country: India or the US. Zardari didn’t think India could be that clever, but the US could. Karzai had told him the US was behind the attacks, confirming the claims made by the Pakistani ISI.
“Mr President,” Khalilzad said, “what would we gain from doing this? You explain the logic to me.” “This was a plot to destabilize Pakistan, Zardari hypothesized, so that the US could invade and seize its nuclear weapons. He could not explain the rapid expansion in violence otherwise. And the CIA had not pursued the leaders of the Pakistani Taliban, a group known as Tehrik-e-Taliban-e-Pakistan or TTP that had attacked the government. TTP was also blamed for the assassination of Zardari’s wife, Benazir Bhutto.”
“We give you targets of Taliban people you don’t go after,” Zardari said. “You go after other areas. We’re puzzled,” Woodward quoted him. But the drones were primarily meant to hunt down members of al Qaeda and Afghan insurgents, not the Pakistan Taliban, Khalilzad responded.
“But the Taliban movement is tied to al Qaeda, Zardari said, so by not attacking the targets recommended by Pakistan the US had revealed its support of the TTP. The CIA at one time had even worked with the group’s leader, Baitullah Mehsud, Zardari asserted.”
Woodward reports: “Khalilzad listened calmly, even though the claims struck him as madness. The US was using the Taliban to topple the Pakistani government? Ridiculous. But Khalilzad knew Afghanistan’s President Karzai also believed in this conspiracy theory, more evidence that this region of the world and its leaders were dysfunctional.”
“Despite Zardari’s claims, Pakistani government officials had received top secret CIA briefings about drone attacks against Baitullah Mehsud’s TTP. A March 12, 2009 attack against a Mehsud compound killed more than two dozen militants, who quickly retrieved the remains of their fallen comrades. And on April 1, another five militants linked to Mehsud, including an al Qaeda trainer, died in a drone strike, according to a CIA briefing given to Pakistan in April.”
This account by Bob Woodward, although old, reveals how initially Zardari and his strategists viewed and tackled the suicide attacks inside Pakistan. Woodward does not mention, at least in this particular account on pages 116 and 117 that Baitullah Mehsud was later killed by US drone attacks and the theory of Zardari that US was arranging the Taliban attacks inside Pakistan was nothing but hot air. But it is also not clear whether Zardari’s strong conspiracy theory forced the US strategists and CIA to start attacking the Pakistan Taliban and prove him wrong.
Bob Woodward's account...
...of an alleged theory put forward by the husband of Benazir "assassinated by a sun roof" Bhutto?
I'm looking at this as either some kind of propaganda op (with some unknown motive) or just a distraction--any old BS that will keep the conspiracy theorists busy arguing and not acting... India or the U.S., huh? Not, say, I dunno, some other country known for aggressive international black ops?
No, Woodward's account...
of Zalmay Khalilzad's account.
Pathological liar, friend of Brzezinski, member of PNAC. He wants Karzai's job.
perhaps, though I think it is just as likely
that Zardari could have been giving a frank assessment of his belief that given the history of hostility and terrorism between India and Pakistan, that India should be considered as a suspect. And that, while it is reasonable to put India on the suspect list, one might conclude that the US would be a much more likely suspect to pull off sophisticated false flag suicide attacks inside Pakistan.
Was Zardari trying to divert attention away from Israel as the culprit? I doubt it. I don't see any reason why Pakistani officials would want to protect Israel, and they have certainly expressed distrust and negativity towards Israel quite frequently in the past. I don't think that Israel is the only country known for aggressive international black ops. In my opinion, it is perfectly believable that either the DIA or some other US military/intelligence organization would be carrying out false flag attacks to be blamed on the Taliban.