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Howdy folks!![]() Anyone wanna talk about 9/11? |
PollWho destroyed the WTC on 9/11? Al Qaeda 0% The Guy who made billions from its destruction 100% Total votes: 1 Disqus Comments |
am I the only one who can comment?
aha... a required field.. interesting. VERY inetresting...
i dunno but
just so you know the poll numbers are made up! just testing the site!
hey there greta
you made it! i see you're in charge of polling...
What the hell?
Are you, like, implying that 911blogger is not in all ways sufficient to meet our 9/11 blogging needs -- to, in fact, exceed them? Blasphemy, I say.
real truther never met a bar he couldn't raise or at least take
a leak behind of.
anyway, EVOlution not REVOlution!!
wow annoymouse
you put it so well. do you know RT?
May I suggest
a logo for the RTR? It's free of charges, unlike certain other symbols we've come to identify with, and it even incorporates the spade.
Welcom Bruce!
and thanks for the logo suggestion--I was going to keep it simple but I got carried away with photoshop...
Wanna see chutzpah in action?
Class action suit against Germany on behalf of the second generation of holocaust survivors in preparation. Expected to be launched subsequent to the class action suit against Italy, formerly the Roman Empire, on behalf of the 95th generation of survivors, who still suffer from prenatal trauma and horrid bedtime stories telling of baby jesus' crucifixion in gory detail.
Really -- WTF? And no, I didn't mean to inject the H-word to discredit your site, midgets, or everyone's favorite cheese...
The second generation, he says, grew up "under the shadow of impending catastrophe and constant mourning and we see that they have deep scars and need treatment," Kellerman explains. "They have not been able to study or develop a profession because of their condition." If money were available, he says, it would make "a big, big difference."
Just think that the 9/11 truthers and their children will probably be similarly scarred and need a lot of help. Class-action suit, anyone??
Is 911blogger down?
Col.Jenny was all atwitter because it appeared that both Jessica and JamesB had been banned -- then there was that weird blog by "Mr. White Rose" -- what's going on?
no idea
i haven't been there since this afternoon.... but hey there's drama all over! White Rose indeed.
My spider sense sez
Jessica came dressed up in white roses. Did you read that entry? If not, let me summarize: "Hi, I'm new, just watched V for Vendetta, wanna learn about 9/11 Truth now. Kyle Hence and Jon Albanese [sic] are beyond questions, and are always being attacked by evildoers because they're 100% right and supereffective. Please pass me some trusted sources of information, so I might get a clue of all things other than the greater disinfo and credibility matrix, which I've already figured out entirely. Thank you."
This speaks for itself.
oh yes quite
V for Vendetta, V for the view... (in the Rosie clips the V behind her makes it look like she has "space antennae".
but hey, is this true?
A veteran firefighter who had been digging through the twisted metal for his lost firefighter son. An angry
cop who lost someone in the collapse. A Vatican representative, who photographed the crosses for the
pope. And ABC's Barbara Walters.
He says they all left in peace.
"Barbara Walters' niece lost her son in the building," he said. "Barbara told me she wanted people to see
the House of God, so people who needed healing could find it."
I'm a trouble-maker, and it's going to be all my fault when dz throws in the towel and shuts 911blogger down. 'Cause yesterday I made Albanese freak out and call me a "biddy" and today I got Gold so bent out of shape he told me to "Read my lips: Go fuck yourself." In order to defend my honor, as a member of the gentler sex, dz was forced to suspend both of them for the weekend.
oh smack...
I also noticed someone two different "people" praising them and each getting one of their names mixed up with the other (h or no h)...
btw remember anyone can read this blog!
Yes, I know...
regarding the fact that anyone can read this blog -- one concerned party has/does read it, as per his admission -- but thanks for the reminder. I'm just irked that posts directed at me were the reason that some of these actions were taken, when I was just fine with seeing the community moderate them (and would rather they had stayed part of the public record.)
I wish I had "archived" the blog before it went bye-bye.
I missed that whole brouhaha
which is perhaps for the best!
Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force
Hey RT! Like the Blog
I finally had time to get on and check it out. I don't have much time right now to have some discussions about 9/11.I haven't been on 9/11 blogger much as of the past month. I will have time to do this real soon, but I wanted to leave you a note to say I like your blog.
"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government."
Edward Abbey