Peter Dale Scott complains about being harassed

Keenan's picture

Looks like the contingent of self-proclaimed truth police led by Hoffman/Victoria/Arabesque have been busy trying to harass and persuade the movement heavyweights to retract their endorsements of CIT.

One of those members, Erik Larson, a.k.a. "loose nuke" (911Blogger), a.k.a. Rancho 9/11 Truth (TrueFaction), has posted a blog on 911Blogger celebrating Scott's apparent qualification (a clarification in reality) of his endorsement and admonishing everybody about the dangers of groups like CIT, yadda yadda yadda...It looks like the army of self-proclaimed movement Protectors of the OCT of AA77 have been extremely busy in desperately trying to influence the movement heavyweights to change their stance, using all of their well-worn tactics of manipulation, vilification, bullying, etc., which is not at all surprising to me, and which I was fully expecting them to do in this situation.

Here is how loose nuke described the situation: However, due to receiving many emails critical of CIT’s work, he issued a qualifying statement, which I asked for and received permission to post publicly.

But in reality the statement by Peter Dale Scott is directed more at those who attacked, harassed and coerced him to change his endorsement, which he apparently refused to do (he issued a clarification, not a qualification):

This is a form letter in response to the flood of letters that has been showered on me by those who do not like CIT.

I have not endorsed the flyover theory for Flight 77, and I do not personally believe it. All I endorsed was their assemblage of witnesses who said that Flight 77 approached the Pentagon on the north side of the Pike. I do not draw the conclusions from their testimony that CIT does. But I believe that the testimony needs to be seriously considered by those trying to find out what actually happened.

I must say that I am disappointed by number of ad hominem attacks I have received. I do not believe one incoming letter so far has dealt with the substance of what the Turnpike witnesses claimed and I endorsed.

In his famous American University speech of June 1963, John F. Kennedy famously said, "And we are all mortal." I would add, "And we are all fallible." For this reason I would ask everyone in the 9/11 truth movement to focus their energies on the substance of what happened on 9/11, and not discredit the truth movement by wanton attacks on each other.


Peter Dale Scott

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casseia's picture

This statement can't get enough play.

Peter Dale Scott has taken notice of the slimy, abusive discourse that is the trademark of the Church of the Pentagram Boeing true believers.

I must say that I am disappointed by number of ad hominem attacks I have received. I do not believe one incoming letter so far has dealt with the substance of what the Turnpike witnesses claimed and I endorsed.

Victorinox's picture


to the CIT turnpike witnesses' no-planes claims. that is why we ignore them. Peter Dale Scott needs to stop drinking the CIT kool-aid.

9-11 Family Guy's picture

as i have said all along

ANYONE who defends CIT and their so-called "witnesses" is a DISINFO and COINTELPRO agent. I tout the work of Peter Dale Scott when he agrees with me, but in this case he is CLEARLY wrong, and I will have nothing more to do with him until I need to drop his name in support of something I am saying.

This thread should be LOCKED. There is enough crap promoting Peter Dale Scott's insane ramblings about CIT's witnesses being worth considering.
Do these pants make my ass look big? Would you tell me if they did?

gretavo's picture

Family Guy, everyone has something to contribute to the movement

...and for you, it's silence. Please contribute as much as possible.

juandelacruz's picture

Hi G! I really enjoy the

Hi G! I really enjoy the fictitious characters that inhabit our forum (family guy, et al), but I think they may add confusion to the uninitiated who wander into our blogs specially these days when the CIT issue has exposed the liars at 911blogger and people may be seeking alternative forums to sift out their shattered paradigms.

Maybe a sticky listing of each sock puppet and some explanation would help. Just my 02 cents.

gretavo's picture

that's not a bad idea...

i'll work on it!

Annoymouse's picture

There is PLENTY of substance

as you well recognise.

Otherwise, why would you have dropped WTC7 Research (a previously well-respected archive) into the toilet by having to claim thousands of imaginary witnesses in support of your ill-gained contention?

Tell us why CIT's dozen best placed witnesses were all mistaken in the same way, Victorinox.
And what follow-up research you've done to confirm or deny, there's a good girl.

Victorinox's picture

i think you have me confused with someone else

but i'll answer your question. the no plane at the Pentagon idea is ludicrous--OBVIOUSLY Hani Hanjour flew AA77 low and straight into the Pentagon. His ID was found in the debris--how else could it have gotten there? You want to believe everything is fake--even the planted IDs! Why not just claim the Pentagon is a fake building? Al Qaeda hates our freedoms and used that hatred to wreak havoc on our airlines and buildings. Stop trying to defend the terrorists.

willyloman's picture

2 3 ton titanium jet engines "evaporated" in the impact...

along with the wings, tail section, the VAST majority of the luggage...and yet the "terrorists" ID got though with barely a scratch? And they just happened to find it after the building fell on top of it, and the fire?

Now who is REALLY defending the terrorists here?

"The future is not inherited, it is achieved." JFK