Should Annoymice be tolerated?

Annoymouse's picture
Yes, mice are nice.
0% (0 votes)
No, they are annoying.
11% (1 vote)
Yes, even tough they are annoying they sometimes can be learned from.
44% (4 votes)
No, because they are likely provocateurs.
0% (0 votes)
Yes because if we can't ID a provocateur and neutralize them we ain't worth our weight in truth.
44% (4 votes)
Total votes: 9

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casseia's picture

Provoke all you want...

just do it with a stable, fake, online persona. Anonymice annoy, period.

bruce1337's picture

It's not censorship

if you're being required to stand by your words with your identity.

Annoymouse's picture


Well, OK. But what about the idea that, uh, until we actually have an annoymouse problem we don't really have to deal with it? If only to generate some traffic for now?

Real Truther's picture

and another thing

What about those of us who are too lazy to log in every time? What about US???



Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force

bruce1337's picture

I was about to add

that for the time being, annoymice are not yet a plague, and should be left to dwell among us in peaceful coexistence.

See here the Chomster when he didn't yet say "who cares?" about mass deception

Oh, Chomster, how far has thou fallen? How much was your soul? I wonder if they offered him eternity in one of those headjars?

Like this one -- now just imagine Gnoam in the jar, and "them" in the background -- whoever you think "they" are. Hey, who do you think they are? It's an interesting question!

casseia's picture

Problem... Reaction... Solution

Is that what you're up to, with the annoymice issue? There's some ulterior motive here, I (now)see. Like, soon we'll need RTID chips to post. Yeah, that's it.

bruce1337's picture


I bet it would be fun to play Paranoia with you.
happiness is either here or nowhere

Annoymouse's picture


I can see why 9/11 makes you think of this game... hey, ever play Carcassonne or Siedler von Catan??

The Basics
In most scenarios, each player character is in fact a mutant, commie and/or secret society member, and is given a hidden agenda separate from the group's goals, often involving swindling or killing teammates - hence the name Paranoia. Therefore, Troubleshooter missions invariably turn into a constant comedy of errors as everyone on the team seeks to double-cross everyone else while keeping their own secrets. The game encourages an air of suspicion between the players, offering several tips on how to make Paranoia as paranoid an experience as possible.

bruce1337's picture

Yes, did

not much, though. Doesn't Paranoia sound like a fun game?
happiness is either here or nowhere

gretavo's picture

Who told you about the CHIPS???

It was Alex Jones wasn't it! Oh well. Don't forget to log in tonight at midnight for the owl worshipping session, btw...