Welcome to WTC demolition's 9/11 Truth Now Discussion Board!

gretavo's picture

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No Fool's picture

Very quick comment...

I can't help but notice how much more frequently one hears discussions on 9/11 truth. How can this not bode well for continued debate and ultimately the surfacing of the truth?

gretavo's picture

indeed. nice avatar, btw

if anyone wants an animated avatar you can send me the animated gif or whatever pics you want animated and gretavo can do it for you!

casseia's picture

Um, can we add content?

I would like to sell some quality imitation rolexes and discounted pharmaceuticals to benefit my local 9/11 Truth group. Thanking you in advance.

gretavo's picture

genuine faux?

i mean, it's the good stuff, right?

Annoymouse's picture

Operation Loose Change. What would THAT be like?

Not like vigilant guardian i bet. I'm writing a screenplay about a movie in which Loose Change is actually a code name for a super-secret intelligence operation designed to handle blowback from the (actual) 9/11 crimes. it involves achieving credibility with an online documentary. mind you this is all entirely made up. obviously none of this is actually happening, this is just a hypothetical. why are you so suspicious all the time?!

Hmm... Protest too much? Mm? Ever? Stop being so paranoid.

My screenplay involves a plucky young wayfarer who comes across an ancient tome, "the truth about Operation Loose Change" on the internets (in an internets chat room somewhere) and grapples with the moral dilemmas and intrigue involved in telling the world of his discovery. In the end it turns out the Operation Loose Change allegation was a hoax, according to Snopes, and there never was any effort to infiltrate the 9/11 truth movement, which just fizzled out as soon as people saw the logic in not looking for a complex explanation for a simple phenomenon like multiple hijackings by boxcutter wielding troglodytes involving 2 planes causing 3 skyscrapers to collapse...

too real? too fake? I'm not quite sure... tell me what YOU think.

gretavo's picture


with a capital "BUM", yes. this was heresy at the time, just like it's heresy these days (according to some) to call out CIT and Steven Jones both as likely disinfo.

kioski's picture

discussions on zionism versus judaism

I love these guys:

gretavo's picture


February 7, 2006...

Gretavo registers wtcdemolition.com


June 25, 2006...



August 29, 2006...


Confessions of a Controlled Demolition Convert

Submitted by Somebigguy on Tue, 08/29/2006 - 1:22pm

controlled demolition


By. John Albanese

Crisis In America www.crisisinamerica.org

“Were the twin towers, and/or building 7, of the World Trade Center complex brought down by controlled demolition?” This has been the question I’ve been asked to respond to at each and every forum and speaking engagement that I have participated in over the last several years. Regardless of the fact that my speaking engagements usually coincide with public showings of my film “Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime” which deals with much of the heavily censored history associated with 9/11 – with nothing at all to do with controlled demolition – it would appear that my personal opinions on this matter remains important to much of my audience. Despite my lack of expertise on this subject, it would appear that my audience demands that I publicly take a position on controlled demolition. >SNIP<

All evidence points at 9/11 as a false flag operation. And all evidence appears to point at the controlled demolition of 3 buildings in the WTC complex >SNIP<


October 20, 2006...

WTCD Blog goes live!