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Oh, and Andrew Napolitano...

How often do Jon Gold and I agree on something, anyway?

Indeed, and how often do Victoria Ashley and I agree on something?

There is an agenda, but . . .

I think the word has come down, for whatever
reason, that it's now okay to wade into exposing parts of the 9/11
attack cover-up.

Check out what Napolitano said when following up to Geraldo's Fox expose.

This YouTube clip reveals how the mainstream media is going to spin
controlled demolition at the WTC on 9/11 and why they feel they can
safely reveal it now -- at least more safely than continuing to stay
silent in the face of growing public awareness.  

the most obnoxious protestors in recent history be right?  If the
explosives were there and the government didn't cause it, didn't know
about it, but isn't telling us about it?"
That's Judge Napolitano to Geraldo Rivera on Fox News at 3:05 in this clip:  

In essence, it seems that growing awareness of the demolition of the WTC has gotten so ubiquitous that the media is realizing it will, over time, completely lose whatever credibility it might have left, by continuing to stay silent or by ridiculing the movements core claim as a crackpot conspiracy theory.  And indeed, the NYCCAN ads on state TV in New York do represent a tipping point --- enough money was raised to get this crucial message on the air, it is reaching millions, and now even the MSM can't pretend it doesn't exist.

It seems that acknowledging CD but engaging in damage control with regard to how monstrous "our goverment" is, is the next step for them.

Once again, though, the Pentagon damage can not be spun under the cloud of "the government didn't know about it, didn't cause it, but isn't telling us about it."  All eyes have to turn to Rumsfeld/Cheney when it comes to explosives in the Pentagon and staged poles etc.

I'm anticipating Jesse Ventura's Pentagon episode in 2 nights from now.
