gretavo's picture


What part of this was accurate? Apparently some people claim the "loose nukes from Minot" story is the threat that was being referred to, but where's the proof of that? What "massive evidence" did Tarpley have? Has he revealed it? The drama surrounding the warning and who did or did not sign it was a huge distraction and waste of time and was milked by the fake truthers for all it was worth in setting themselves up as heroes for being Tarpley's enemies. Funny Tarpley has never attacked us and given us publicity even though I'm by now tired of calling him an obvious disinfo shill. If you ask me, Tarpley, Jon Gold, YT, and others are in cahoots--creating drama to make themselves all look more important than they are.


To the American people, and to peace loving individuals everywhere:

Massive evidence has come to our attention which shows that the backers, controllers, and allies of Vice President Dick Cheney are determined to orchestrate and manufacture a new 9/11 terror incident, and/or a new Gulf of Tonkin war provocation over the coming weeks and months. Such events would be used by the Bush administration as a pretext for launching an aggressive war against Iran, quite possibly with nuclear weapons, and for imposing a regime of martial law here in the United States. We call on the House of Representatives to proceed immediately to the impeachment of Cheney, as an urgent measure for avoiding a wider and more catastrophic war. Once impeachment has begun, it will be easier for loyal and patriotic military officers to refuse illegal orders coming from the Cheney faction. We solemnly warn the people of the world that any terrorist attack with weapons of mass destruction taking place inside the United States or elsewhere in the immediate future must be considered the prima facie responsibility of the Cheney faction. We urge responsible political leaders everywhere to begin at once to inoculate the public opinion of their countries against such a threatened false flag terror operation.
