Larry Silverstein and Runway 69 Redux

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I just had to copy this from the True Faction forum, since it really is some of RT's best, if I say so himself... and of course the whole Eliot "chews 'er up and" Spitzer outing seems a good opportunity to draw attention to this seamy and underreported part of the whole 9/11 mess. So, with a special dedication to Client 9:


Real Truther

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:34 pm  Post subject:  

imgstacke, I don't like to pick on dumb snotty nosed children of low-to-average-intelligence, but do you know the first thing about doing research?

try this:,%20l&txtState=NY&txtAll=Y&Order=A

And try to see where you made your mistake. OK I'll be fair and tell you. Did you notice HILLPAC? Who do you think is the candidate that HILLPAC used Larry's $10,000 to support? I'll give you a hint--her name begins with H-I-L-L...

Did you notice the various $25,000 entries for some weird thing called the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte? Guess which New York senator they used Mr. Silverstein's $125,000 to help elect?

If you're going to wave your 'tude in my face, please at least make it challenging, otherwise there would seem to be no benefit in engaging you on something approaching the level of an equal. There's been some talk recently about taking out the trash in the movement. Before someone hauls you off why don't you go back to the PrisonPlanet sandbox or wherever you've been honing your mojo and come back when you have something to contribute to the movement.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:40 pm  Post subject:  

As a favor to everyone without access to Google (**cricket**cricket**) I typed in larry silverstein and hilalry clinton and found where I had originally read this factoid. Ironic, isn't it? Oh, imgstacke, can you make sure to take your shovel and pail when you leave?

Silverstein told his friends in Israel that for the next five years, he will be busy rehabilitating the site. It's the last project of my life, he explained to an Israeli acquaintance. To advance his project, Silverstein needs the support of politicians. He has paid three visits to Washington since September 11. As the largest private donor to Hillary Clinton, he has an open door to the office of the junior senator from New York. Other senators who received hefty donations from Silverstein have said that they are in favor of the project at Ground Zero.

I hope you don't mind, img, I'm saving this page for posterity... this comment is just too precious in context and hindsight:

RT's accusations are his and his alone - most people know how to use the internet to back up claims

just... so... PRECIOUS!



Real Truther

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:34 pm  Post subject:

Shortly after the events of September 11, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called Larry Silverstein, a Jewish real estate magnate in New York, the owner of the World Trade Center's 110-story Twin Towers and a close friend, to ask how he was. Since then they have spoken a few more times. Two former prime ministers - Benjamin Netanyahu, who this week called Silverstein a "friend," and Ehud Barak, whom Silverstein in the past offered a job as his representative in Israel - also called soon after the disaster. Yaakov Terner, the mayor of Be'er Sheva, sent a letter of condolence.

Many Israeli politicians are acquainted in one degree or another with the 70-year-old Silverstein. For 10 years, he tried to bring about the establishment of a free-trade zone in the Negev, until the project fell apart. "This is a tragedy," Silverstein, deeply disappointed, said then.

For those unfamiliar with the story of the free-trade zone, you may find it interesting that one of Lucky Larry's partners in the attempt at creating an AynRandLand in Israel was David Yerushalmi, founder of the lovely , an anti-Muslim hate site.

But hey, what does RT know. He's just got it in for poor Lucky Larry. Now I ask you, how does Larry's support of Hillary, a "liberal democrat" square with his desire to own and operate a "free-trade" (i.e. no labor or environmental laws) zone in Israel? And why did the Israeli Knesset reject his advances? Could the MK have been right who suggested that the planned zone looked like an ideal haven for drug smuggling and money laundering?

Oh, kindly old billionaire, say it ain't so!

Want to have more fun? Try to figure out if Lucky Larry was in fact the owner of the nudie club Runway 69... Haaretz seems to think he was!

Bizarre lawsuit

In 1987, Solomon Inc. decided to lease office space in the building after all, and signed a contract. Then everything went haywire again. The slowdown in construction, which had hurt most of the major entrepreneurs in New York, got to Silverstein, too. He had a hard time repaying loans and was forced to sell properties.

In 1993, he became entangled in a lawsuit. Harry Miller, a Vietnam War veteran, sued Silverstein, who owned the Runway 69 dance club in Queens, for his alleged involvement in the trafficking of heroin. Also on the list of defendants were Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, Ross Perot and Colin Powell, who were alleged to have perpetrated acts including serial murder for 25 years, since the war in Vietnam, as part of a conspiracy to distribute heroin. In January 1994, a New York court threw out the suit; an appeal by Miller was later rejected.

Although the bizarre suit was not reported in the press, it bothered Silverstein. Information about it reached Israel. Opponents of the free-trade zone in the Negev said that Silverstein, who was involved in illicit business in New York, should not be allowed to be part of the Israeli project. It was not until the late 1990s that Silverstein began to recover. The leasing of the WTC properties was to be the climax of his life.

Why was he so eager to get the WTC contract, he was asked a week after the terrorist attack on NBC Television's morning show. Silverstein, tearful, holding the contract in his hand, replied that it had been his dream from the moment he completed the construction of 7 WTC. He looked up at the towers, he recalled, and felt an uncontrollable urge to own them. In another interview, he said that the 47-story building No. 7 looked like a peanut next to the Twin Towers, and he didn't want another peanut.

But wait--the New York Times, paragon of accuracy in reporting that it is, says no!

POSTINGS: A Nude Dancing Club?; A Case of Mistaken Identity
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Office towers, yes. Larry A. Silverstein owns those. He's had his hand in stores, hotels and a mart.

But a building in Forest Hills, Queens, that houses a nude dancing club called Runway 69? Could its landlord be the Larry Silverstein who is president of Silverstein Properties and a former chairman of the Real Estate Board of New York and a board member of New York University and U.J.A.-Federation?

Well, no.

Although news accounts of the Runway 69 imbroglio referred to Larry Silverstein, the owner is Lawrence Silverstein, of Forest Hills, who has said he was unaware of the tenant's plans until the club opened.

Larry, however, has been fielding dozens of calls from astonished friends and associates and politicians, seeking assurance that the Silverstein they keep hearing about is not the Silverstein they know.

"I have to tell them it sure as hell is not me," Larry Silverstein said. "I've also received calls from colleagues of mine asking for tickets. When that started to happen, I said, 'This has gone too far.' "

Lawrence sympathized. But he also saw some justice in this case of mistaken identity, as he is "always besieged by people seeking contributions" -- from Larry Silverstein.

As with everything 9/11 related, these amazing coincidences surely have a perfectly reasonable explanation, it's just that no one has figured out what they are. So, Hillary, who else do you owe favors to?