A Real Truther for the USS Liberty

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5.0 out of 5 stars
Without Question THE Book on the USS Liberty, June 11, 2012
By RT (Cambridge, MA) - See all my reviews

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This review is from: What I Saw That Day Israel's June 8 1967 Holocaust of US Servicemen Aboard the USS LIBERTY and its Aftermath (Paperback)

Having previously purchased and read James Ennes' book on the subject, I can say without reservation that this book is its superior in every way. Eminently more readable (like other reviewers I literally did not put it down from beginning to end,) it is a highly personal story in which the author speaks from his heart and tells the whole truth, not just about the attack itself, but more importantly about the aftermath--and not simply about the official cover-up that Ennes discusses in detail, but about the sabotage from within of the Liberty Veterans' Association. Tourney's account of the intrigues surrounding the LVA jibe perfectly with my own experiences in the 9/11 truth movement. Unlike Ennes, Tourney has no problem saying what so many of us by now know well--that Israel was most likely behind the events of September 11, 2001--including the explosive demolition of the World Trade Center. If that last sentence makes you wince, you owe it to yourself to read this book by a bona fide American hero who has earned the right to speak in defense of our country. If instead you decide that his words do not matter to you, then at least you will have a better sense of where your loyalties truly lie.

Get the book: http://www.amazon.com/Israels-Holocaust-Servicemen-LIBERTY-Aftermath/dp/...