Announcing: "Scientists for 9/11 Truth," "Military Officers for 9/11 Truth," and finally, "Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth"

Adam Syed's picture

A triple whammy on the eve of the anniversary.

Joint press conferences were held in NYC and LA.

This is great news. So far, my one and only concern is that the advisory board of the Scientists group lists Frank Legge, whose pseudo-academic paper which attempts to neutralize the Pilots and CIT evidence, is prominently displayed under the "papers" section.

But, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. This is a great breaking development.

Interestingly, I have noticed in the past that when even just ONE celebrity like Sheen or Willie Nelson comes out in favor of 9/11 truth, the media jumps all over it for about a day, if nothing else just to ridicule the celebrity. (As opposed to the deafening silence from the media w/r to the thousands of qualified experts who've gone on the record.) However, now that a website which consolidates these celebrities and their statements into one package has been unveiled (including some who hadn't gone on the record before), deafening silence from the media. As deafening as when AE hit 1000.



New York/Los Angeles, September 9, 2010

On the eve of the 9th anniversary of 9/11, support for the war in Afghanistan took a serious blow today. Simultaneous press conferences were held in New York and Los Angeles to present startling new information refuting the official 9/11 narrative, used to justify the war. Also announced were three major professional groups which have joined the worldwide, and ever-growing, “9/11 Truth Movement”.

In a striking show of unity, representatives of “Scientists for 9/11 Truth”, “U.S. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth” and “Actors & Artists for 9/11 Truth” presented their findings and unveiled their eye-opening websites. Each non-profit group has launched a petition calling for a new, transparent investigation.

In NY, representing “Scientists”, Professor Niels Harrit said, “The official account put forth by NIST violates the fundamental laws of physics and chemistry.” Harrit is Prof. Emeritus at the University of Copenhagen and was lead author for a 2009 peer-reviewed study that revealed evidence of high tech explosives throughout the WTC dust.

In LA, physics teacher David Chandler discussed the swift destruction of the WTC towers, including Building 7, the little-known third tower. Having demonstrated its free fall, he confronted the US government agency NIST with his analyses and forced NIST to revise its November 2008 Final Report on WTC 7. NIST’s Draft Report had claimed free fall was impossible but NIST ultimately acknowledged WTC 7 was in absolute free fall for over two seconds. Concluded Chandler, “Free fall is physically impossible without explosives”.

In LA, former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development Lt. Col. Robert Bowman stated, “9/11 has been an excuse to use our brave young troops as cannon fodder in unjust wars of aggression”. In NY, Lt. Col. Shelton Lankford, decorated fighter pilot, and USAF Accident Investigator Lt. Col. David Gapp in LA, questioned how four highly trained flight crews would all break protocol, reporting, “Not one pilot broadcast the required hijack transponder codes.”

In LA, actor John Heard asked, “How is it possible that the worst crime in U.S. history has never been properly investigated?” In NY, actor Daniel Sunjata stated, “The August 20th AP poll has revealed that only 38% of the American people support the war in Afghanistan, down from 46% in March. The question is: does this 38% know about the evidence that we have presented today? Signatories to their petition include Ed Asner, Graham Nash, Willie Nelson, Michelle Phillips and Gore Vidal.

“Scientists for 9/11 Truth”, “Military Officers for 9/11 Truth” and “Actors & Artists for 9/11 Truth” are independent, non-profit organizations calling for the reinvestigation of the September 11th attacks. These groups have no affiliation to any political party.

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Lillyann's picture

Actors and artists for 911truth

And the two other sites are great. I was surpried and happy to read about Graham Nash on the actors and artists site, as well as seeing your name there as well!
Keep up the good work that you are doing Adam. I am looking forward to your 911 news site, coming soon I hope!!!

Adam Syed's picture

It will be unveiled Sept. 11, 2009...


Keenan's picture

Frank Legge and his bad science - how embarrassing

Yea, it is shocking that such an embarrassingly shoddy and unscientific paper - "What hit the Pentagon? Misinformation and its Effect on Credibility of 9/11 Truth” (what version is it up to by now, 20?) has been listed by a supposedly scientific organization.

Besides the fact that the paper is filled with unscientific speculation and blatant false statements that are easily refuted by some fact checking, the basic premises of the Legge paper are fundamentally illogical.

The "major hypothesis" - that having contradictory theories within the truth movement about what hit the Pentagon is risking to discredit and tear apart the truth movement - is not a scientific hypothesis, has not been substantiated, and has not even been addressed in the paper.

The "minor hypothesis" - that “there is no scientific proof that a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon” - is a logical fallacy. It's like saying that there is no scientific proof that Santa Claus does not exist, or that there is no scientific proof that angels don't dance on the head of a pin. Utterly worthless. I don't see how Frank Legge maintains his respect and standing within the scientific community with idiotic crap like this.

Concluding that there is "no proof" that a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon is not the same as concluding that there is "no evidence" of same. PFT and CIT, as well as Enver Masud, S.P.I.N.E., Dave McGowan and others have assembled significant evidence that a plane did not hit which remains standing and continues to raise the question despite some conclusion that it does not amount to "proof". At the same time, there is a serious paucity of the kind of physical evidence that should be expected if the government's claim that AA77 did hit was true.

I find it hard to believe that other scientists would take such a pseudo-science paper seriously.

Keenan's picture

Anyway, these 3 new groups are fantastic

I'm amazed at all of the actors and actresses on the list that I didn't know were 9/11 truth advocates. The Actors and Artists Petition is surprisingly good, as well.

Adam Syed's picture

Glad you like it

I played a small role --- mostly secretarial --- in getting that site in a position to go public. I'm no longer working for the Actors and Artists team though, to focus on other projects. :)

Yeah, I'm not quite famous enough to have my photo right next to Sheen! (eta that's in response to Allende)

juandelacruz's picture

Congrats Adam, it should

Congrats Adam, it should feel good to have your project go live.

Allende Admirer's picture

I suppose it is as good a

I suppose it is as good a day as any other to stand up and be counted.

(BTW Adam, you didn't get a banner photo? Chuckle!)

Best wishes to all who are sincerely engaged in the struggle on this 9th anniversary.

Allende Admirer (AKA Jim Wellman)

Adam Syed's picture

Notice how the fake truth site 911TruthNews

has not covered this story, yet. (Expect them to after they read this comment though, lol.)

And at truefaction, Julian Ware is calling protesting at Pastor Jones' church, in which two guys held signs in front of the TV cameras broadcasting out to millions, a "9/11 Truth Fail."

Think about this. Think about the Islamophobia triggered by the 9/11 lie. And a nationally covered story about a pastor who wants to burn the Koran. What BETTER a venue to get our message out? What kind of so-called "truther" would say "Where NOT to protest?"

Oh yeah, a fake truther of course, like Julian Ware! Duh!

juandelacruz's picture


deleted in favor of next post

juandelacruz's picture

It must irk them that their

It must irk them that their influence grows smaller and that real people with real jobs are taking a higher profile rather than their cadre of pro lihop promoters. I expect they will attempt to infiltrate or influence any new group that succeeds in reaching out to the public.

While the presence of Frank Legge is, I suspect a plant or mole, it is still good to see that all three websites point to the bogus official explanation of the wtc collapses, therefore undermining lihop. What would be nice to see is that these groups be open and aware of the Zionist angle as well.

Keenan's picture

TrueFaction fakes blame Muslims for mishandling 9/11 issue

The depths of idiocy to which these fake truthers are willing to stoop never ceases to amaze me. Now, truebeleager is lecturing the Muslims and blaming them for somehow screwing up the 9/11 truth issue, referring to a recent article about "Faiz Khan - Associate of Ground Zero Mosque Founder says 9/11 was an Inside Job" posted to 911Blogger

Apparently truebeleager faults the Muslims for...well, I'm not really sure what his point is, maybe somebody can explain it to me:


PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:47 pm

I'm glad the issue is finally coming to a head.

For years now Barrett has been claiming that he is the spokesman for a predominant Muslim belief in "inside job". The only poll I've seen shows a variety of opinions, even amongst Palestinians:

The silence on the issue among Muslims has been troubling--I didn't see any indications of clear consensus on whether Osama did it or not, or whether doing it was wrong. When wealthy Muslims could have provided substantial financial and technical support to the truth movement, their failure to do so has been troubling. When Muslims can afford to build the Petronas Towers, why can they not afford to hire a credible engineering firm to show that the official Ground Zero reports are wrong?

It turns out that Imam Faiz Khan is not only an active voice for 9/11 Truth, he is even Pentagon accurate. He published the following paper:

The Paralysis of Discourse; The Incompetence of Academia, and The Need for an Accurate Diagnosis
By Imam Faiz Khan, M.D., 9/11 First Responder
and Co-Founder, MUJCA-NET

Victoria took issue with the following item from the Imam's paper, of course:

"• What hit the Pentagon? To this day, there is zero evidence it was a Boeing."

Keenan's picture

Oh, that's right, truebeleaguer still believes that Muslims

really attacked us on 9/11, so I guess that's why he feels that the Muslims are wrong no matter what the they do - for 9/11 truth or...anything?

gretavo's picture

can we please now get rid of...

..."Magicians for 9/11 Truth"? :)

Keenan's picture

Is that Willie Rodriguez's group?


gretavo's picture

it might be...

...but a group implies more than one person so I'm not sure it would qualify...

Keenan's picture

Here is the video advisory, narrated by Daniel Sunjata

Written and directed by Italian film-maker Massimo Mazzucco (“The New American Century”), and narrated by actor Daniel Sunjata, the video briefly explores the nine professional organizations already calling for a new investigation into 9/11, to which the new groups now add their weight.

This video advisory was released nationally via PR Newswire, and the news was picked up by major wire services and several mainstream publications.

The fake truthers over at 911Blogger are going ape shit over this video because Pilots for 9/11 Truth are at the top of the list of the nine existing professional truth organizatinos, and also because it is asked, "Where is the plane?" in referring to the Pentagon later in the video. After Victoria spams Legge's paper in response, 'milongal' calls it like it is:

@ Victronix...

You just can't help yourself, can you?

Ok, you like Legge's paper. Ok, you have a problem with people who don't follow his or your reasoning. Fine. But must you wallpaper every new Blogger post with this "advertisement"? Please. A little respect would go a long way. I sell home cleaning products for AmWay and lovely salad crispers for Tupperware. Want some? Sorry for the sarcasm, but enough is enough. This ridiculous infighting has got to stop. You're entitled to your opinion. But please, stop flinging it at us every 2 seconds as if it were a well-established, and peer-reviewed and approved FACT, which it is not.


Chris Sarns uses the thread as yet another opportunity for more of his childish ranting for which he has become so well known. When someone challenges him on how the 2 engines could have magically gotten inside of the building, which he claims to believe happened, without making any holes in the lower foundation walls, he simply dodges and "subject shifts" his way out of answering.

Meanwhile, 'simuvac' spams Jon Gold's Big Fat List of LIHOP Slop yet again on 911Blogger's front page. Thankfully, the first comment takes issue with Jon's anti-CD nonsense:

Jon Gold thinks

that David Chandler "might be right," but that is it also possible that NIST "might be right" about building 7.

Jon - Why are you perpetuating the MYTH that NIST "might be right?"

Why are you prolonging this conversation?

There is no question here. There is no "might."

Stop it - with the "might."

There is no "might."


"NIST’s questionable report on building 7 caused people that were once on the fence regarding the collapse of those buildings on 9/11, to think that those advocating something different than NIST’s conclusions, responsibly, might be right."
Submitted by zmzmzm on Tue, 09/14/2010 - 7:41am.

>SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS< (That's me having to disinfect my computer now after having viewed the fake truther sites with my web browser)

Allende Admirer's picture

Jon Gold You fail the litmus

Jon Gold
You fail the litmus test for being a 9/11 truther!
Go find another movement, retard!

Submitted by Zombie Bill Hicks 9/15 2010
OMG Maybe we underestimated this ZBH Character, he seems to have some capacity for truth after all!

Although unfortunately I assume the retard comment applies to the person who wrote the first comment rebutting the regurgitation of the Big list of Lihop crap as copied by Keenan above.

Then SnowCrash chips in saying he knows really good anti CD arguments but he wont say them.....A Gold classic tactic. Ok , Ill take your word for it and just give up CD then!

Shame they could not just bump the original Big list of facts thread, because I had my say on that one. Better to start anew, then WHAMMY Comment no 1. No wonder ZBH was so angry someone pissed on their fireworks! (Again)

Keenan's picture

'SnowCrash' is a total moron

So, now 'SnowCrash' comes out of the closet and admits that he is a "maybe" OCT supporter regarding the building demolit...I mean, collapses, afterall? That, like Jon Gold, 'SnowCrash' believes that the official story about the collapses of the 3 WTC buildings "mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense" lunacy might be correct?

Now I understand why 'SnowCrash' has always maintained his idiotic stance that 9/11 was both LIHOP and MIHOP, and that we really were attacked by Muslim extremists, who's evil plot was hijacked and piggy-backed by the evil Bushes.

Anyway, we now now that 'SnowCrash' is just as fake as all the other blatant frauds that populate TrueFaction and Blah-ger, and why 'SnowCrash' insists on such idiocy as the fake hijacker narrative and the fake AA77 crash at the Pentagon crap.

gretavo's picture


Seems like Steve "The Shill Game" Alten has his meathooks in this project. That's really a shame, and makes me question the legitimacy of this new group.

Seriously, who the hell decided to use The Shill Game as the image for the link to 9/11 books? Adam?

Keenan's picture

He's still out there pimping his failed book scam?

I thought his book "campaign" that would "set the 9/11 truth movement on fire" had long ago failed. How pathetic. I almost forgot about him...

Keenan's picture

Not to mention the other anti-truth books on their list

by such anti-truth authors as Noam Chomsky and Gore Vidal...

gretavo's picture

Gore Vidal is one of the better ones... that collection of books. Many of them, like The Looming Tower, are 100% OCT friendly. Then there's the links to websites, including and other LIHOP crap. Sorry, but not only am I not excited by this development, I am indeed extremely suspicious of it.

Allende Admirer's picture

Before you get down to the

Before you get down to the Ws and accuse me of being fake truth, I would like to point out that my album Love not truth was recorded before 911 (all lyrics etc) and it took me until about 2004 to finish production and master it. It was only after I had done that that I became aware of the truth movement.

Also, I gave a statement to AE 911truth in support of their petition in about summer 2008 and when asked over a year later (Last autumn) to contribute to Actors/Artist911truth, I gave another statement.

In it I use the phrase “manufacture of consent” as I always have tho coined by Walter Lippman a long time ago it is mostly associated with Chomsky.

Before I was aware of Chomsky’s obstruction to 911 truth and when my work was first published I was influenced by him John Pilger , Michael Moore (who made a tv series for C4 UK 1n about 1994 called tv nation) and various extremely rare 3rd world cinema classics like The Battle Of Chile and The Hour of the Furnaces.

My existential views ,and knowledge of controlled media in the promotion of fear mongering and bigotry led me to the album concept of 'Love not truth' before 911, but since then and in the wake of my truther awareness I certainly believe 911 truth to be the most important cause of our time.

Both my statement to AE911truth of 2008 and my statement to Actors artists have been published on the web without further contact from them to me. Also without my knowledge they included a brief bio and quotes & Links from my work on the website without my input, but I say bloody good luck to them and I don’t mind a bit.

I will now have to revise the presentation of my work on my website(2005) to take into account the links from A/Atruth in order to make my explicit views on 911 clear and how my work does and doesn’t relate to the truth movement.

One thing I was always uneasy about though was the accusation that I would be using 911 truth to promote my rather insignificant existing profile to date.
To this end I have decided to remodel my site to be more specific on 911, and will make all songs available in full on the site for free(The CD is out of print anyway when the distributors folded) As I have retired from music now, I will therefore not be benefiting financially by the association of 911 with my work, and only hope that the reverse is true in that I might spread 911 truth through my work.Also I hoped that by example and through numbers,actual high profile celebrities will be encouraged to stand up.

The reason I bring all this up here is to try to explain how people who have work out there are going to be compromised by their association with AA911 either by being blacklisted or accused of self promotion, and it will be very easy for people to find reasons to criticize this organization.

I am aware of criticism from this site directed at certain publications and people who are advertised on the website, and I agree mostly, but I don’t think you can expect AA911 truth to be any more prescient than the truth movement as a whole and so there will be a spectrum of positions across the artists as there are in the movement.
After all Steve Alten(and myself) did sign the petition at the request of DRG and is that not the point here rather than the relevance of his (fictional) work?

I can understand and actually expected dedicated truthers and fake truthers to be quite critical, after all you lot have been at this for so much longer and are so much more aware of the nuances of evidence and fake truth etc, so for a bunch of self professed celebrities to come along and suddenly jump up on the stage I expected some condescendence.

After all, the whole notion of celebrity and the attention it attracts is as sick as the MSM itself . You are justified in feeling pissed if someone who has been deaf to your efforts suddenly sits up and takes notice because a celebrity they like stands up for 911 truth. But obviously there are many such people in the meaningless popular culture that has been deliberately engineered to be so, and that is why this is a worthwhile effort. I think they can act as catalysts for your work for 911truth in a big way.

I also think it necessary and right that you do what you do here and cast suspicion on all aspects of the movement, including work like the shell game etc, but for you to cast aspersions on the whole AA enterprise on launch based on the fact that the site as a whole does not conform to your exact criteria for the truth message….

You are all very knowledgeable experienced truthers , these people have signed a petition without possession of your knowledge , you should of course offer constructive criticism to the site in the hope it will be honed, there are few places where such expertise exists other than here, but in your inimitable style Gretavo , your constructive criticism always feels a little more cutting and dismissive.

I know you will say you call it as you see it etc and you are right to do so, but I had to have my say too.

With respect,
Jim Wellman

Keenan's picture

Very well stated

I couldn't agree more. Thanks for your contribution with this effort, Jim, and I will be checking out your acid jazz music, which is one of my favorite genres, now that I know you are apparently talented not just as a writer but as a musician as well.

Keenan's picture

Isn't Gore Vidals's book "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: How

We Got to Be So Hated" pretty much OCT friendly, in which he buys into the "liberal" Chomseky-est interpretation of 9/11 as "blowback"?

Anyway, I have a problem with some of the books and links, but overall I think this is a good development, and it takes a lot of courage for these people to put their names to something like this. The petition that they all signed is actually pretty good and does not seam to be pushing a limited hangout about 9/11 at all. I would say that the Petition is much more indicative of this groups purpose, and should be given much more weight in deciding how to measure up this group, rather than the fact that a few of the books and links on their list are problematic, which is bound to happen when a large number of people with a range of views recommend a huge list of books and links.

gretavo's picture

No, Keenan

The Shell game is not only a terribly written story, it is thinly veiled anti-Iran propaganda. I do not believe for one second in the sincerity of Steve Alten. In fact, he was so unpopular in the truth movement that the whole "Week of Truth" thing that Bill Douglas guy spammed the internets with for like a year was a total flop. And his book is not simply included it is PIMPED BY BEING THE IMAGE FOR THE BOOKS LINK.

Keenan's picture

Sure, and I don't trust Steve Alten either

But wouldn't you also agree that it is the petition that all of the Actors and Artists signed their names to that should be used to determine the group's purpose and intentions rather than a book that most of them have probably not even read, albeit one that I agree shouldn't have been used for the image for the books list?

I mean, are you saying that the group is in on Steve Alten's hidden agenda of trying to pimp war with Iran, or is there room for other interpretations of what happened? Is this effort by this group of courageous Actors and Artists not salvageable?

Adam Syed's picture

I'll email Strasser

and suggest he use a DRG book image instead.

Certainly, there is no need to question the legitimacy of the entire website because of that one thing you disagree with, Gret. No one running AA911truth has any hidden agenda to put out propaganda which would hint at war with Iran. And like Keenan, I have not read the book.

But I agree it was a poor choice for an image representing the entire book literature of 9/11.

gretavo's picture

I read the petition, it's fine...

And I'm not arguing that the group is obviously or definitely disinfo. I would argue however that Steve Alten has somehow been given preferential treatment and that raises serious alarm bells. So does the inclusion of a website like, which is staunchly anti-explosive demolition. Why not keep it simple and non-controversial? Whether it's intentionally bad is not really the point--the point is that it's bad, period.

Adam Syed's picture

Probably the webmaster, Frank Strasser

I had little if anything to do with the design. Like I said, my role was mainly secretarial.

ETA I did help draft the petition.

Adam Syed's picture

The Shill Game image has been removed as the representative book's now DRG's "Omissions and Distortions."

gretavo's picture

that's great

I'm glad they could see reason!

Annoymouse's picture

Sites down?


I have been unable to view any od the 3 sites that you list, they all seem to be down....