We Are Change Confronting Larry Silverstein - A Friendly Suggestion

gretavo's picture

First I want to say how great it was that people showed up to this event and stood up to this gangster--takes guts and everyone involved should be commended. I would suggest however that instead of the fixation on the pull it comment, it would be better to ask Silverstein about Barry Jennings'account of explosions going off in building 7 as he and Richard Hess tried to escape, before either tower collapsed.

I also found Silverstein's claim that the antenna of the north tower ripped through WTC7 to be absurd given that we can all see the antenna going straight down in every video. How he us suggesting that it instead travelled 390 feet sideways is not clear from his answer... :)

WeAreCHANGE confronts Larry Silverstein 3/13/08

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kate of the kiosk's picture

is there going to be more female shoppinggg???

i would have smacked that woman

my blood boils when i see and hear this man speak.

thanks for sharing, Gretavo...made my day.

gretavo's picture

some of it will be female shopping

god bless this man, eh kate? He's looking out for you X chromosomes. a better question would be--will you be giving your shoppers advance warning before demolishing the shopping center?

dicktater's picture

planting the seed...

of a sideways traveling wtc antenna tower?

"...suggesting that it instead travelled 390 feet sideways is not clear from his answer"

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gretavo's picture

good call, tater

my thought exactly when I saw that! Now that whole fake "black band on the side of WTC7" campaign back in the day also makes a little more sense!