Search WTCDemolition

Allende Admirer's picture


Is there any way now to access a search engine for this site ? I thought I could get one when logged in, but I cant login on my old password or change password using the available link from email. I can log in temporarily using the email link but there is nowhere to change password. All input boxes seem to have vanished?

I wanted to research Jim Fetzer as he has started commenting at American Everyman asking for put up or shut up.

I have many times missed having search options here on articles I am trying to re find.
Anyway to not have a search engine for the valuable resources here would be a tragedy.

BTW using Mozilla, would another browser solve it?
I cant get anywhere on The Wiki either without a log on.

Is there any way to download the entire data dump from this site for safekeeping?

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gretavo's picture

everything you need to know about Fetzer...

Jim Fetzer: "I must say I think we're finding out Judy, what happened on 9/11. I'm just blown away by your work. This is the most fascinating development in the history of the study of 9/11 ... I'm going to make a wild guess Judy; I'm going to presume that these [directed energy] beams had to be located in Building 7?"

Judy Wood: "Nope. I don't think so."

Fetzer: "Planes?"

Judy Wood: "No ... I think it's very likely it's in orbit."

Fetzer: "Oh Really?? Oh ho ho ho ho! Oh Judy. Oh my oh my oh my oh my. This is huge ... this is huge Judy."
Non-Random Thoughts on RBN Live: Jim Fetzer interviews Judy Wood; November 11, 2006

gretavo's picture


I personally just use the tag in google. there used to be a search function installed here but I removed it for some reason I can't remember right now. :)

gretavo's picture

oh, and thanks!

...for the kind words.