The Atlantic Pimping New Terror Group as "Taliban's Cousin"

See here:
And here's a primary source for the author's assurances of this group's responsibility for recent attacks... Note the reference to Omar Farooq!
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Issues Fresh Warning to Balochistan’s Shias
The Baloch Hal News
QUETTA: The banned Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, an underground
Sunni militant group that accepted responsibility for Saturyday’s
deadly bomb blast in Quetta which killed around 80 people, has said it
would continue its anti-Shia operations despite the governor’s rule or
even if the military takes control of Balochistan.
Abu Bakar Siddiq, a spokesman for the underground organization, told
the local media on the telephone that government should not live under
any illusions that his organization would stop its activities after the
imposition of the governor’s rule. According to him, Saturday’s was a
suicide blast carried out by “our friend Omar Farooq”.
“We wish to warn the government that the governor’s rule cannot deter
us from our obligation [to kill the Shias] and we want to tell the
Shias that they should not consider themselves safe under the governor’s
rule. Until Islamic rule, as guided by the companions of Prophet
Mohammad, is enforced, Shias should not feel safe. We will attack them
even if the army is called in Balochistan”
The spokesman said it was the second attack his organization had
carried out against the Shias this y ear (2013) but they possessed at
least twenty more similar “ready trucks” such as the one used in
Saturday’s attack on the Shias. All twenty of its “prepared suicide
bombers” only await instructions from the top leadership of the
“We do not fear the governor rule or the military regime. We love to embrace martyrdom. Inshallah
[god willing] we will attack the Shias inside their homes on Alamdar
Road, Marri Abad Road and Hazara Town. We urge all the Sunnis to support
us. They should attach bombs to their bodies against the Shias and
‘support’ the LeJ.
The spokesman said, “either we or the Shias will live in Quetta.”
He dispelled the impression that some elements in the government were supporting his organization.
“We have never needed anyone’s help nor will we require that. We are
solely fighting this war in Allah’s name which will end in making
Balochistan a graveyard for the Shias.”
Published in The Baloch Hal on February 16, 2013
17 Responses to Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Issues Fresh Warning to Balochistan’s Shias

Not the first time...
...Jeffrey Stern has gone to bat for the 9/11 lie:
Sunni and Shia are brothers. Go away Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. I am a Sunni and I view all Shias as my brothers
What is wrong with these people, It is so obvious that they are
the puppets being used by anti islamists to start a war between shia and
sunni. We sunnies are with all our shia brothers through this sorrow
and may god bless those who are passed and give patience to their
relatives. I hope my shia borthers will not start a war against sunnies
because its a not a war against them. the war should be between sunnies
and shias against Lashkar-e-Janghvi.
God Bless you all.
Please be human God says in Quran that one day the world be end and willl be done by me (god)
Lashkar-e-Jhanvi is without uniform unit of Frontier Corps Balochistan, the official force of ISI spy agency of Pak Army
I wrote this in response to the video I saw in facebook, where
three ministers were sitting with some heavy arms. And of course the
recent press release of Lashkar- e-Jhangvi. That video is also deleted
by the same powers.
Kindly have a look at this video, 3- prominent Provincial Ministers (Law
makers of Balochistan Assembly-Pakistan) are sitting in some meeting,
with Heavy arms. According to constitution of Pakistan, the biggest
licence Government of Pakistan used to Give is for a Non-Prohibited
Bores (i-e Light Machine Gunes Ak47 etc), but what about the Rocket
launchers. The Question is who gave them? The answer is obviously yes,
the company who is making this video gifted these resources to the POOR
ministers to be in Killing business. Government ministers are right,
they are intelligent enough that by observing the situation they took
one side of the war and are being awarded with ministry, arms and
But what about those, who are neutral, who are in neither side of
this War. Hazara’s in Balochistan and shia’s in Pakistan are also among
those who are still Neutral and at the same time Hazara’s do have a big
market rate, in Lethal sourcing and contract Killings business.
Alas! till the time, we are not aware of our market rate, as we don’t
believe in killing therefore we are not seeing to this opportunity i-e
to sell ourselves in international killing business as taliban etc did .
At the same time, that doesn’t mean that we don’t know killing or we
are hesitant of using arms and ammunition. We know it and its in our
root too, we have shown something in Afghanistan in this regard during
the Taliban ware.
In Pakistan in general and in Balochistan in particular, to get
LETHAL resources and LETHAL contacts and Contracts is a way HELL EASY,
and it seems that the powers are pressing and pushing hard the Hazara’s
in Balochistan, and Shia’s in Pakistan to be in the Lethal contract
Killing and lethal riot business.
God forbid and may this writing of mine be very wrong and Bullshit,
but if this continues I think Behrain, and recent Syria thing will be
started by Shia’s in Pakistan but What about Hazara’s in Balochistan,
who will buy them? Balochistan Liberation Army and international powers
OR Pakistani Intelligentsia. I dont think Pakistan Intelligentsia will
buy us, though we are willing ourselves to them. It is a very difficult
and complicated task in Balochistan for us Hazara’s. We want to sell
ourselves to those who don’t want to buy us.
Making this short, If Pakistan intelligentsia will not buy Hazara this time, two things can happen.
1) Hazara’s will be vanished from Balochistan, Pakistan.
2) Pakistan will be vanished from Balochistan.
Here, I don’t see Hazara’s vanishing from Balochistan. Because Quetta
according to famous durant line comes in Greater Afghanistan and at the
moment despite of giving more than 1000 Lives, still more than 550,000
Hazara’s are living in right now in Quetta. If we calculate, they have
to kill more than 50000 Hazara’s more to psychologically vanish them
from Balochistan. Lets consider the second part, Pakistan vanishing from
Balochistan, I see this logically reasonable, as Hazara’s the time will
come when the other investor will ultimately buy, to whom we are not
yet willing to sell ourselves. And after 1000 more lives Hazara’s may
sell themselves to antiPakistan investors, hence Vanishing Pakistan from
Therefore, in the last, I would like to request to Government of
Pakistan and its intelligentsia to buy us and save Pakistan and keep
Pakistan in Balochistan, as you bought the other bunch of guys to Keep
Pakistan in Balochistan. What they thought is these bunch of guys will
keep Pakistan in Balochistan through militancy, that is not a viable and
sustainable approach. The only way to keep Pakistan in Balochistan is
through peace, education and development which Hazara’s are doing right
Hamari khoon mai dhar ki ik boond nahi kyunke ham jante hai ke ham
sahi aur tum sab ghalat ho. Saudi arab ke kutto tum logo ne islam ka
naam badnam karke rakha hai.
Utni jihad agar dil me hai to aake samne se war kar. Bacho aur orato ko marna islam nahi sikhata.
These aulad e zina Nasibi cowards dare not show their faces or fight face to face, instead they employ the tactics of Muawiyah.
But they can kill as many Shiah they want, it makes no difference.
They will multiply and continúe believing in the deen of Muhammad wa aal
e Muhammad.
And lanaat on the govt of Pakistan and the security services – they
cannot protect its citizens and allow these killers to operate but one
day they will have to answer for their shameful lack of duty.
To the lashker jhangvi. .
To kill or genocide a trip is never proved or you can’t kill them all
shias . and you talking about Islam and Islamic rules . but
unfortunately it’s you guys are kafir and a Muslims would never do that
to another Muslims Muslims.. if you really believe what our prophets
Muhammad said after he is passed away. he mentioned Ali to leading his
peoples . and you believe prophets imam Ali is one of you charyars ..
and you call it kafir ? don’t you think you are the first of all kafirs
?? and you playing a big game with shias communitys .. Make sure that
you look after you self and this game could turn around to wipe out your
entire trips and community .. we all Muslims shias and sunis must fight
and destroy and wipe out you are entire communitys.
Feel shame that you are lucky by killing a human feel shame on you
that 21st century you are going to heaven so you are blind you don’t
know how to be a human if a hazara come in your society and kill your
wife and children what will you think you really far of bright person
your God will hate you forever everything in you mind is false.
Really ? Killing 3 – 4 years old kids are great fun ? Easily done ?
Is this your islamic justice ? Please put your head down and think for
one minute !
u live in quetta we live in heaven.
Pingback: Editorial: Hazara Genocide And Inadequate Baloch Support | The Baloch Hal
The cowards. They are not muslims and they are not considered as a
martyrdom they do not even know how to read Quran e pak, If they can
read this i would like to tell them it is said in Quran e pak ( aik
insan ka khoon karna puray insaniat k khoon k brabar hay) just imagine
intha khoon lay kar Allah k samnay kaisay jaogay Lashkar e jhangvi =
lashkar e yazeed like Imam Hussain a.s said har dor main yazeed hoga and
thum is dor k yazeed ho.
I am shocked to read this ! I fail to understand how naive could
the people be to believe this? They are clearly enemies of Islam and
Allah! How dare they abuse the name of our Prophet and justify their
IF there is anyone with a bit of wisdom/intellect/true belief would never ever agree with those “people of Jahiliya”
Hey you’d you change my comment.
I originally said dumb*** cunts
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I agree with Jawid, this smells very much like a false flag
operation intended to spark conflict between muslims. So the local
media get a phone call and believe everything the person tells them, and
report it as fact? Like Osama “took credit” for 9/11 even though he
obviously couldn’t have been responsible for the explosives that
completely destroyed the twin towers and world trade center building 7,
which no plane hit?