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Livestream of 9/11 in the Academic Community

Acclaimed Film “9/11 in the Academic Community to be Live-Streamed March 27

The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will be showing the critically acclaimed, recently released documentary, “9/11 in the Academic Community” on Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 7pm in Berkeley, California.  The eventcan be viewed simultaneously online, via internet live-streaming from Pacifica affiliate,   For more information go to

The film won the “Documentary Achievement” award at the University of Toronto Film Festival.  It examines the academic community's rejection of any views regarding 9/11 which diverge from the official account. It points out that even academia’s most esteemed intellectuals on the Left have refused to seriously examine the substantial evidence contradicting the prevailing 9/11 Myth.  It quotes Noam Chomsky: “… evidence about the perpetrators of 9/11 has been hard to find. … Nevertheless, despite the thin evidence … the initial conclusion about 9/11 is presumably correct.”

The film documents how the taboo against skepticism includes the 9/11 Commission Report.  The film features Michael Truscello from Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada, who points out that 25% of the footnotes to the 9/11 Commission Report were based on testimony obtained by torture, an astonishing fact, given the well-known unreliability of information obtained in this way.  

In “9/11 in the Academic Community” academics reveal what it is like to experience the stigma, the social pressure, and the career repercussions of standing up for truth.

Co-sponsors for this screening with the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance areProject CensoredNo Lies RadioArchitects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and the Social Justice Committee of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists.
