gretavo's picture

yes I did.

I also explained why I did it, leaving the offensive post up. If you hadn't noticed, most people and websites that advance the view that Zionism was behind 9/11 are full of bigotry and disinformation. Do you think that's because most of us who can see the obvious ties are in fact bigots or stupid? Nope. It's because Zionists themselves are behind most such anti-semitic (or more accurately anti-Jewish) material as a way of putting into practice Nietzsche's dictum that "the most perfidious way to harm a cause is to defend it deliberately with faulty arguments." I don't claim to know whether any given person who posts that tripe here is a Zionist agent, but the fact is that if someone, knowing what this site is about proceeds to post such material or links to such material here, then they may as well be a Zionist agent--if they aren't they are clearly not intelligent or wise enough to avoid doing the Zionists' work of tarring their opponents as ignorant bigots and as such I will not allow them to have what amounts to a key to post without moderation, simple as that. And for the reocrd, I can only ban registered users--I have no intention of blocking anonymous comments, just reserving the right to moderate them. In any case, I checked out your site(s) and do not at this point have any reason to think you are up to no good or dangerously sloppy, so I posted your critique and link. As you can tell (though you'd be a fool to take my word for it) I allow critical comments by anonymous commenters as long as they are at least somewhat thoughtful and not (overly) abusive. More than you can say for lots of other, seemingly more popular, 9/11 truth sites I could name.
