Extending the discussion further
The root organization behind 9-11 is very hard to tease out. Although investigations by truthers to date have pointed strongly at US Government and Israeli Government involvement. It is inadequate analysis to take the public pronouncements of either state on their motivations and actions and to analyze solely within that context.
9-11 was not the deed of a regular state acting in it's own interest. What we see of a state, led by a president or an Prime Minister and their cabinet, and supported by legislators or parliament likely did not plan and execute 9-11.
A shadow government and in 9-11's case, a shadow multinational organization likely was responsible for this event. 9-11 and related events around it transcend what a normal government can do. It crosses governments within a state (Bush-Obama, Olmert-Netanyahu) and across states.
With the exception of a handful, almost all states are silent about 9-11, even if truthers have unearthed that it is a farce, a charade, with truthers meager
resources. It is likely some states know this by now, but choose to remain silent given their interests and for others, perhaps their complicity.
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