juandelacruz's picture

Hi G,My concern with this

Hi G,

My concern with this article is that it may be the start of an effort to weave new myths to protect these Mossad spies. It may be part of the operation to clean out the loose ends. In this case they do not have to bury these spies 6 feet under. They are instead painting a new picture of how Israel was really just innocent bystanders when 9-11 took place. Not that that was not being done all the time, but the capture of the Mossad agents was really a slip up in the operation. It was a sore thumb that sticks out on what happened that day. This article however starts to paint over that picture, making the Israeli's have a more innocent appearance. Though it won't fool you and me, 20 years down the road, if you have kids or grand kids researching 9-11, they will come across this and think, there was a perfectly logical explanation for why there were Mossad filming WTC that morning. They were really spying on the bad Arab men.
