gretavo's picture

probably only the people... whom it's being sold, that is Jewish Americans, and probably not all of them. Did Time, Newsweek, USNews, the NYT, WashPo, or any other mainstream outlet follow this story? How much does anyone want to bet that if the five had been Saudi, Pakistani, Lybian, Jordanian, Lebanese, Turkish, or Iranian the story would have been front page new for weeks while pundits and analysts spent hours and hours on the tube and inches and inches of copy giving their opinion as to what this means for US/[country] relations, how there is "mounting international pressure for [country A's leader] to come clean", etc.? The reason I gather the Forward published it was so that their mainly Jewish readers would know what the facts were and be reassured that while some *anti-semites* might be making hash of it, it was much ado over nothing--that while it looked shady at first glance, there was a perfectly reasonable explanation--they were in the U.S. tracking Muslim terrorists! Because, you know, while America is a free country and we have laws against the Government spying on the People, those laws clearly do *not* make it illegal for other countries' Governments (specifically intelligence agencies) to do so. And if their targets *are* muslim terrorists (as they assure us despite a long history of evidence that their main target is military research and hardware,) then we surely owe them a debt of gratitude, not the harsh treatment the writer tells us the 5 were forced to endure.

I frankly can't put too much blame here on the Forward. They reported on a super sensitive topic knowing that anyone, not just their regular readers, would read it. More at fault are the government itself and the mass media, neither of whom has a shred of an excuse for not making this information better known among the public.

We would go on to base our false case against Saddam Hussein on classified intelligence received from as yet unnamed foreign governments. If the public knew all the important facts about what happened on 9/11 they may actually want to know if the Dancing Israelis were sent to us by the same government that sent Douglas Feith all that bogus intel.
