Can nanothermite be made explosive? Who cares?
The WTC demolitions appear to have involved some type of thermite (that produces substantial amounts of molten iron) and some kind of explosive, likely a very stable one that would not detonate from shock or extreme temperatures. Arguing about the properties of something that may or may not have been used when it's clear that the real issue is what was done, not how it was done, is a monumental waste of time or worse. We know it was done, we can show this convincingly to people without explaining exactly how it was done. We can offer possibilities that are supported by more than Steven Jones' say so.
Previously molten iron (and other metal) rich spheres cited in various mainstream reports, some of them from the US government (meaning the findings are public record.)
Strong circumstancial evidence for the presence of *some* type of explosives including physics analyses like David Chandler's and the many eyewitness accounts in media interviews on the scene as well as those collected by the FDNY that state unequivocally that explosions were going off all over the the twin towers and building 7 before anything "collapsed".
The "red/gray chips", or nanothermite, are almost certainly a trap. Seemingly bulletproof evidence not only of a smoking gun, but as Niels Harrit likes to put it in his media appearances, a "loaded gun". In the sense of being likely to blow up in the truth movement's face, Prof. Harrit is correct--a high profile media circus involving "the truthers' best evidence", the nanothermite discovered by Steven Jones, complete with an as yet unforeseen debunking (perhaps a giant cache of WTC dust that shows no red gray chips, as if those could all be easily removed given how prevalent they were in Jones' small samples) and an exposé on Jones' kookier past work and recent comments in support of Glenn Beck might be in the cards. This would be designed to hamper the efforts of the real truth movement (those of us who will be doing outreach in public over the next several months) which will be well advised to be ready to deal with the nanothermite fallout.
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