
jameson's picture


"Wouldn't it be simple if 'official sources' never made mistakes, if TV, WWW & newspapers contained only unbiased presentations of the truth? Wikipedia+ is a tool for those of us who know that life is not that simple."

gretavo's picture

RIP Professor Lynn Margulis, 1938-2011

gretavo's picture

Sarkozy to Obama: Netanyahu is a Liar

Note Obama's reply, that he has to deal with Netanyahu "every day." Orly?

French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "liar" in remarks to US President Barack Obama overheard by journalists.

"I can't stand him any more, he's a liar," Mr Sarkozy said in French.

"You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day," Mr Obama replied.

The exchange at the G20 summit was quoted by a French website, Arret sur Images, and confirmed by other media.

juandelacruz's picture

Dr. Richard Muller shills for 9-11 and Global Warming

What a coincidence, Dr. Richard Muller, Professor of Physics at the University of California at Berkeley is lying about global warming and at the same time lying about 9-11.

References below:

gretavo's picture

More BS Drama From William Rodriguez?

It sure sounds like he is the unnamed "hero". What on earth does he carry around a "Fugitive Recovery Agent" badge for? Is he, in addition to being a magician, janitor, and assistant to James (JREF) Randi, a bounty hunter?

gretavo's picture

David Griffin's Newest Book a Worthwhile Addition

casseia's picture

A new "theory" about Tower explosions...

The interesting thing about this article is its admission that the destruction was in fact explosive in nature. Other than that, it's the bullshitiest thing since "the Towers had demolition devices built into them."

PARIS — A mix of sprinkling system water and melted aluminium from aircraft hulls likely triggered the explosions that felled New York's Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, a materials expert has told a technology conference.

gretavo's picture

Charlie Sheen to be Roasted on Comedy Central, September 19

Charlie Sheen's roast master revealed -- EXCLUSIVE


Image Credit: Getty Images

kate of the kiosk's picture

regarding no plane at the pentagon,

this email came to my attention recently....

gretavo's picture

American "Contractor" Allegedly Abducted in Pakistan

13 August 2011 Last updated at 07:02 ET

American abducted in Pakistan city of Lahore

An American citizen has been abducted by gunmen from his house in the Pakistani city of Lahore, police say.

The US embassy confirmed the abduction and named the man as Warren Weinstein.

Mr Weinstein has been in Pakistan for at least five years and has been working for the firm JE Austin on development in tribal areas. He was to return to the US on 15 August.

The abduction of Pakistanis for ransom is common and a few foreigners have been targeted by militant groups.

Strained relations

gretavo's picture

CIA not in contempt over interrogation tapes, judge says -

 CIA not in contempt over interrogation tapes, judge says - -


casseia's picture

A Tale of Fake Truthers

Once upon a time, a new poster appeared at a few 9/11 Truth discussion sites. He endeared himself to the regulars at one such board, despite the fact that he admitted to having just dropped out of high school, by toeing the fake truther party line about Muslims and LIHOP and Pentagon jets (oh my). Now he's not a truther at all, anymore -- being allegedly one of that vanishingly rare species, the ex-truther. He comments at the leading 9/11 debunker site.

gretavo's picture

Looking Back on What Was Lost on 9/11 - More Than We Thought?

Mystery surrounds loss of records, art on 9/11
Posted: 07/31/2011 03:04:10 AM PDT
Updated: 07/31/2011 03:20:43 AM PDT

NEW YORK—Letters written by Helen Keller. Forty-thousand photographic negatives of John F. Kennedy taken by the president's personal cameraman. Sculptures by Alexander Calder and Auguste Rodin. The 1921 agreement that created the agency that built the World Trade Center.

gretavo's picture

Federal Agents Raiding Indian Intelligence Fronts?

Federal Agents Raid Virginia Institution That Draws Many Students From India


Karen Kasmauski for The Chronicle

University of Northern Virginia is located in a series of office
buildings in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Nearly all of its students
are in the United States on visas.

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