Allende Admirer's blog

Search WTCDemolition
Submitted by Allende Admirer on Thu, 2014-03-06 16:24.Gretavo,
Is there any way now to access a search engine for this site ? I thought I could get one when logged in, but I cant login on my old password or change password using the available link from email. I can log in temporarily using the email link but there is nowhere to change password. All input boxes seem to have vanished?
I wanted to research Jim Fetzer as he has started commenting at American Everyman asking for put up or shut up.
I have many times missed having search options here on articles I am trying to re find.

9/11 truth best films?
Submitted by Allende Admirer on Sun, 2011-06-12 14:35.A desert Island discs of real truthers?.
If you had to recommend 5 or less 911 truth dvds to someone of fair intelligence to research the subject, what would they be ?

Is 'Unthinkable' -2010 the most offensive hollywood movie ever made?
Submitted by Allende Admirer on Sun, 2011-03-06 21:01.Well, It gets my vote.
WARNING -the following contains spoilers!
Michael Sheen (done great work impersonating young Tony Blair before " Hi I'm Tony")
is an ex CIA newly converted Islamic Terrorist with 3 nuclear bombs due to go off in 6 days in 3 different US Cities, gets tortured by Samuel L Jackson ( The world's best torturer), and despite , all his fingernails ripped off, being regularly waterboarded, electrocuted, and Marathon manned (Amateur dentistry)he still wont give up the location of the bombs.

Technical opinion sought on how easy it would be to 'pull' all Wikileaks mirrors.
Submitted by Allende Admirer on Mon, 2010-12-13 22:09.I read an article today on that I was going to link to here as a starting point, but as I come to write this, the article has been redacted from the site.
It was titled something like 'Professor says Net needs to be completely rebuilt'
he was advocating a peer to peer construction (Like the Borg in Star trek) rather than the centalised DNS of the current web.

How Facts Backfire: Interesting article with relevance to the 911 movement.
Submitted by Allende Admirer on Thu, 2010-07-15 08:42.How Facts Backfire
Researchers discover a surprising threat to democracy: our brains
By Joe Keohane

Open invitation to Frank Ho to discuss his disagreements with this site.
Submitted by Allende Admirer on Tue, 2010-07-13 09:01.Frank, firstly I like your twitter feed site, it has a good selection of 911 related news.
Secondly, can we agree a common objective before we discuss tactics.
Are we working to increase awareness of 911 because we believe this issue is one where the oligarchy is most obviously culpable, and we hope that by increasing awareness, we increase the chances of change?

Is the Movement Divided and Disorganised? :Reply to LW Point No.1
Submitted by Allende Admirer on Wed, 2010-01-27 16:22.LW:
While I agree that the truth movement is more disorganized than I would like I don’t think it is as nearly as divided as some people portray it to be. The single most divisive issue within the movement stems from all the unfortunate speculation about what happened at the Pentagon.
I don’t know if you happened to see my article here
In it I suggest that there is a widely accepted model for change
Change=Diversity X Selection X Amplification
Equally for the purposes of this point we could use the adage “Divide and conquer”

Could website functionality improve the effectiveness of, and divisions within 911truth?
Submitted by Allende Admirer on Wed, 2010-01-20 22:16.There is a widely accepted model for evolutionary change which goes by the catchy title of the Lewontin-Campbell Heuristic. It says that the process of evolution contains three distinct concurrently repeating phases; diversification, selection, and amplification. It applies not only to biological, but any form of evolutionary change including cultural, economic, and political.
Effective Change=Diversity x Advantageous Selection x Amplification

36 Years after the first 911, ‘The Battle of Chile’ finally becomes available on new DVD.
Submitted by Allende Admirer on Tue, 2009-12-01 08:39.Looking for a movie to watch post Xmas turkey?
Want to emulate your success last year with the Dark Knight / Mamma Mia?
Might I suggest the perfect film for all the family this year … The Battle of Chile ?

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